Chapter 9| Money from Selling Bitcoins.

Two hours ago, after the incident at the factory, Erland didn't go straight home. He decided to go to the nearest convenience store and buy a cup of ramen noodles and a bottle of soda. He had something to check.

"How much money did I get when I sold this coin?"

Erland opened the system's cash-box menu. It was 160 bitcoins. Erland ruffled his hair, he felt dizzy. How do I convert these bitcoins into dollars?

"System, do you know how? I want to exchange these coins for real money! Not virtual money!"

[Go to sales menu].

Erland was surprised when the blue transparent screen changed to the sales menu. There were many items to buy or sell. This menu was similar to an online store, except that not all items could be sold.

"Are you serious? There's a menu like that?"

Erland tried to touch the cryptocurrency sales image. A wide variety of crypto coins appeared. The price of each coin was listed in world currencies, not just dollars.

"This is amazing!" Erland exclaimed in amazement. He searched for bitcoin sales in dollars. Currently, the price per coin in the system is around $55,000.

[A sale transaction is opened, 160 bitcoins have been exchanged, $8,800,000 has been deposited into your bank account.]

Erland laughed, if he hadn't gotten so much in return, Erland would have been content to pay back Mr. Teddy and the people who bullied him at the factory.

"Ainsley, we will not go hungry anymore. I have enough money to feed you with meat for a year. From now on, your husband will always spoil you."

The next day, Erland went shopping at the supermarket. He bought several kilos of fresh beef. Ainsley was with him.

"Erland, shall we buy all this meat?"

"Yes, honey."

Erland's eyes lit up at the basket of vegetables. It had been a long time since he had been to a supermarket. Usually he could only shop in grocery stores or public markets that were muddy and smelled of salted fish. But now he could shop in a clean room with cool air conditioning. His wife, Ainsley, is not hot anymore.

Ainsley hesitated to pick up the potatoes, seeing how expensive they were. Ainsley closed her eyes, would her husband have enough money later? There was already a lot of meat in the basket.

"Erland, we'd better return the beef and buy some chicken instead."

Erland turned his head and smiled sweetly. "Honey, I told you we'd have a big meal today to welcome daddy back from the hospital. I want to make a barbecue for him."

Erland laughed. He noticed how Ainsley kept looking at the prices of the things he was buying.

"Gosh, Ainsley, I have money now. You don't have to worry about money anymore."


"Never mind, I know what you want to ask. About where I got the money. I'll tell you later, but what is certain is that this money is not the result of stealing, cheating, or borrowing from loan sharks. I got the money the right way.

Erland patted his wife's head, then put in the potatoes Ainsley had been staring at. Not only did they buy vegetables and meat, Erland also bought fruit, milk, flour, butter, eggs, and other kitchen supplies.

"Ainsley, maybe we should get a big fridge too."

"No need," Ainsley stammered. She was worried about running out of her husband's money. She didn't know that Erland had $8,800,000 from the sale of bitcoin.

Erland smiled, he would secretly buy a refrigerator when he got home. Erland escorted Ainsley to the checkout line, he wanted to pick up another item that he had forgotten.

"Honey, wait here for a minute. I won't be long."

Ainsley nodded and waited patiently. But only five minutes after Erland left, two women greeted her. Their arrival took Ainsley by surprise.

"Ainsley? Is that you?"

"Hi, how are you Ainsley? I didn't expect to see you here."

The two women were fashionably dressed, wearing branded items, their hands and necks also covered in jewelry. It was obvious they were society women.

"You shopped this much?"

Ainsley was not interested in answering.

"It seems like the things you bought are very numerous and expensive. Don't you usually shop in small stores?"

These two women often saw Ainsley going in and out of the small shop every morning.

"Are you sure you can afford this? I heard that your husband is very poor. I've also seen you shopping at bargain markets to get discounts."

"Erland will pay for it."

The two women chuckled, their laughter sounding condescending.

