When Gwendolyn covered herself and Gerald with the clock, they disappeared, or more like they teleported. They appeared in front of a cottage on a hill.
Gerald was at a loss for words to express his thoughts, so he just turned around to take in his present environment. Below the hill was the town he could spot after the forest they had just teleported from. This place was strange, for he thought places like this only existed in movies and books. He could see the town wall and gate; the kind of buildings that existed in this new world he was now in were cottages. Far beyond the city but still within the city walls was a very big castle, which he guessed would be the abode of the king. But this cottage was outside the city walls on a hill, with beautiful flowers around the cottage, which helped beautify the surroundings. All of a sudden Gwendolyn appeared from nowhere and grabbed his hands. “Let's go, Mother is inside waiting for us,” Gwendolyn said and they went into the cottage. Wooden chairs were the first thing Gerald spotted when he went into the cottage. A segment to light fire when it was cold could also be seen, and he was in awe to witness all this in reality. He couldn't wait to see the room he would be given to sleep in. This was like an adventure and a dream to him. He saw a woman with long red hair sitting on one of the wooden chairs backing them; she turned immediately, and she heard the sound of the door closing. Afterward, she walked over to Gerald, placing each of her hands on each of his shoulders as she looked at Gerald with her eyes becoming watery. “The color of your eyes is just like the prophecy foretold; you are indeed the last Guardian of our sacred but lost stone.” The woman with the red hair said sadly that she looked young, but by her countenance, one could tell that she wasn't young at all. "Look, you got me mixed up with the person you're searching for; I'm not from this world; I don't even know where I am. A portal appeared and I unintentionally fell in. I'm no guardian of any lost stone. You got the wrong guy. This isn't even how I look; I'm ugly, fat, chubby, and short. I don't know why I look like this now; please send me back home,” Gerald said, relieved that he could finally let out what was on his mind all this while since he arrived here. The red-haired woman took his hand and led him to one of the wooden chairs, where a wooden table was situated in the middle of the chairs, and they all sat down. “I am Calanthe of Bashkor, leader of the supreme ladies of the light, and we are sisters sworn to protect any guardian of our sacred stone. We fought alongside the other dead guardians against the forces of the darkness. You and I being the last of our kind, you were entrusted to me before your parents died on the battlefield,” Calanthe said and paused before continuing her explanation. “I tried to keep you safe, but King Nebeus, who usurped the throne through his dark powers and armies, kept sending his witches to track me, so I decided to use all my powers to send you to another world in a disguised form so that even Nebeus witches won't get a hold of you. For they can only recognize you by the color of your eyes which is said to be the color of our Sacred stone,” Calanthe finished explaining and looked at Gerald who looked like he had more questions to ask. Calanthe nodded her head for him to go on with his questions. All this while Gwendolyn just sat relaxed on her chair in a carefree manner, waiting for the chitchat to be over so they would discuss the next course of their plan. “What is this sacred stone, and why am I the last guardian of this stone you are talking about?” Gerald asked Calanthe, who just smiled in return. “It is said that the sacred stone is like an emerald, which is green, and it helped extinguish the darkness in this world; it also helped in uniting the Gorkazur Empire. Only the guardians know how to use the sacred stone to unite the seven kingdoms of this empire and vanquish the dark lord.” She paused and continued. “You are the last guardian and true king because your father used to be the king of this kingdom, but King Nebeus came unaware one night and massacred many, which led to war,” Calanthe explained and paused for all she said to sink into Gerald's head before continuing. “Your parents died in that battle. After the battle, a prophecy was given that the last guardian of our sacred stone would kill King Nebeus and unite all the seven kingdoms once more, and since then King Nebeus and his witches have been searching for you to kill you, Gerald,” Calanthe explained. “So I'm the last guardian?” Gerald asked again to be sure. Although he had no reason to trust these women, they looked harmless to him, so he decided to trust them since they after all protected him when Ophelia showed up. “Yes, you wield stronger powers than this world can comprehend; all you need now is to learn how to control and use your powers; I have already lost my powers by portaling you here,“ Calanthe said, and Gwendolyn immediately jerked up from her chair in shock. "Mother, you what? But when I asked before you summoned him, you told him it wouldn't cost you your power! You assured me,” Gwendolyn said angrily as she looked at Calanthe. Gerald just sat and watched the whole scene unfold