A world of piracy is also where a world of lies resides. Fathers leaving their children just to pursue some stupid dream of being a pirate, what the hell is that for? Thomas, an 18-year-old boy, son of a great pirate who is Edward "The Terror" Jack. He is now sitting on top of the roof of the fish shop he works in. He has been working as this shop's fisherman for 8 years now since he was 10. He lived alone for the past 17 years of his life. Since his father chose piracy over him, and he never really got to meet his mother, Thomas was basically orphaned at the age of 1 with no one to take care of him. The townsfolk of this small port town took pity of him, and they helped them as he was a kid. As he grows up, he started to know what he needs to do, and then, at the age of 10, he went to work as a fisherman. Because for some reason, being out in the sea is one of the most relaxing moments for him. When he is out there at the great blue, he always asks himself. What is so great about piracy? Is it worth it to become a pirate in search for the great jewel instead of taking care of their children? Thomas is constantly questioning on what drove his father to choose piracy over his son? He is curious about it. As he was spacing out again, the fishmonger who owns the shop sighed as he looks up,
"Tom! Get down here and help me lift these fish!" the bald fishmonger yelled.
Thomas snapped out of it as he then jumped off the roof and help his boss to lift the crates to the storage room.
At exactly 5 in the evening, Thomas' shift is now getting ready to set sail and go fishing. While he still has an hour or so before they disembark, he went into the pub he goes to eat. He ordered the regular, which is grilled beef with a cup of rice. This will serve as his lunch and dinner. His order came and he digs in. But as he eats, one of the locals, and you can even say his childhood friend, Maria came.
"Yow, Maria, how are you?" Thomas greeted as he took a bite off his beef and drank some booze.
"Got some news." Maria replied as she then placed a wanted poster on the table.
It says there,
BOUNTY: 400,000,000 Pendz"
And then, there is the picture of this man. He has a long brown beard, including his hair. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye, and he was smiling, and it reveals the 3 upper teeth of his that were golden. After reading the article about the incident which increased his father's bounty, Thomas just nonchalantly crumbled the poster and the article as he was just pissed of his father. Seeing that man's face makes Thomas' blood boil. Maria sat in front of her friend and smirked as she really thinks that when Thomas is annoyed, he becomes so cute. But that is not what she came here for,
"Thomas, I passed the Navy Examination, and I will be starting training tomorrow." She says.
Thomas looked at her and smiled,
"Good for you, Maria! You have been talking about being a sailor when we were little, and now, here you are, slowly achieving those dreams. I'm happy for you, my friend!" Thomas smiled as he patted his friend's shoulder.
The frustration earlier was lifted because of this achievement of hers. Thomas then asked her to order anything she wants, and it will all be on him. The bartender, who is also one of Thomas' buddies, heard this and immediately told Thomas to pay for the 1,000 pendz he owes the store before he goes on and treating others. The pub laughed as Thomas argued. Thomas then noticed something wrong. Despite her success, Maria looks unhappy,
"What's the matter, Maria? You are supposed to enjoy since you are going to be a navy soon, why the long face?" Thomas asked.
Maria looked at his friend's blue eyes with seriousness in her green ones,
"What about you? What are your plans? You should decide on what you want before you turn 19, because once you are 19, the navy will not accept you anymore as they are only accepting recruits at the age of 18." Maria explained.
Thomas sighed and continued eating. He has never thought about his future, he is just content of being a fisherman. However, the fishmonger, his boss, will fire him on the day he becomes 19, since that is the age when a person chooses on what to do with his/her life. He thought of enlisting to the navy too, just like Maria, but his mind is telling him not to as there is something that he wants. And there is another problem,
"You know my condition more than anyone else, Maria. Unlike you, I don't have a boon." Thomas said as he finished his meal.
Maria looked down on the table as she knew what Thomas lacks. However, she pointed out that there are a lot of navy sailors around who does not have boons too. But Thomas told her, that they are only accepted because of their insane skills in fighting and all. And he also told her, that it is impossible to get enlisted into the navy without a boon, especially in a remote island like theirs. Boon are supernatural powers which both pirates and navy uses to fight each other and win. Boons differ depending on the user, there are some who can conjure fire or any other element. Maria has water boon which is one of the most powerful boons out there. That is why she can be enlisted as a sailor. She is fated to become one, that it is all there is to it. Thomas stood up after cleaning up his table and he then went out the pub while the owner sighed as this kid didn't pay for his meal again. They two friends walked down the town. The blonde hair of Maria is being swayed by the wind, and Thomas is frustrated as he is making his friend worry like this,
"Don't worry about me and just focus on your training. I'll figure something out before I turn 19, I promise that." Thomas then smiled at her.
Maria smiled as she is just glad that she has a friend like Thomas. As the two walked, the fishmonger called Thomas as it was already time for him to go fishing.
