Chapter 4 | I Promise I Won't Let My Wife Suffer Anymore

“What did he say? He got 50 million dollars?” Ronald suppressed his laughter. 

“Ainsley, your husband must be dreaming. Where would he get 50 million dollars from? Who would lend him that much money? And if anyone did, it must be a loan shark. Your husband has a small salary; it would take a lifetime to pay off that debt. Ainsley, I feel so sorry for you. Your life will only get harder with loan sharks chasing you.” 

Everyone joined in mocking Erland. Colleagues, officials, and the Thompson family business clients laughed at Erland's foolishness. 

“Hahaha, he must be out of his mind,” they jeered. 

Erland didn’t care; he held his wife’s hand. “Honey, let’s go!” 

Ronald, filled with anger, saw Ainsley and Erland heading out.

“Stop! You can’t just leave like that! You both have to take responsibility! My father and mother are hurt because of you two!” Ronald shouted, intending to chase after them. 

“Ronald, I’ve contacted our family doctor!” Anne exclaimed. Ronald was furious, but seeing his father’s worrying condition, he held back. 

Erland and Ainsley had left. They were out of his reach.

“Just you wait, Erland. I’ll report you to the police!” Ronald fumed. 

After leaving the Thompson family home, Erland's scooter moved towards the nearest ATM. Erland’s phone rang; it was a call from the hospital. He parked his scooter in front of a small closed bank. 

He hoped the 50 million dollars was real. Erland couldn’t answer his mother's call right now; he had to check his bank account balance immediately. 

Ainsley, seeing him in such a hurry, remained silent and followed. She wanted to ask if the 50 million dollars was really from a loan shark or if he was lying to escape from the Thompson family house. 

“Honey, please wait here for a moment. If Mom calls, tell her I’m trying to get the money!” Erland rushed into the ATM of Manhata Bank to check his balance. He was very nervous as he entered his PIN. 

[Continue to check account balance?

Erland pressed the confirm button. Within minutes, his account balance appeared. His eyes widened in disbelief. 

“Fifty million dollars! It’s really fifty million dollars!” Erland immediately called his wife. 

Luckily, the ATM was quiet, and they were the only ones there.

“Honey! Call Mom again! Tell her to send the hospital’s account number! I’ll transfer the money for Dad’s leg surgery now!” 

Ainsley, who was a little bit confused, just compiled. She called Windy, whose call had been rejected earlier.

Erland smiled, the strange transparent screen had really given him money after completing the mission. 

“Hello, Mom.” 

“Ainsley, do you have Erland’s phone? Where is he?” 

“He’s here with me, Mom. We’ve got 50 million dollars for Dad’s surgery. Erland said you need to send the hospital’s account number. We’ll transfer the money.” 

“Ainsley, is this true?” Ainsley reassured her. She guessed her mother-in-law was crying, as she could hear the woman’s hoarse voice.

“Thank goodness, I’m so relieved.” 

“I’m happy too, Mom. Don’t worry now, Dad will be fine. Erland and I will head to the hospital after we transfer the money.” “

"Yes, dear, I understand. Be careful and drive safely. There’s no need to rush; I’ll handle the hospital administration.” 


Three minutes after the call ended, the hospital's account number was sent. Erland quickly transferred the 50 million dollars for the surgery. 

He printed the transfer receipt. Erland held the proof of payment with gratitude.

Finally, he could save his father from disability. If that strange screen hadn’t appeared tonight, he wouldn’t know where to get the money. Erland might have recklessly borrowed from loan sharks or sold his kidney. 

“It’s all done now, Honey. My Dad will be saved.” 

“Yes.” Ainsley initially didn’t know her father-in-law had an accident because she was busy serving at the Thompson family home. Ainsley feared misfortune would befall her father-in-law. But it seemed God had helped them. 

After transferring the operation funds, Erland felt thirsty and decided to rest for a bit. He sat in front of a vending machine, inserted two coins to buy a refreshing drink. 


Erland turned, looking into the beautiful eyes of the woman who had been by his side all this time. 

“Where did you get that money from?” 

Erland was silent for a while. Should he be honest that the money was a reward for completing a mission given by a flashing screen? 

“I got it from a friend,” Erland stammered. 

It would be absurd to talk about the unbelievable things that had happened to him earlier. Erland worried Ainsley would think he was crazy for making up a fantasy story like a video game. 

“A friend?” 

“Yes, a very good friend. We went to school together. He’s successful now, and when he heard about my struggles, he offered help. We were very close; I often helped him with his studies.” 

Ainsley smiled, seemingly convinced. Erland was relieved his wife didn’t suspect anything.

“He must be very generous. Fifty million dollars is not a small amount. Honey, your friend is very wise. You must not betray him. When we are no longer struggling, you must remember his kindness.” 

Erland nodded awkwardly. 

“May I know his name?” 

“His name is, um___” Erland scratched his head. Oh no, he didn’t expect Ainsley to ask his friend’s name. Erland was just making it up. He didn’t have any rich friends. 

In fact, he was always bullied for being poor. No wealthy man wanted to befriend him. Erland had attended an elite private school on a scholarship. He was very smart, which made the teachers like him. 

Unfortunately, he could only finish high school. He couldn’t continue to college due to financial issues. Erland couldn’t stand seeing his parents toil as laborers to make ends meet. 

Moreover, the debts his family had to bear were enormous. Those debts were left by his older brother Harry, a real scoundrel. He was a gambler, heavy drinker, and thief. Every day, his actions brought trouble to Erland’s parents. 

“Honey, we need to go to the hospital now.” 

Lost in thought, Ainsley eventually forgot about asking for his friend’s name. 

Erland sighed in relief. “Let’s go.” 

Erland got on his scooter, with Ainsley holding on tightly from behind. Erland’s heart raced; even after being married for quite some time, Ainsley always managed to make his heart flutter. His love for Ainsley grew every day, never fading. 

Dark clouds began to gather, and Erland knew it would rain. If they didn’t hurry to the hospital, they would get soaked.

Ainsley’s health was weak due to heart failure. She shouldn’t get wet at night. But since his scooter was very slow, they would likely be late reaching the hospital. If only he had a car, it would be different. 

“Honey, I promise I’ll work hard so I can buy you a car one day.” 

Ainsley coughed, her chest throbbing with pain. “You are indeed a hardworking man.” 

‘Ainsley, I will give you a decent life, so you won’t suffer anymore,’ Erland vowed silently.

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