Chapter 5 | Daily Mission

Erland's father's surgery was successful. Now, Edmund is undergoing treatment. The doctor has asked Edmund to stay in the hospital until the stitches from the surgery dry up.

"I'm sorry for being a burden to you,” said Edmund to his son, Erland.

"What are you talking about, Dad? It's my duty as a son to be devoted to you. Your recovery is the most important thing to me now."

Edmund's wrinkled hand touched his son's head, gently stroking it.

Windy and Ainsley entered, both women carrying a basket of apples.

"Dear, why are you forcing yourself to sit? Just lie down," said Windy to his husband.

Edmund looked at the basket of fresh apples. Something was bothering him—where did his family get so much money from? After paying the $50 million surgery bill, his wife still had money left to buy him apples, which were very expensive.

"Honey, can we talk privately?" asked Edmund to his wife.

Windy glanced at her son and daughter-in-law. 

Erland stood up first, "Ainsley and I will go to the pharmacy to get Dad's medicine."

Ainsley smiled and kissed her mother-in-law's cheek. "Mom, please take care of Dad," Ainsley said as she left.

Edmund leaned back, his legs still stiff and difficult to move. "Honey, where did our son get that much money?"

Windy was silent for a moment. "Ainsley said that Erland's friend lent him the money."

"A friend? Who?"

Edmund was confused. To his knowledge, his son never brought friends home. In the past, Edmund had even heard that his son was bullied at school. Erland was ostracized by his classmates.

"I don't know either, dear. Erland didn't mention a name."

"I hope he's not lying. Our debt has piled up, and I don't want Erland borrowing money from loan sharks. Fifty million dollars is not a small amount."

Windy was worried about her husband's words. She held Edmund's hand tightly, praying that their fears would not come true.

"My dear."


"Erland has endured so much suffering. He helped us pay off Harry's debts. His wife is also ill. I don't want to add to his burden."

Windy nodded, wiping her eyes that were wet with tears. Her heart ached remembering Erland's suffering. She felt even more sorrowful recalling her eldest son Harry's gambling habit.

Harry disappeared, running away from home after leaving a mountain of debt to loan sharks, making Erland and his parents responsible for it.

"Don't cry."

"I just remembered Harry. It's been five years since he left home. I worry about what has happened to our son out there. I fear he might be experiencing something terrible."

Meanwhile, the pharmacy was very crowded, and Erland had to wait in line. He sat calmly, holding his wife's hand.

"Oh my! It's him again."

"Remember? He's the one who tried to pay for the surgery in installments."

"Does he think this hospital is a bank with a credit system? Poor thing, he probably wants to pay for the medicine in installments too."

Erland remained silent, ignoring them. Only when his father's name was called did he stand up.

"Don't give him the medicine unless it's fully paid for."

The pharmacist serving Erland smiled thinly. "Sorry ma'am, but Mr. Erland has already paid in full. Even his father's surgery bill was paid in full. No credit system like you gossiped about."

"What?! Paid in full?" The faces of the five women darkened with embarrassment.

The pharmacist serving Erland smiled kindly. Erland thanked him, and the women fell silent, feeling defeated.

Two days later, Edmund's condition started to improve. However, the doctor still did not allow him to go home. Wendy continued to stay at the hospital, leaving Erland and his wife in charge of the house.

While at home, Erland thought about one thing—the system.

It had been a long time since Erland had seen that strange screen.

Honestly, he was waiting for it, wanting to confirm something. He read references from comics and fantasy novels about game-like events that happened to him.

"Appear!" Erland closed his eyes and extended his hand forward. He mimicked a scene from the most popular online game about the system.

"Still nothing?" Erland turned his head, hoping the screen was hiding behind his body.

"Come out! Boom! Explode!" Erland looked like a madman, shouting and striking ridiculous poses. He stretched out his arms, did somersaults, jumped up and down, even lifted his legs up while his head was down. He resembled a monkey swinging from a tree.

"System appear! System come out! System, I'm calling you!"

It was all in vain; his efforts were fruitless. Erland gave up, unsuccessful. His bedroom door opened, and his wife Ainsley entered with a plate of fried rice.

"My husband, what are you doing?"

"Ainsley!" Erland panicked, his face turning pale. He realized his body was still in a ridiculous position, like a monkey.

"Honey, I was just! Uhm…!"


Erland fell forward, exposing his buttocks. He was extremely embarrassed, especially since his yellow striped underwear was visible. Ainsley chuckled softly, making Erland want to bury his face in the ground to hide.

"I brought you breakfast," Ainsley said.

Erland scratched his head, now sitting properly. He watched as Ainsley placed the plate in front of him.

"You need to eat a lot to stay healthy."

Erland was silent, looking at the simple fried rice without any sides. He gazed at Ainsley's beautiful face, appreciating her sincere effort.

"We're out of eggs, so I could only make you fried rice."

Erland laughed. Ainsley was indeed a devoted wife. She never asked for extra money for groceries, always making do with what was available.

Even though Erland often gave her less money for groceries because his salary had to cover other needs, Ainsley never complained.

"Hahaha honey, your fried rice is delicious! Even without eggs, I love it! Your hands are magical because they can cook such tasty food! Honey, do you have magic in your hands?"

Ainsley smiled. "For sure."

Erland laughed. "Alright! Time to eat!" He began to eat the fried rice heartily.

"Delicious! So delicious! Dear, you must have been a talented chef in a past life! Your fried rice tastes like five-star hotel food!"

"I just used simple spices."

"No, no! It's not about the spices! It's your incredible cooking skills!"

Ainsley's cheeks turned slightly pink, embarrassed by the praise. She smiled faintly. Erland was mesmerized by that smile, thinking his wife was the most beautiful.

"Eat slowly," Ainsley said, wiping Erland's lips.

Erland froze, his heart pounding rapidly. He felt a surge of happiness when Ainsley touched his lips with her thumb. Erland's cheeks warmed.

He felt an urge to kiss his wife. He began to move closer, but before his lips could touch Ainsley's, something strange suddenly appeared in front of him, separating their faces.


[Player Erland Colvin, the Greatest Wealth Master System has been activated. You have received a daily mission.]

Erland choked on his food, coughing in surprise.

"What!" Erland was shocked to see the strange screen suddenly appear, even though he hadn't called for it.

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