System Store

Asther continued to go through the area. There is still something that he needs from this place. Something connected to his mission. Specifically, the intel on who it is that hired the bandits.

“Now…if it were me, where will I put useful information like that.”

Asther was just about to make another step when shadows suddenly formed on his foot. At least that is what it seemed at first. This is actually his own dark mana and, the particles of this quickly crept up his body. Reaching his head and, soon enough a new effect began to take place.

Asther’s eyes glowed with a bright red tone. Aside from this visual appearance change, Asther also felt something happening to his mind. He could see memories. Not his own but that of Agathos.

This made his head throb and sent another wave of pain that surged across Asther’s body. The teen was almost reduced to curling to the ground if not for the fact that he’s already familiar with the pain that he was experiencing. It’s almost the same as the on
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