Chapter 12: Making Erland a cripple

Ronald followed them into the bar, where some of the men from the group were smoking outside the singing room. They were dressed in dark gray clothes, with prominent snake tattoos on their hands.

"What are you looking at? Move it! Boss Jefrey is on the second floor."

Several men in suits with guns surrounded the second floor, presumably those in charge of guarding the floor.

"Is that him?"

"Yes, boss."

The dark-haired man with burns on parts of his face crossed his legs. He put out his cigarette, "How much money do you have to come looking for me?"

Ronald took out a picture of Erland, "If you can confirm that he is disabled, I'll give you any amount!"

Jefrey laughed, "Pft, hahaha, are you serious? You'll pay any amount? No nominal limit?"

Ronald took out a blank check, "You can write the amount yourself. But if this plan fails, until the police find out. You will die."

"Dead?" Jefrey smiled.

"Who do you think you are to hurt the boss?" Jefrey's men were angry.

"Before you kill the boss, we'll kill you first!" They held a gun to Ronald's head.

Jefrey lowered his feet from the table and picked up Erland's photo. "Put your guns down. We can't welcome honored guests with guns."

"But boss?"

Jefrey raised his hand, making his men silent and unable to argue except to obey.

"Just disable the young man in this photo?"


"Easy, I can even kill him if I want to."

"You can't kill him, I want him to feel agony more painful than death. Breaking both his arms and legs is enough to make him the most miserable human being. I want him to live with the frustrating feeling of being a useless man."

"Ah, you seem very vile."

Jefrey passed the photo to his other subordinates.

"Remember his face well, if you find this man, execute him immediately."

Ronald frowned, "You're not going to intervene?"

Jefrey drank wine from the bottle. "My men have enough to do."

"Don't underestimate this poor man, you don't know what martial arts skills he has."

"Are you afraid of him?" Jefrey blew cigarette smoke in Ronald's face.

Ronald's hands were clenched, he didn't like being belittled. "I've never been afraid to fight a fucking loser like Erland!" Ronald was just worried, Erlan had managed to beat the bullies at the factory. Ronald was just in case Erland was secretly studying martial arts.

Jefrey's laughter echoed. "When's the deadline?"

"One week, I'll wait for good news from you."

"Okay, deal. Within that time you must also prepare the money."

Jefrey asked his men for a pen, he wrote a tantalizing number.

"This is the amount you have to prepare."

Ronald looked at the check, his expression disturbed. He cursed inwardly that the leader of this gang had just robbed him.

"What's wrong? Your face looks bad. Can't you afford it?"

"Three hundred million dollars! That's a lot of money!" said Ronald confidently.

"At least you're not poor."

"I don't accept failure, Jefrey!

Jefrey pounded the table with his bare hands until the glass broke. "You don't have to doubt me, bastard!"

Meanwhile, a meat feast was being held at Erland's house to welcome his father back. Edmund was quite surprised to see the dining table filled with the smoky aroma of grilled meat.

"Let's sit down dad, let's be careful." Erland helped Edmund, who walked with a cane.

"Son, did you buy meat?"

Ainsley helped her mother-in-law carry the bags into the room.

"Yes, Dad"

Edmund sat in a chair, Erland making sure his father was comfortable. He also prepared a soft back pillow for him to rest on.

"Where did you get the money to buy so much meat?"

Erland smiled and handed Edmund a plate and spoon.

"Forget about the money, Dad. The important thing is that we eat meat today to celebrate your return. Ainsley cooked all this, you can't make your daughter-in-law sad because you only saw the cooking."

Erland pulled his mother's hand, who was also frozen, looking shocked at the luxurious dishes on the table.

"Mom too, don't be silent! Let's sit down!"

While Erland entertained his parents, Ainsley poured orange juice for them.

"Let's eat it, Mom and Dad!"

Edmund and Windy were speechless, just holding their spoons. Then, as a piece of meat that Erland had fed them entered their mouths. Only happy tears were shed, they were both happy and touched.

"Hey, why are you crying? Mom, I don't like to see you cry. Your pretty face gets ugly when you cry."

"The meat is delicious, Erland."

Erland wiped his mother's tears with a handkerchief and smiled.

"From now on, I'll buy you meat often! I'll work hard to spoil Mom's belly!"

Windy pinched her son's nose, grateful to be blessed with such a filial son. Erland really loved him.

Erland knew that meat was an expensive luxury for his poor family.

But it wouldn't be for long, because with the help of the system, he promised to raise money until his family would no longer go hungry.


Sorry, because I only able update now. Thank you for supporting me.

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