Chapter 19: The Power of Darkness
Worried about his elemental control, Tian Yun once again stood in front of the elemental detector. He feared that the absorption of the seven types of power into his body had made his elemental powers disappear. He then tried once more to exert his elemental power.

He did this for quite a while, but it was fruitless. Finally, feeling half-desperate, he gave up his efforts. The young man then sat leaning against the mirror, stretching out his legs. Slowly, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to rest.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep in front of the divine mirror. A few moments later, suddenly, a black light radiated from Tian Yun's body. This light triggered a reaction from the seven elements. From the radiance on Tian Yun's body, it was evident that the light was the power of the darkness element.

Tian Yun suddenly woke up from his sleep. He was aware because he felt his body was extremely hot. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to find the whole place had become dark ex
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