Detected a demon

[Alert: Your Golden Eyes have detected a demon.]

Lucian’s eyes widened in shock as he absorbed the information. Ah… So, what should I do? Do I need to kill it?

What will happen if I do? I’m supposed to earn points for this, right?

[Point System: You earn points for each demon you eliminate. The number of points awarded varies based on the demon’s rank.]

Ahh... Of course, demons have ranks.

[Assessment: The demon you have just detected is classified under the Revenant rank, a B-rank high-level entity in the Demon Hierarchy. You're currently too weak to confront such a powerful demon.]

Lucian couldn’t help but scoff inwardly.

An old man? That hunched old man?

[Identification: That demon is known as the Ashen Revenant, possessing the ability to shapeshift. The guise you witnessed was a transformation into the form of the deceased family members, a tactic used to deceive and gain access to the urn]

Ohhh… Shapeshifting.

Wait... Ashen Revenant? Which means it needed the Ash of a …

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