Sorin Clan - Vampire Bloodline.

“Wouldn’t you like to step down and give up while you still have the chance?” Carmilla asked, her gaze fixed on Michael, who appeared on the verge of collapsing.

“Why would I do that now, after I’ve gathered all this prestige and morale? My hope is to continue fighting until I can no longer stand,” Michael responded confidently.

“ Even in a situation when I fall, I would still be seen as a hero, as I would have the crowd’s support on my side, and whoever replaces me next will receive the fans’ passionate backing, this would fuel their desire to defeat you, the one who has eliminated the one who gave the crowd two straight wins, think about that,” Michael expressed his strategy with a smile, leaving Carmilla to shake her head in disbelief.

“No wonder my big brother didn’t want me to face you at first, you truly are a troublesome opponent, especially at full power and when you haven’t even unleashed your innate eye laser spell, no wonder he made sure y
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