before his eyes. He began to feel guilty, knowing that it was because of Calanthe bringing him here that she lost her powers. All of a sudden, while Gwendolyn was still brooding over her mom's lost powers, the door of the cottage was blasted open by a powerful wind that pushed Gerald, Gwendolyn, and Calanthe off their chairs. When they all looked up to see who it was, Gerald recognized that it was the woman with the black lipstick. Calanthe rolled her eyes when she saw Ophelia walking in with the guards of King Nebeus. “Well, well well! Calanthe! I should have known you were the one from the beginning because you are always fraternizing with the enemy,” Ophelia said as she looked at Calanthe, Gwendolyn, and Gerald with disdain. “It depends on who you think is the enemy because the last time I checked, you and your king are the enemies,” Calanthe retorted as she and Gwendolyn stood in front of Gerald, ready to fight if Ophelia and the guards attacked. Ophelia let out a wicked laugh and shook her head. As she took a step forward, so did Calanthe, and Gwendolyn took a step backward while glaring at Ophelia and her entourage whom she called guards. “I can recognize the last guardian even by the aura that emits from him, but this girl,” Ophelia said as she paused and pointed at Gwendolyn. “I don't know her. Who is she?” Ophelia asked Calanthe, who in return glared at Ophelia and didn't answer. “She is my mother. Do you have a problem with that?” Gwendolyn said with each of her hands balled into a fist as she tried to look intimidating. But Ophelias again let out wicked laughter. “Is this a joke or what? A leader of the supreme ladies of the light bears a child.” Ophelia said, letting out another laugh, and this confused Gwendolyn as she turned to Calanthe, who looked calm and unbothered about what Ophelia was saying. Gwendolyn was now having mixed feelings because she was confused, she didn't know if she should believe what Ophelia was saying or not. “If that is what Calanthe told you, then she lied to you. Before any lady joins the supreme ladies of the light, her womb is taken out as a sign of loyalty to the noble course, and they make sure she didn't have any children in the past. So there is no way Calanthe can have a child,” Ophelia explained with an evil smirk. Gwendolyn's eyes widened after hearing that and she looked puzzled, like she was weighing her options about whether she should believe Ophelia or not, but Calanthe remained calm and unphased by what Ophelia said. “And how do you know all this?” Gwendolyn asked Ophelia, not sounding confident like she had when she told Ophelia that Calanthe was her mother. “Because I was once a supreme lady of the light and...“ Ophelia wanted to continue talking but Gerald, who had been silent since and observing them all, interrupted Ophelia because he was tired of Ophelia trying to play with Gwendolyn’s emotions. “Enough!!!!” Gerald yelled out of anger as he walked to stand in front of Calanthe and Gwendolyn. When he yelled, a strong wave of energy emitted from him and pushed Ophelia and all her guards to the ground. They all were surprised, including Calanthe and Gwendolyn. All their jaws dropped in shock as to the kind of power he wielded; if he could do this without even knowing how to use his powers or awakening his powers yet, then that meant he was the strongest guardian ever to have walked the earth. When Gerald raised his head after yelling, they were surprised at what they saw.Related Chapters
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER THREE
When Gerald raised his head his eyes orbs were glowing green and he was breathing fast with his hands balled in a fist due to his growing anger. Calanthe had to hold his hand to calm him down. Ophelia and king Nebeus's guards just sat still on the floor they landed on when the wave of energy that emitted from Gerald pushed them down. When Gerald calmed down his eye orbs stopped glowing, they glowed because he used his powers, so apparently, they'll glow anytime he uses his powers or his emotions are triggered. “ Oh my!! He is more powerful than we comprehended “ Ophelia said, still in a state of shock as she looked at Gerald. She motioned for the guards that came with her to attack. They stood and charged toward Calanthe and Gerald but Gwendolyn immediately stood in front of them and closed her eyes when she opened them her eye orbs began to glow blue. Gwendolyn raised her hands sideways on each side with her palms open as she tilted her head back a little trying to gather streng
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER FOUR
Immediately Gerald touched the hilt of the sword, his eye orbs glowed brighter than they had ever seen and he just stood still on the spot with his hands on the hilt of the sword.Gwendolyn became alarmed when she saw this and reached out to touch him but immediately her hands touched him, a wave of energy emitted from Gerald and shocked her hands.She immediately removed her hands and shouted “ Mother!! Mother!! Something is wrong with Gerald his not moving and when I reached out to touch him a wave of energy like a thunderbolt shocked me “.Calanthe immediately ran back to meet them, she facepalmed and rolled her eyes when she saw Geralds's state.“ I told him he'll need his powers before he can unsheathe his father's sword, but I guess he doubted me and decided to see for himself. He will probably be having flashbacks and seeing visions of things that happened in the past, that's why his eye orbs are glowing, luckily I know just what to do “ Calanthe said.“ And what's that? “ Gwen
