Chapter 8 | 100 Bitcoins!

Everyone stared at each other, then looked at Erland before bursting into laughter.

The workers, including Teddy, thought Erland was out of his mind, crushed by the burdens of his family's life.

"Hahaha! Erland, you're so ridiculous! You're going to get 100 Bitcoins from Mr. Teddy?"

"Hey buddy, do you think Mr. Teddy will generously give you Bitcoins? He wouldn't even deign to give you a single dollar!"

"What does Erland know about Bitcoin anyway? He must be bluffing! Pretending to know about Bitcoin, when in reality he's too dumb to go to college! He only graduated high school! What does he understand?"

Teddy, hearing Erland being mocked by the workers, just smiled contentedly, feeling superior because of his education.

Teddy was a college graduate, which is why he was able to hold the position of factory foreman now.

"Enough, Erland, there's no need to be embarrassed to apologize to me. Stop your nonsensical talk. Let me tell you, Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. Your salary isn't enough to buy 100 Bitcoins. But you brag about getting 100 Bitcoins? Erland, even dreams have limits. Poor people like you shouldn't be too arrogant. You’ll only end up embarrassing yourself."

"True, Erland, you're just making yourself a joke."

"Kneel down, come on quickly! While Mr. Teddy hasn't fired you yet."

They laughed loudly, belittling Erland. However, their laughter abruptly stopped when something unexpected happened. 


Teddy's body was thrown several meters into the furnace's mouth. It was Erland who hit him. If the furnace had not been double-layered with steel covers, Teddy's body would have been burned.

Teddy immediately lost consciousness, his shirt buttons popped off, exposing his bloated belly like a pufferfish. The fat man fainted with a single punch.

"You! You hit the foreman!" they stammered, pointing at Erland's face.

"Not only fired! But your salary from yesterday won't be paid!"

Erland didn't care, his face was frighteningly calm. His aura was fierce, creating such pressure that no one dared to approach him. Whenever they took a step forward, they retreated.

"What are you going to do?"

Erland looked at Teddy's battered body. The man's ugly face was even worse. 

"This isn't enough," said Erland, stepping on Teddy's foot until the bone broke. Perhaps Teddy would be crippled after this.

"Everyone, call security!"

"Yes!" replied one of the terrified workers, immediately running out.

Everyone felt intimidated, even the six senior workers known to be the strongest in the factory were beaten up by Erland. And now their foreman, Teddy, was also unconscious. No one dared to fight Erland.

[100 Bitcoins have entered the treasure chest. The player now has 160 Bitcoins.]

A notification from the system appeared.

Erland saw the Bitcoins he had. If Teddy said Bitcoin was expensive, then this was enough to survive this month. He would exchange it for dollars later.

"I'm quitting the factory." Erland took off his work vest. He looked at everyone there.

"Don't worry about my salary being withheld by the factory or taken by this crazy foreman. I don't need it!"

Erland walked out the door, and the workers unconsciously cleared a path for him.

After Erland left, security guards immediately handled the six seniors and Teddy. They were taken to the hospital by ambulance.

"Where did Erland go? He has to be held accountable!"

"He left earlier, Sir."

The security guard looked annoyed, heading straight to the main post to report. The factory owner, none other than the Thompson family, was furious upon hearing about the incident.

"What did you say! That loser caused chaos in the factory! Six workers were hospitalized because of him? And you say Mr. Teddy was also a victim, beaten up by Erland?"

"That's correct, Mr. Ronald."

Ronald had just felt triumphant, thinking Erland would learn a lesson from those seniors.

Ronald paid those six men yesterday. He had asked them to increase the bullying intensity so Erland would quit the factory.

Ronald had also been giving separate bonuses to Teddy to help bully Erland.

But what was this? All his plans failed completely. Now, his hired men were in the hospital.

"So what now, sir? We're waiting for your decision, Mr. Ronald. The cost of employee treatment should be covered by the factory since the incident happened in the factory, sir."

"Coordinate this with my secretary."

The security guard didn't dare speak further, as Ronald had already hung up. He could only follow the orders of the Thompson family heir.

On the other hand, Ronald felt his anger peak. He was furious because of Erland. His half-sister's husband was a huge nuisance.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Ronald smashed a wine bottle in his hand. He was at a nightclub, spending time having fun with his friends.

"Hey man! Chill out a bit, why are you so angry?"

"Did your girlfriend call and break up with you?"

"Come on Ronald! There are plenty of other girls. You can find someone prettier than Angelica."

"Hush, be quiet. Ronald and Angelica are engaged. If they break up, it will only bring shame to their families. Besides, Ronald loves her very much. Angelica is the daughter of a minister. Her family's background is very good. Ronald can't find a woman more suitable for his family than Angelica."

"Ah, you're right."

Ronald clenched his fists, "I'm angry because of Erland! That loser has caused me a lot of trouble! He hit my father, sending him to the hospital! He even dared to slap my mother! Now, he makes me pay for the factory workers' medical expenses because of his actions!"

Ronald's three friends glanced at each other, then patted Ronald's shoulder.

"We understand your feelings, Ronald, that poor man is indeed a problem. He's not just a disgrace to the Thompson family, but he also disrespects you. We can see that Erland looks down on you."

Their words only fueled Ronald's anger.

"You haven't reported him to the police? You can get him arrested for assaulting your parents."

"Right, let the police handle it. Why are you worried? Put him in jail, and your problem will be solved. You won't have to see that poor man's face anymore."

Ronald hadn't reported Erland to the police yet, thinking he wanted to delay this until Erland learned his lesson first. Ronald thought that immediately putting Erland in jail would be too easy a punishment for him.

"Wait, why can't you guys understand Ronald's mindset? Our friend wants Erland to receive a physical lesson first. Ronald wants to hit him hard. After Erland is beaten up, only then will Ronald be satisfied to put him in jail."

"Oh my! So that's Ronald's intention. Well, that's easy. Ronald, how about you hire someone stronger to beat Erland up? He's just lucky to escape bullying because his opponents were weak thugs who couldn't fight well. But if you hire a professional, giving Erland a lesson will become a reality."

Ronald paused, looking at his friend. Ronald's smile widened, realizing how foolish he was not to think of this sooner.

"If you don't have any connections with people like that, I can help you."

"No need, I can handle it."

Ronald poured a glass of wine, downing it in one gulp.

Ronald wiped his wet lips, his tongue feeling incredibly sweet after drinking this wine. He had a good plan to make Erland pay for his losses.

"Just wait, Erland, I will surely cripple you!"

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