 "Ainsley, stop lying to us. We know from Ronald that Erland is just a factory worker. His salary is low. There's no way he can pay for your expensive food. Come on, Ainsley, be honest. You get this monthly shopping money from Anne, don't you? We know that Anne loves her sister very much. Our friend always takes care of you. Anne must have secretly sent you the money without Ronald knowing.

The two women were friends of Anne's. Ainsley often saw Rose and Merry visiting the Thompson household when she lived there.

"There is no need to be ashamed, even if you cover it up. We know your husband's family is very poor. So Anne has helped the Erland family by giving you a monthly allowance. Anne is very generous. She has been kind to you. Ronald also told me that Erland was a nuisance to the Thompsons. Every time he came to the Thompsons, he just wanted to borrow money.”

"We heard that the Thompson family also paid for your medical treatment. Ainsley, you're very lucky to be Ronald and Anne's sister. They still care about you even though you've let the family down."

"That's right, you should have married a rich man who can provide for you and pay for your medical bills. Not a poor man who is just a burden."

Ainsley picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, and poured the water in the bottle over Rose and Mery.

"Shit! What are you doing Ainsley! Our clothes are wet because of you! Don't you know these clothes are very expensive! They're from Mc Gleen, a famous designer in Sinker City! You won't be able to pay for it if it gets damaged!"

Ainsley looked at her. "I didn't buy anything with Anne's money, and Erland isn't poor enough to be considered a parasite. It was my husband who worked hard to pay for my medical expenses. The Thompsons haven't spent a penny of their money to help me."

"Nonsense! You're just bragging!"

"Ainsley! What happened?" Erland ran to his wife. He was startled to hear the commotion. People were gathering around to see his wife and the two angry-looking women.

Ainsley shook her head and then took Erland's hand. "Don't worry Erland, I'm fine. Please pay for our groceries quickly. I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Yes," Erland replied and put down the few things he had picked up earlier. Then he pushed the stroller filled with their groceries to the cashier.

"Miss, please count everything."

"Yes, Mr. Erland."

The two women, their clothes wet, smiled sarcastically as they watched Erland pull out his dull wallet.

"Your arrogant husband wants to pay for everything! Is Erland's money enough? At best, the things will be returned later."

When Erland heard this, he looked at his wife, Ainsley's face pale with fatigue from dealing with this snake woman. Ainsley must be having a hard time. His wife's body was so weak.

Erland became angry. He took his credit card out of his wallet. Rose and Mery laughed again.

"What's wrong with a credit card without a balance? It's better to pay with cash and take some things you can afford."

"Miss, I will pay with this card. Check my card balance and show it to them!"

"Ainsley, your husband is getting snooty. He wants to show his credit card balance. You'd better stop Erland now before he's embarrassed to find out he has a low balance. There are many customers here with exorbitant balances. Your husband's savings are only a fraction of theirs.

Rose smiled mockingly, interrupted Erland's line and handed over her purchases.

"Serve me first. I'll give you a bonus."

As the cashier looked at Erland's and Rose's purchases, she began to hesitate. Looking at Erland's hefty purchases, the cashier would be very happy if Erland could really afford it. But when she saw Erland's shabby appearance. The cashier started to have doubts.

"Sorry, Mr. Erland, I'll give Miss Rose priority."

Erland was furious, he wanted to talk, but the supermarket manager who came first reprimanded the cashier.

"Mr. Erland, please forgive the rudeness of our cashier." The manager looked Erland in the eye, looked at the cashier and scolded him. "You can't show favoritism to customers, the rules for order in paying are being broken because of you. Serve Mr. Erland first, he's the one who was in line earlier."

"Sorry, ma'am manager."

Rose started to protest, but the manager pointed firmly at the rule board. "Please get back in line, Miss Rose," the manager said, silencing her.

The cashier took Erland's credit card again and checked the balance. When the amount of Erland's balance printed on the credit card service machine appeared, he closed his mouth in surprise.

"Mr. Erland, your balance is $8,800,000!"

Rose and Mery widened their eyes, "Are you kidding? 8,800,000 dollars? That's impossible!"

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