"Well, I will go fishing now. Good luck on your training, Maria. I will be rooting for you—"
And then, Thomas was just silent at this surprise. Maria then suddenly flung her arms around him and hugged him tight. Thomas then remembered that they won't be seeing each other for a year since she will undergo her navy training. Maria lets him go and smiled at him,
"Remember, Tom, no matter what you choose, I will support you always too, now, go fishing!" she cheered as she then ran back home to pack her bags.
She is now motivated and made a promise to herself that she will come home and become a great sailor. Thomas smiled as he then ran towards the docks and rode his fishing boat after checking the tools he would use in fishing. The fishmonger kicked the untied boat and Thomas is now on his way to the far eastern part of the island, where a lot of fish thrives.
It has been 5 hours since Thomas started fishing, and he has now caught more than he expected. It seems that he would come home earlier than expected, since even though this part of the sea has a lot of fish, it would take hours before he can catch a decent amount. But right now, it only took him at least 2 hours to fill up 4 crates of fish and other seafood. This was odd since it has never happened before, but he continued to fish and sat on his chairs as he waits for the net to get full. As he sits, he was reading a newspaper under a lamp of this big boat. Piracy has skyrocketed significantly this year, and the navy is having hard time containing them in their respected seas. Because in this world, there are 6 seas. And these are the Arco, Pendum, Linp, Pilq, Kratel and then the sea on where Thomas lives, the Koes. The navies are trying to contain these pirates inside these seas for them to easily catch them. However, due to the rising numbers of pirates and some of them are just on insane levels, they can't contain them there, instead, these pirates go to the graveyard of pirates, The Great Blue. It is where the said route to the mythical treasure resides. And that is where Thomas' father is. But in order to get there and survive, you need to be strong including your crew. Because if you lack guts and strength, then that place would be your graveyard which your body would just be lunch for sea creatures. As Thomas reads the newspaper and drink some coffee, he then heard some loud booming. Thomas stood up, folded his paper and went and stood near the bow of his boat and there, at least a few kilometers away from him, a ship. It can't be seen clearly because of the dark, but when Thomas grabbed his telescope and looked through it, he then saw what terrified him. A flag with a skull and bones on it,
"A pirate ship!" Thomas screamed as he panicked.
He now remembers that there have been some pirate incidents at the other side of their island where the main town of this island is. And this must be the pirates that was terrorizing that town, and now it has come for Thomas' town. Thomas ran around his boat as he is now turning his boat away and is trying to escape them. But as he was trying desperately, he then forgot to lift the anchor. And this is when he knew that he is done for. The pirates are closing in since the wind is favoring them. It only took them 2 minutes to reach where Thomas is. And Thomas just lost all hope, the pirates began throwing harpoons towards Thomas' boat as they zipped down the ropes while laughing. They landed on the boat, and Thomas backs away so that he could at least escape by swimming away. But to where? These pirates look menacing, they hold machetes and some point guns at Thomas,
"Give your valuables and we will let you go!" bellowed one ugly and bald pirate with damaged teeth as they all laughed.
"I-I don't have any! I am only a fisherman. Take all the fish that you want, just take it! But please don't go to the other town!" Thomas begged.
The pirates just laughed at him and then, the one with the gun shot 3 times in front of Thomas and near his feet as Thomas seemed to dance as he dodges the bullets.
"You are dancing good, aren't 'ya?" the pirate laughed.
And then, something big came zipping down the rope and paved his way through the men,
"Oi, let me through!" ordered a man with a deep voice.
The men gave this gigantic man some way. This man stood in front of these guys; he is at least 8 feet. Thomas then looked at this man's face. He has this short beard and bald hair, a muscular build, and a big anchor tattoo on his left arm. It is no doubt. He is Delgado the plunderer, captain of the Plundy Pirates. This man has a 10,000,000 bounty on his head and is one of the most dangerous pirates around the Koes Sea.
"The kid is telling the truth. Now, grab all the fish here, everything, and then bring the kid. We would earn a lot from this handsome fellow. Now!" the captain ordered as he then jumped so high and returned to their big ship.
Since Thomas can't afford to get kidnapped by some pirates, he grabbed one of his fishing rods and then went on to resist. He may not have a boon, but at least he has some fighting skills. One of the pirates swung his arm at Thomas, but the young fisherman dodged it by leaning backwards. He then brought his body back, and then released a strong right hook that knocked that pirate. Thomas was already celebrating by defeating one pirate, but then, a man struck the back of Thomas' neck with the butt of his gun. And just like that, Thomas went out of conscious and was kidnapped by pirates. The pirates placed Thomas in a cell in their ship. And after they hauled the entire boat of Thomas, they then fired cannons at it and sunk it.
"Go to the west! We will be heading towards GrimTown!"
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