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER FIVE
Calanthe and Gwen asked Gerald why he thought he had half of the Sacred because they had no idea how the stone was split into two.“ Since I remember being a child, I have had this necklace that has a pendant. I found it odd that a boy would have a necklace on his neck as though he is a girl,so I opened the pendant one day and saw a green shiny stone that was transparent, from merely looking at it I could tell it was a broken half of a stone, “ Gerald paused and then continued.“ I tried to get it off my necklace but it wouldn't come out. I used everything I knew I could to cut it with but I couldn't. The surprising part is that no one else could see it besides me. My parents began to think I was having mental issues and so did kids from my school. I was forced to visit a psychiatrist, no matter how I tried to show them they couldn't see it. I decided to let the issue slide because there must be a reason for no one else to be able to see it aside from me. And now I know the reason ““
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER SIX
When Gerald and Calanthe came back to join Pitney and Gwen, they all laughed at Pitney's funny tales about her town, and eventually, they fell asleep. But little did they know that Pitney wasn't asleep but just pretending.Gerald laid down on his mat sleeping soundly and surprisingly comfortably for someone who is sleeping in a place where evil and danger lurked.When Pitney thought that the trio was in deep slumber, she took out a dagger from her boot that had a crest of the beast that Gwen killed.Pitney raised the dagger and was about to stab Gerald but felt a sharp and intense pain in her legs like she was stabbed there.She cried out in pain and her fangs became visible, due to her loud cry, she woke Calanthe and Gerald up. They looked at Pitney with horror, not believing their eyes.Pitney looked down to see what pierced her and saw an icicle that looked like a stake was stabbed through her leg and rooted into the ground due to this she couldn't move. Pitney already knew that th
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER SEVEN
“ Mother, you have to show him how to unlock his powers now or I'll use the hard way, “ Gwen said as she turned to look at Calanthe.Calanthe just glared at Gwen and didn't answer Gwen but instead, she turned to Gerald, took his hand, and led him a safe distance from the chaos that just happened. Gwen followed suit not waiting to be invited.They got to a clear spot where trees weren't abundant in the area, although fog still covered this area it wasn't as thick as the area they just left.“ This is a good spot for training. Now Stand in front of me “ Calanthe instructed Gerald who did as she said without a second thought.“ Unstrap the sword holder from your back, “ Calanthe said and Gerald did just that, while Gwen just stood there with her hands folded on her chest as she observed patiently.Gerald unstrapped the sword holder from his back and held the scabbard that housed his father's sword. He released a breath he never knew he was holding and stood holding the scabbard with his
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER EIGHT
Gerald felt the presence of something around and was alert, even before the beast that had the head of a lion and the body of an ape lunged at Gerald, he also perceived it coming and dodged the beast known as a sibut.The creature crashed to the ground but stood up again to launch an attack at Gerald who by this time had already unsheathed his sword channeling his powers to his sword, and stood ready to defend himself.Calanthe and Gwen heard a roar from a distance and ran toward where the roar was coming from. Reaching there they saw Gerald standing against a creature they had never seen before, but only heard tales about it.Gwen immediately took the hilt of her sword she was holding and touched the crest on it, instantly a blade shot out from the hilt and she channeled her powers into her sword.Unlike Gerald when he channeled his energy into his sword, his energy in the form of green spiral lightning sparks emit from his hands and rest on his sword, but Gwen's sword only glowed b
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER NINE
When they turned to see who said where they were camping for the night wasn't safe they turned and saw that it was Tartarus who said it.He was now awake and trying to sit up but still repeated what he said although he was still weak.“ This place is not safe, it's the territory of the scorpions, “ Tartarus said while in a sitting position and tried to stand up.“ We need to leave this place now before it is too late, “ Tartarus added.“ What do you mean? “ Gwen asked, confused, while Gerald and Calanthe just stood there watching Tartarus curious as to what he would say next.“ This part of the forest is the realm of the scorpion, “ Tartarus answered as he looked at the trio.Gwen just rolled her eyes and scoffed before replying to Tartarus “ I thought it was a serious problem but scorpions are just poisonous creatures, Gerald alone can take them down if they get to us “ Gwen said.“ You don’t understand these are not ordinary scorpions, they are… “ Tartarus wanted to continue talking
