Chapter 11| On the Way to Cheng Du Region

"Honey, I really don't want any secrets between us. But right now, I still can't tell you where the money came from. But I can promise you that I didn't get it by stealing or borrowing from loan sharks. I got a good paying job. I got out of the factory. This $8,800,000 I got as a bonus from my job."

"What kind of job can pay that much, Erland? You scare me. I don't want you to get involved in anything dangerous."

“Ainsley, listen to me. Look into my eyes. Do I look like a man who likes to do dirty work?”

Ainsley shook her head. Erland grasped her hand tighter.

“I won't do bad things or commit crimes just because of money. Trust me, this money is clean. You can trust me, right?”

Ainsley paused, she hesitated but remembering all of Erland's struggles working hard to pay for her medical expenses, Ainsley had to trust her husband.

“I believe you.”

Erland smiled, "Thank you dear, thank you for believing in me."

The transparent screen message disappeared and Erland breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you still tired? Want me to carry you?"

"No, let's go home, Erland. I have to cook something nice for Dad."

"All those days in the hospital, Dad must be tired of eating bland food."

“Of course, honey.”


[Mr. Edmund's hospital is in Sky Valhala, Mr. Ronald.]

After reading the short message from his secretary, Ronald turned the car to Sky Valhala, one of the elite hospitals in Sinker City.

He came here to see the plight of Erland's family who couldn't pay for the surgery.

Last week after Erland and Ainsley left the party, Ronald immediately investigated what happened. He was so happy when he heard that Erland's father had been hit by a car and his leg would be amputated if it couldn't be operated on.

"Can I help you, Sir?" the nurse asked as she saw Ronald standing in front of the reception desk.

"Is Mr. Edmund still being treated here, Sus? He hasn't had surgery yet, has he? I will pay for his operation. Tell his son Erland to come and see me."

Ronald had prepared a bad plan, he would pay for the operation in exchange for Erland becoming his slave.

He would beg at his feet and lick his shoes, then apologize for daring to make a mess in the factory.

Ronald also wanted to use Erland's labor for free, so he had to return to the factory without a monthly salary.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but the patient named Mr. Edmund was discharged this afternoon. Mr. Erland has also paid his hospital bill."

"Nurse must be wrong! Operation cost 50 million dollars! Where did he get so much money to pay for it?"

The nurse didn't want to prolong the matter, she showed Erland's receipt.

Ronald read the bill, his hands clenched in anger.

Ainsley, let's go, I have 50 million dollars for Dad's treatment!'

Ronald recalled the memory, he didn't believe Erland wasn't bragging.

"Bastard, where did he get 50 million dollars?" Ronald slammed the car door and got in, his frustration growing. He had left the hospital five minutes ago.

Ronald slammed the wheel. "God damn it!" he swore. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed his confidant.

"Have you found them?"

"Already, Sir, you can meet their group in Cheng Du Alley."

"I hope your information doesn't disappoint me."

"Take it easy, Mr. Ronald, their group is well known. They have connections with the high-end mafia."

Ronald smiled, that was good news for him. The call ended, Ronald started the car and drove to Cheng Du Alley.

Cheng Du, an area inhabited by narrow-eyed residents, they are overseas. As the car entered the alleys, Ronald would find bars and casinos.

Ronald's car braked suddenly as two burly men blocked him through the alley. This area appeared to be controlled by a mob boss.

The window of Ronald's car was hit so hard it almost shattered.

"Hey, get out of the car now!"

Ronald complied and put his car keys in his pocket.

"What are you doing in our neighborhood? It's rare for a Sinker City resident to enter our neighborhood without permission."

Ronald's identity as a Sinker City resident was immediately recognized by his car's license plate. Cheng Du's car license plates always have the suffix CDF (Cheng Du Family).

"I'm here to see Jefrey."

"Who are you? How dare you mention the boss's name!"

"I have business with him."

The two men looked at each other, they contacted someone.

"There's a stranger looking for the boss on business."

"Bring him in."

The call was cut off, Ronald was frisked, his hands raised.

 "I'm not an enemy of your group, I don't carry a gun. I'm here to hire the services of your boss."

"He's clean."

Ronald's cell phone and car keys, taken by force, were returned.

"You follow us."  

Ronald nodded as the two men led him through a narrow alley. Toward the old construction site of their boss.

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