Step back

Wilderness, Tracy.

“You have to choice and both are not the right answer to tell. HEHE! He’d given you a deal yet you left him disappointed. Kid, you have no right for a deal! You are to obliterate and erase that’s why seeing you hopeless like this awakening the cruel side of me. What if I crunch his skull? Or kill that thing near you? What would it make you feel like? HAHA! That’s making me curious. Oh! Like this!” he looked back the lifeless body of Clinton that made Cygne watch him too. The blood was flowing freely and it doesn’t slowing down. The hole that the black wolf had made is huge and he doubt that even magic is of no use to it. Death power? He doesn’t even know if it was pure luck that he could activate the first ability, Death Scent but to their situation right now, he couldn’t think of any skill or ability to help them. It’s still early he haven’t learn that much about this world or the po

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