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER TEN
When Gerald and his companions arrived at the border between the enchanted forest and the realm of the trolls they alighted from the giant scorpions.“ Thank you very much, great scorpions, “ Gerald said to the giant scorpions and bowed his head slightly showing respect.“ We all have names, Gerald. I am Atamis, their leader. I wish you luck in this quest you all have embarked on because you will need all the luck you can get to be able to defeat King Nebeus “ Atamis, the leader of the giant scorpion, said to Gerald.While Gwen, Calanthe, and Tartarus waited patiently for him to be done discussing with the scorpions.“ Thank you Atamis, I wish you well too. Goodbye I hope fate makes our paths cross again “ Gerald said and bowed slightly before turning his back to go back to the others who were standing in front of the thick fog that surrounded the forest, the fog was its gate out.Gerald barely took four steps when Atamis called out to him again.“ Be careful Gerald, on this quest you
Latest Chapter
Calanthe, Gwen, Tartarus, and Most of all Gerald, curiously looked at Hesperia expecting an answer on how she could help them.Hesperia began fidgeting with her fingers nervously. She was scared of talking because she felt that someone might hear and report to King Nebeus since Grafburg was after all the place he resided in.Gerald noticed her nervousness and instantly sensed that she was afraid of something. This piqued his interest more because when they saved her, she had this mysterious aura around that he couldn't quite place his fingers on.“ It's fine Hesperia. You're safe with us and we won't let any harm come to you okay? “ Gerald assured Hesperia with a tight-lipped smile.“ Okay, “ Hesperia answered him and closed her eyes as she exhaled several times to calm her paranoia down. She tried to calm down while the rest waited for her patient.When she opened her eyes they glowed neon green which surprised everyone in the room. When Hesperia’s eyes glowed, everyone in the room f
When Gerald asked what was wrong with Grafburg, the whole room went silent for a while Gwen kept looking at her mom angrily. Gwen was indeed very short-tempered.“ Ask my dear mother, since she is the one who portalled us here. She’s in the best position to answer your question, “ Gwen said as she looked at Gerald.“ Isn’t that right, Mother? “ Gwen said to Calanthe and faked a smile. Calanthe rolled her eyes at her daughter.“ Gwendolyn!! “ Calanthe said to her daughter in a reprimanding way. She only called Gwen by her full whenever she was trying to reprimand her daughter or express disapproval of the way Gwen behaved.“ I apologize, “ Gwen said and bowed slightly showing respect to her mother even though she was still visibly unhappy about where her mother decided to portal them to.“ I brought us here because I think we might be safe here for now. King Nebeus and Ophelia, his head of Mages, would consider this the last place we’ll come to because to them they’ll feel like we all c
“ You shall not die today, supreme mother of the light. Not while I’m here “ The female voice said but she failed to see the face before she blanked out.“ Mother, stay with me please!! “ Gwen jerked her mom in a bid to keep her awake but all to avail.At this same time the strange woman rushed to Calanthe’s side and knelt beside her trying to cast a spell that would extract the troll's venom.“ Who are you? “ Gerald asked the woman and while the rest except Tartarus who had passed out, just looked at the woman. For some reason Gerald didn’t trust her.“ I am Adeline of Meldine and I’m a friend of Calanthe or should I say Calanthe taught me everything I know today. Please let me heal her, I’m also a sister of the light, “ Adeline said.Adeline didn’t wait for them to give her approval before she placed both of her hands on Calanthe’s chest and began to chant a spell.Just like Calanthe, a bright light shone on Adeline’s hands as the spell began to extract the poison from Calanthe’s bo
When the city gate opened and Gerald could see a girl being dragged to the podium meant for beheading. He immediately turned to Calanthe.“ Is this an illusion too? All these things we are seeing right now “ Gerald asked to be sure of his next move as they all stood ready to fight too.“ There’s only one way to find out or I can just portal us out of here right now “ Calanthe answered with her gaze fixed on King Nebeus Soldiers and the trolls who were just a little distance away from them.“ No, if we portal out of here we won't be able to save that girl they are dragging to the podium. I won't forgive myself if I leave without trying to save her because I am a woman like her. My spirit tells me she'll be of great assistance to us “ Gwen cut in before Gerald could answer Calanthe and Gerald was impressed at how reasonable Gwen was at that moment.“ This is the first time I have heard you say something very reasonable since I began to travel with you all, “ Tartarus said with a chuckle.
