Chapter 12. A Minor Competition

"Tian Yun, I know that you're actually a very intelligent practitioner. It's just that your physical condition doesn't support your ability to progress faster. I could see earlier that you were able to notice the flaws in my sword technique. If you don't mind, could you tell me so that I can cover all my shortcomings?" Li Jiang sincerely asked for guidance from his friend.

"You flatter me too much!" Tian Yun replied with a smile to his friend.

Tian Yun then explained to Li Jiang about some flaws in the sword technique practiced by his friend. He said that every time Li Jiang performed a rotation, it created a gap at the end of each spin. There was a void in energy that did not protect Li Jiang's defense. If an opponent were aware of this, it would be very fatal.

Hearing Tian Yun's explanation, Li Jiang was half-believing, half-doubting. He asked Tian Yun to attack him, according to his words earlier.

Without any hesitation, Tian Yun attacked Li Jiang after he used the sword technique
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