"Sorry, son. But Dad has got to go. Be strong and brave, I love you." Says this man as he then boarded a boat and left this little child alone.

For some reason, Thomas can still remember what happened that day clearly. And it pisses him off, especially when his father dared to say that he loves him after what he's done. His father is a menace, a no-good piece of shit. As he was continuously cursing his father, Thomas hit his head on a plank and that woke him up. Thomas shook his head as he looked around him. He is now in a small prison cell and is tied up in a rope. The place was all wobbly and felt like riding waves. And that was enough for Thomas to determine that he has been kidnapped by these pirates and he was knocked out when he tried to resist. Normal people would lose hope and just accept their fate, but not Thomas. He is still confident that he would get out of the grasps of these nasty pirates and will go home. But first, he needs to get out of here and get onto shore. While Thomas is planning his escape, a pirate who wears a red bandana over his bald head approached the cell. He three guns strapped around his waist and was wearing this ugly smile,

"Good thing you woke up, mate. We're here!" smiled the pirate.

Thomas narrowed his eyes as he then looked at this man. Thomas released a one-of-a-kind pressure that made this man break into sweat,

"Where exactly?" Thomas asked.

"G-GrimTown." The man replied as he then ran out of the cell.

GrimTown, a big town that is also the center of trading here in the Koes Sea. That place is also crawling with pirates, that is why the navy have a station there, and from what Thomas has been hearing, the captain that oversees that island is a strong one. That captain is presumably one of the strongest navy sailors in Koes. And within minutes, a few more pirates came in and opened the cell. They grabbed Thomas and made him walk. And as the ship wobbles, Thomas grabbed the opportunity. He slammed his body to the pirate at the left.

"Watch it, fool!" the smelly pirate bellowed.

"Sorry, dear sir." Thomas regained his balance and bowed to show submission.

He was then brought into the main deck, and he was greeted by dozens of pirates. And the captain is just right in the middle, waiting for him. The pirates who escorted Thomas out of the cell suddenly pushed him and Thomas just stumbled on the floor. Delgado then approached Thomas and then stomped on his chest and just stepped on it for a while,

"Take off the ropes and then put him in cuffs! We don't want to attract the navy as this will just be a quick negotiation with our connection." Delgado ordered.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" the crew bellowed as they then made their move.

They removed Thomas' ropes carefully and with their guards up, because knowing this fellow, he would try to struggle. And their guess was right. As soon as Thomas got released from the tightness of the ropes, he just easily breaks free from it. This just proves that his strength training was not in vain. He then began to knock out the pirates around him. And since his crew are around the kidnapped kid, Delgado can't get a clear shot and they were all just pointing guns at them. Delgado then shouted in frustration, as he decided,

"Fire at will!" he ordered.

Since pirates are know for their brutality and merciless acts, the pirates besides the captain shot at the crewmembers that are also fighting against Thomas. And for the young one, this is his opportunity. As he realized that the gunshots have stopped, and they are probably reloading or something, Thomas pushed his way through the falling pirates and then, with the gun he stole from earlier, he fired it towards the others. Delgado got of the way just in time, but some of his crews were shot dead. And when Thomas ran out of bullets, he just jumped off the ship and onto the docks where people began to run because of the commotion. Seeing his prey get loose, Delgado went to the side where Thomas jumped, and then shot 2 bullets at him. And out of those 2 bullets, one grazed Thomas' left thigh. Even though he is hurt, Thomas just went to continue to run as he will now die if he gets caught as he just pissed someone who has a bounty of 10,000,000 pendz.

"Follow him!" Delgado ordered to his crew.

And they just jumped off the ship and tried to chase Thomas who is now running through alleys trying to escape them.


After an hour of running around the town, Thomas is now thinking that he might have outrun them. He needs to continue running, but his left leg has gone completely numb, and the blood he is losing is becoming a grave threat. Thomas sat at an alley's corner that is hidden from the rest and just tried to apply pressure on his wound. He just sat there and rested and was thinking about if what he di was a mistake or not. Because he just successfully pissed off a person who has a high bounty, and now, that person, with his crew, are now looking for him so that they can kill him. As Thomas was resting, he then unconsciously looked at the sky, and there he saw what he doesn't want to. Delgado was flying up there and was blocking the sun and has this mad grin on his face that made Thomas nervous a little. Thomas tried to make a run for it, but as he was about to exit the alley, it was already blocked by the remaining crewmembers of the Plundy Pirates. He has now left with one choice, and that is to fight. Thomas looked around trying to find something to be used as a weapon, and then, he found a wooden and toy sword that is at least two feet long. Thomas pointed it at the pirates as they laughed. Possessing a wooden toy sword as a weapon against pirates who are going for the kill was ridiculous indeed. However, to Thomas, the sword does not matter, as long as he can kill with it,

"Enough with this. Just kill him already!" Delgado bellowed.

And his crew raised their weapons and aimed their guns at Thomas and prepared to attack. Thomas took a deep breath, and when he heard a gunshot, he began attacking.

With the wooden sword he has, he attacked the pirates like it was if he was holding some sharp blade. Because every swing he does, it was if the pirates are being slashed by a real sword. Delgado is just watching from up above as his crew is getting annihilated by some unknown kid. And another that piqued his interest is that this kid has no signs of having a boon, which made this battle more interesting as he is fighting out of pure talent and strength. And just like that, his crewmembers are all lying on the floor, bleeding to death and can't move anymore. Delgado sighed as he then came down from the air as his crew was just really useless. He stood face to face with Thomas and then he noticed that Thomas was not using his left foot to touch the ground, that means he is hurt, and he would be using this to his advantage,

"Before I kill you, I would want you to know that before I kill someone, I ask what their names are. So, what is your name, kid?" Delgado asked as he is now preparing for an attack.

Thomas believed that this is it for him, so, what is wrong with revealing his name?

"The name is Thomas Jack." Thomas replied.

Delgado narrowed his eyes and tilted his head slightly to the right,

"Are you related to The Terror?" Delgado asked again.

"That person, I don't want to admit it, but that vile person is my father." Thomas answered.

And with that, the ear who was intently watching and listening to this have made a move. Delgado laughed as he just can't believe that someone is admitting that he is a son of one of the most wanted criminals in the world. Edward is being targeted by both the navy, bounty hunters and then pirates themselves. But having an attendance with the 4th strongest is rare, so everyone who comes across him will immediately try and kill but will be killed instead.

"You say impossible things, child! How would a strong man like Edward have a weak of a son like you? It's funny! But because of that, I shall give you a painless death." Delgado then raised his hand and was about to attack.

This is his notorious hand swipe. Since he has boon of wind, he can create invisible blades. Thomas prepared his wooden sword to deflect it even though it was pointless,

"So long, son of Edward!" Delgado screamed.

Thomas just accepted his wait, and then, all of a sudden, the head of Delgado came off and rolled all over the ground. Blood bursts out his neck like a fountain, and Thomas just looked away. But then, he sensed something, he turned around, and this man, wearing a black cloak was standing there.

"I overheard your conversation. Would you like to tell me more about the man who destroyed the town I live in?"

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