Chapter 9. The Restrained Power

"Thanks to the kindness of the teacher for lending me the cultivation technique book, I have successfully awakened the martial spirit within my body. However, I apologize for not being able to fully maximize it."

Teacher Yu Lau nodded his head. He didn't seem to mind the achievements Tian Yun had made. Indeed, if someone else had undergone training in the dimension created by the gods, it would have been very difficult to endure, let alone achieve as much cultivation as the young man had accomplished.

"You have worked hard, Tian Yun! What you have achieved so far is already extraordinary. Perhaps anyone else awakening their martial spirit from the beginning of cultivation would only manage to cultivate at most ten times. But what you have gone through is beyond the bounds of normal human capacity. Perhaps that is what earned you the primary recommendation from the head of this academy."

Tian Yun did not quite understand what his teacher was saying. He had no idea that the letter he once carried and showed to those conducting the selection for new students at the Divine Tower Academy was a recommendation from the head himself.

This actually had nothing to do with Tian Yun's abilities. The grandmaster, or head of the Divine Tower Academy, gave the letter to the Liang family as a token of friendship for the family leader.

"Now you may join the other students!" Teacher Yu said it again.

Tian Yun then walked towards the group of new students who were lined up in front of a large stone. Then Teacher Yu soared onto the stone. It was there that he would give lessons to his students.

Today, the teacher would teach a sealing technique to make the students' swords emit a very powerful energy.

In fact, the sealing technique that the teacher would teach had already been learned by Tian Yun during the seven days he spent studying cultivation. He had learned everything from the book given by Yu Lau. Even so, Tian Yun listened to the teacher's lesson with full concentration.

Sure enough, what the teacher conveyed had already been studied by Tian Yun from the book given by Teacher Yu. In fact, what the teacher taught was not as profound as the understanding he had.

The sealing technique taught by Teacher Yu to the students was still quite rudimentary from the perspective of the reincarnation of the supreme deity. Meanwhile, Tian Yun was able to create a stronger seal than what the teacher explained using the same technique.

It was time for the students to practice the sealing technique taught by Teacher Yu Lau. Each of them held a sword and then applied a seal to the sword's blade, causing it to emit a light according to the individual abilities of the students.

Out of all the strengths, Tian Yun was the only one who had not practiced what Teacher Yu Lau had taught. The students and Teacher Yu themselves thought that Tian Yun had not yet mastered the technique being taught.

"This technique is actually intended for beginners; do I also have to be occupied with lessons like this? Teacher Yu surely knows I have advanced far beyond the technique he is teaching," grumbled Tian Yun, feeling trapped in a lesson he believed he had already mastered very well.

"The fruit is known as the Heavenly Immortal Fruit," Master Yu began, his voice lowering as if sharing a guarded secret. "It is a rare and treasured fruit that can significantly enhance one's physical strength and intelligence. However, acquiring it is no simple task."

Tian Yun's eyes brightened with renewed hope. "Where can I find this fruit, Master?"

Master Yu sighed deeply before continuing. "The Heavenly Immortal Fruit grows in the Forbidden Forest, a perilous place teeming with powerful spiritual beasts and treacherous terrain. Many have ventured into the forest in search of the fruit, but few have returned."

Tian Yun's mind raced. Despite his current physical limitations, he was determined to obtain the fruit. "I must get it, Master. My current state is hindering my true potential. Please tell me more about the forbidden forest and how I might prepare for the journey."

Seeing the resolve in Tian Yun's eyes, Master Yu knew that trying to dissuade him would be futile. "Very well, Tian Yun. The Forbidden Forest is located to the east of our academy, beyond the Crimson Mountains. It is said that the fruit grows in the heart of the forest, guarded by a formidable spiritual beast known as the Shadow Serpent."

"The Shadow Serpent," Tian Yun repeated, trying to recall any mention of it in the texts he had studied. "What do I need to know about it?"

"The Shadow Serpent is an ancient creature, extremely powerful and intelligent. It can manipulate shadows and darkness to its advantage, making it nearly invisible in the forest. Its venom is deadly, and its speed is unmatched," Master Yu explained, a note of concern in his voice. "To stand a chance against it, you must enhance your physical strength and agility. Additionally, you should seek companions who can aid you in the battle."

Tian Yun nodded, absorbing every detail. "I understand, Master. I will start preparing immediately. Is there any other advice you can offer?"

Master Yu thought for a moment before responding. "Aside from the physical training and gathering reliable allies, you should also focus on improving your understanding of light manipulation. Light can be a powerful counter to the Shadow Serpent's darkness. I will give you a training manual that contains advanced techniques for controlling and enhancing your light abilities."

"Thank you, Master. I won't let you down," Tian Yun vowed, determination etched on his face.

As he left Master Yu's quarters, Tian Yun's mind was already strategizing the steps he needed to take. He would first focus on physical training, seeking out any resources within the academy that could aid him. Then, he would form a team of skilled individuals who could support him in the dangerous journey ahead.

He knew that the path to the Heavenly Immortal Fruit would be fraught with danger, but the reward was worth the risk. With the fruit, he could finally unlock his true potential and rise above his current limitations.

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