Farewell (2)

Millefleur Restaurant, Capital Florence.

“It has been a while Mister Thourne.”

Heisenberg choke his offered hand and laughs, ”Surely you jest, it’s not even a week had passed since we last saw each other”, he said smiling before breaking contact with him. “My apologies if we took so long before we got in here. We just fancied walking on our way here since it has been a while before we had the leisure to walk with everyone with our busy schedules. Please forgive our nuisance.” He bowed which Mattheus desperately make his head rise by bowing the same.

“Oh sir, no please raise your head. I just arrived myself that is why there is nothing to apologize at. It would be very much pleasing if we start to take our meal since I had forgotten to eat my meals before going in here and because of that I’m a bit hungry. Shall we sir?” Heisenberg nodded and lead the way that Ma

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