Chapter 3| $50 Million: The First Mission

The command kept appearing, refusing to disappear. Even the mission completion time continued to move.

[Time remaining: 8 minutes. Complete your mission before the penalty is imposed.]

Erland was confused. In this critical situation, the strange screen kept pressing him. Meanwhile, his father-in-law started approaching him. The man's face darkened, fists clenched, ready to hit him.


A new notification flashed on the screen.

[Warning! Player Erland Colvin, the penalty for your mission failure is being prepared. A 1000-volt electric shock will be processed. You will soon experience death. Countdown starts: one minute, 60, 59, 58, 57...]

With each passing second, Erland's heart pounded. With courage and a determination to defend himself, he delivered a hard punch to Edie's cheek, sending his father-in-law flying several meters and crashing into an antique vase displayed near the window.

Erland's powerful punch caused the vase to crack and shatter across the floor. Ronald, Anne, Brenda, and the four bodyguards stood in disbelief, shocked to the core.

'Has that coward secretly learned martial arts?' Ronald thought angrily. As far as he knew, Erland was the weakest man he'd ever met. Ronald had seen Erland being bullied at the factory.

The factory thugs often harassed him. Not only that, but Erland was also terrible at work, even struggling to move coal to the furnace.

The foremen loved to gossip about how slow Erland was. But now? Ronald felt like he was dreaming, seeing Erland punch his father like a champion.

“You! How dare you hit my father!” Ronald cursed.

Brenda screamed hysterically, shouting, “My husband! My husband is hurt! Anne, call the driver immediately! We need to take your father to the hospital!”

Edie was unconscious, and Brenda was frantic.

“Yes, Mom, I’ll call our family doctor right away!” Anne said, her hands shaking as she searched for her phone. The blonde woman began looking for the family doctor's contact number.

As the situation became chaotic because of him, Erland was stunned, looking at his skinny fist. He was confused. This was the second miracle that had happened to him. His physical strength had suddenly increased.

'Am I really this strong? It's impossible for me to knock out my father-in-law. My hands are too thin.'

“Erland, why did you hit Dad?” Ainsley asked.

Erland shook his head. His body had reacted reflexively.

He had just intended to punch his father-in-law to complete the mission, but in an instant, his fist had connected with Edie's cheek.

“Ainsley,” Erland began to explain, but the notification screen appeared again. He swallowed hard, deciding against explaining.

[Player Erland Colvin, the mission is not yet complete.]

“What!” Erland exclaimed. He had already punched his father-in-law, so what was missing?

He tried to recall, but the time on the screen started moving again.

[Time remaining: 30 seconds. Countdown starts: 29, 28, 27…]

Ainsley was shocked as her husband quickly approached her stepmother. Brenda was helping Anne take care of the unconscious Edie.

Erland grabbed Brenda's arm, pulling her to her feet. She turned quickly, her eyes filled with anger.

“You insolent! After hitting my husband, now you act like a hero! Let go of me, Erland! I will sue you! Don’t think I’m afraid just because you hit my husband! I will…” Brenda's words stopped as her cheek burned. Erland had slapped her. The bastard dared to hurt her.

“Mother!” Ronald and Anne screamed. They had never imagined the day Erland would slap their mother.

Ainsley covered her mouth in shock. “Erland, you?”

Ainsley was more surprised. In their three years of marriage, she had never seen Erland hit or slap her parents.

The man before her was usually quiet and patient. But today, the Erland standing there seemed like a different man. His behavior was completely opposite.

Erland's powerful slap made Brenda's cheek throb with pain, as if a large stone had hit her.

“Erland, I know my mother has treated you poorly! But I thought you weren't a violent man who would hit and slap our parents! Apparently, I've been wrong about you all this time! You are nothing but a disrespectful man!” Anne yelled, helping Brenda and examining the slap mark on her cheek.

Seeing Anne's concern, Brenda started to cry loudly, dramatizing the situation to get Anne on her side. All this time, Anne had been too kind, still caring for her step-sister and her rude husband.

“Anne! My cheek hurts, it’s so painful! My mouth seems to be bleeding? What if my teeth fall out? I don't want dentures! Erland slapped me so hard! He must want revenge!” Brenda cried.

“Mother, don’t cry,” Anne comforted, hugging Brenda tightly. Anne's eyes were sharp as she looked at Erland. Her usually gentle face towards Ainsley now turned dark. She began to hate Ainsley and Erland.


“Shut up, Ainsley! Don't say anything! Your husband has been rude this time! If you want to defend him, then you better keep your mouth shut!” Anne snapped.

Amid the commotion, the guests inside the Thompson family house started to come out. They had heard the noise for a while but chose to stay silent because it was the Thompson family's issue. They didn’t want to interfere.

However, after a long time and the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, they finally decided to see what was happening.

“My God, what is going on?” exclaimed one of the wives of the colleagues.

Ronald, who was about to curse Erland, held back. There were many important guests watching.

No matter what, Ronald couldn't do anything that might disgrace the family's name. He had to show that the Thompson family was noble, kind, and ethical.

“My brother-in-law hit my father until he was unconscious. He also slapped my mother! He's angry just because Ainsley helped Mom prepare for her birthday party. He thought we were making Ainsley work as a maid. But that’s not true, Ainsley offered to help serve the guests with the maids. She said because she couldn't give Mom a gift, she wanted to give her help instead.”

Ronald started to make up a story, scapegoating Erland. He made Erland bear the bad image.

“You know, her husband Erland Colvin is just a poor factory worker. He can't provide for Ainsley's needs. He can’t even give her money. Look at Ainsley's appearance now! She’s not wearing any jewelry. Erland sold all her jewelry! The man makes my sister suffer!”

“Ronald, what are you saying! That’s not true! Erland never...” Ainsley tried to defend her husband, but Ronald immediately snapped at her.

“Stop defending your husband, Ainsley! Just because you love him! You're blind and can't see the wrongs your husband has done to our family! I’m tired of covering up your husband's rudeness!”

The guests began to be influenced, deafening their ears to Ainsley's defense. They started to view Erland as a rude, ungrateful man, a son-in-law who didn't appreciate the Thompson family's kindness.

While everyone began to scorn Erland as a jerk, a worthless son-in-law, and a poor man, Erland didn't care. What he cared about now was the blue transparent screen that had just appeared.

[Congratulations, player Erland Colvin. You have successfully completed the mission in fourteen minutes and fifty seconds. The reward for your mission success will be transferred. $50 million will be deposited into your bank account. Please check your balance and enjoy the money. Until the next mission, the system will automatically be deactivated.]

In an instant, the screen disappeared after delivering the message.

Erland stood still, digesting the information. A few seconds later, he snapped out of it and looked at his wife.

Erland ran and grabbed Ainsley's hand.

“Honey! We need to go to the bank now! I’ve got $50 million!”

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