Creating a Route

Asther found all the items involved in his thievery quest. It isn’t that bad because, the people he stole from are also the same individuals who stole from him in some way. Miss Gresinda who forcefully took some of the items inside his house. Mister Daniel who never paid Asther the right amount whenever he sells his harvest to this man. Then there’s an old man named Jell who is still entirely capable with the use of his head and, uses this same head to exploit the teen.

Asther stole from all these individuals. In fact, he did even more than this. Using the memory of the real Asther, the assassin is able to make an estimate on how much each of these individuals owe him. And so, aside from the items that he needs to take, Asther also took valuables from his targets. All of it amounting to the estimates that he made.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is another principle that the sniper lives by. If there is anyone who ever does him wrong, he will make sure that the debt is
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