When Gerald and his companions arrived at the border between the enchanted forest and the realm of the trolls they alighted from the giant scorpions.“ Thank you very much, great scorpions, “ Gerald said to the giant scorpions and bowed his head slightly showing respect.“ We all have names, Gerald. I am Atamis, their leader. I wish you luck in this quest you all have embarked on because you will need all the luck you can get to be able to defeat King Nebeus “ Atamis, the leader of the giant scorpion, said to Gerald.While Gwen, Calanthe, and Tartarus waited patiently for him to be done discussing with the scorpions.“ Thank you Atamis, I wish you well too. Goodbye I hope fate makes our paths cross again “ Gerald said and bowed slightly before turning his back to go back to the others who were standing in front of the thick fog that surrounded the forest, the fog was its gate out.Gerald barely took four steps when Atamis called out to him again.“ Be careful Gerald, on this quest you
When they turned to see who said where they were camping for the night wasn't safe they turned and saw that it was Tartarus who said it.He was now awake and trying to sit up but still repeated what he said although he was still weak.“ This place is not safe, it's the territory of the scorpions, “ Tartarus said while in a sitting position and tried to stand up.“ We need to leave this place now before it is too late, “ Tartarus added.“ What do you mean? “ Gwen asked, confused, while Gerald and Calanthe just stood there watching Tartarus curious as to what he would say next.“ This part of the forest is the realm of the scorpion, “ Tartarus answered as he looked at the trio.Gwen just rolled her eyes and scoffed before replying to Tartarus “ I thought it was a serious problem but scorpions are just poisonous creatures, Gerald alone can take them down if they get to us “ Gwen said.“ You don’t understand these are not ordinary scorpions, they are… “ Tartarus wanted to continue talking
Gerald felt the presence of something around and was alert, even before the beast that had the head of a lion and the body of an ape lunged at Gerald, he also perceived it coming and dodged the beast known as a sibut.The creature crashed to the ground but stood up again to launch an attack at Gerald who by this time had already unsheathed his sword channeling his powers to his sword, and stood ready to defend himself.Calanthe and Gwen heard a roar from a distance and ran toward where the roar was coming from. Reaching there they saw Gerald standing against a creature they had never seen before, but only heard tales about it.Gwen immediately took the hilt of her sword she was holding and touched the crest on it, instantly a blade shot out from the hilt and she channeled her powers into her sword.Unlike Gerald when he channeled his energy into his sword, his energy in the form of green spiral lightning sparks emit from his hands and rest on his sword, but Gwen's sword only glowed b
“ Mother, you have to show him how to unlock his powers now or I'll use the hard way, “ Gwen said as she turned to look at Calanthe.Calanthe just glared at Gwen and didn't answer Gwen but instead, she turned to Gerald, took his hand, and led him a safe distance from the chaos that just happened. Gwen followed suit not waiting to be invited.They got to a clear spot where trees weren't abundant in the area, although fog still covered this area it wasn't as thick as the area they just left.“ This is a good spot for training. Now Stand in front of me “ Calanthe instructed Gerald who did as she said without a second thought.“ Unstrap the sword holder from your back, “ Calanthe said and Gerald did just that, while Gwen just stood there with her hands folded on her chest as she observed patiently.Gerald unstrapped the sword holder from his back and held the scabbard that housed his father's sword. He released a breath he never knew he was holding and stood holding the scabbard with his
When Gerald and Calanthe came back to join Pitney and Gwen, they all laughed at Pitney's funny tales about her town, and eventually, they fell asleep. But little did they know that Pitney wasn't asleep but just pretending.Gerald laid down on his mat sleeping soundly and surprisingly comfortably for someone who is sleeping in a place where evil and danger lurked.When Pitney thought that the trio was in deep slumber, she took out a dagger from her boot that had a crest of the beast that Gwen killed.Pitney raised the dagger and was about to stab Gerald but felt a sharp and intense pain in her legs like she was stabbed there.She cried out in pain and her fangs became visible, due to her loud cry, she woke Calanthe and Gerald up. They looked at Pitney with horror, not believing their eyes.Pitney looked down to see what pierced her and saw an icicle that looked like a stake was stabbed through her leg and rooted into the ground due to this she couldn't move. Pitney already knew that th