Chapter 11: Sword Techniques

"We're lucky to have been saved by a master this time! I wonder which master saved us; it seems they were reluctant to reveal themselves."

In his heart, Li Jiang thought that the reason the master didn't reveal themselves was due to his family's respected name. The master didn't want to offend the patriarch of the Li family, who not only possessed great skill but also a highly respected reputation. Moreover, the Li family was closely associated with the royal family.

Tian Yun just smiled and nodded his head in response to Li Jiang's words. He seemed unwilling to discuss what had just happened. It appeared that Tian Yun knew the origin of the protective shield that had enveloped them earlier.

They then entered the sword pavilion. Coincidentally, they were both placed in the same resting room. This further strengthened their friendship.

Li Jiang often helped Tian Yun study the techniques in the Heavenly Star Pavilion. Even though Tian Yun had already mastered those techniques, he greatl
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