Chapter 10

'No. I can't fall.'


Thomas forces his body to spin and then uses his hand as a toehold.

Thomas success in getting away. He steps back, taking distance from Gary.

'Damn. What should I do? This Banana peels hinder my movement. Although the opponent's punches are weak, his ingenuity is troublesome.'

When Thomas is still thinking about how to win, Gary moves again to begin the attack.

"You're overthinking!"

Thomas moves away from Gary. He jumps between the banana peels scattered all over the arena.

'Right now, I can't go near him. First, I have to adapt to moving between these banana peels.'

Thomas's movement is slower than Gary's. Gary's movement is agile, jumping between banana peels. The movements are beautiful as if Gary is dancing.

"What are you doing? Why are you jumping around like a horse? Hahaha." Gary taunts Thomas for provoking him.

Thomas and Gary's position is getting closer.

"I get you!" Gary does one jump to reach Thomas.


Thomas quickly jumps to the side. "I'm not going to be that easily caught by you."

Thomas jumps here and there between the banana peels with agility. The movement is similar to a monkey jumping.

'Okay. Now I can move around this arena full of banana peels by imitating how a monkey jumps. Next, I must find a way to take down the opponent.' Thomas says to himself.

"Don't be happy just because now you can move into this arena. But unfortunately, this is my arena. You're the one who will lose!"

Gary moves forward. Now his movements are faster and more agile than before.

"We'll prove it, Senior!" Thomas jumps forward and begins to attack.


Thomas and Gary's punches clash. However, the power of Thomas's punch is stronger.

"This time, I'm the better one."

"Are you dreaming, huh?" Gary opens his fist and then grabs Thomas's arm.


Gary pulls Thomas and punches him in the face.

"Your defense is exposed!"



Thomas can counterattack by hitting Gery's stomach with his knee. Gary groans in pain as Thomas's impact is painful to his body.


Thomas lifts Gary's body and then throws him.

Luckily, Gary can still stand properly without stepping on the banana peels.

The attacks continued. Thomas jumps high forward while rotating and swinging his legs.

"Damn! It's dangerous!"

Gary jumps backward, avoiding Thomas's attack from above.

Thomas immediately lunges forward. He intends to limit Gary's movements by constantly attacking him.


Thomas's punches hit Gary's arm, which is used as a shield. Gary can not do much to counterattack. His face winces because Thomas's punches are painful for him.

When Gary sees an opening, he immediately grabs Thomas's back neck, and stomach. Then he tried to lift it.

"That won't work, Senior! You won't be able to attack me anymore." Thomas says.

"What's?" Gary is shocked because he can't lift Thomas' body.

"Now is my time!"


Thomas punches Gary in the stomach, sending him flying backward. But Gary can still stand on well.

"Uhuk uhuk! Luckily, I had time to jump back when his fist hit me so that the effect could be minimized. But it's still a pain."


Thomas is already approaching to attack again.


Gary dodges. He moves quickly with ballet moves. Gary needs to gain distance to build up the momentum of the attack. Although short, he needs it.

Thomas does not let Gary off the hook. He zig-zags forward.

Gary also steps forward to attack.


Their punches clash.

When Thomas does the second punch, Gary jumps high.

Thomas gives chase. He jumps high while doing punches. Gary can dodge the attack. Simultaneously, his foot strikes Thomas's body.


Thomas darted down. He can land well without stepping on banana peels.

"Not bad, Thomas!"

Gary doesn't stop his attack. He goes forward with movements as if dancing between banana peels.

"You're pretty good too, Senior!"



Thomas succeeds in punching Gary in the face. But Gary can also strike Thomas in the stomach.

They attack each other, parry, and dodge each other's attacks. Their barrage of attacks is carried out with high intensity. Thomas and Gary's movements are fast. They use feet, hands, knees, elbows, and heads to attack.

"Excellent! They are just as strong. Between Gary and Thomas, no one wants to give in." Felix comments.

"Their way of fighting is very different. Gary's movements are beautiful, like he's dancing. Meanwhile, Thomas's movements are agile, like monkeys or squirrels." Raihana says.

"However, this time Thomas is superior. Even though Gary can keep up with Thomas's movements, Gary's power is still inferior to Thomas's." Pras tells his observation.

"Have you two been content making out?" Laura satirizes Pras and Vivian.

"Hehehe." Vivian chuckles shyly.

"Thomas, you're interesting. I can't wait to fight against you." Sena smiles. His hands clench with a burning passion.


Gary parries Thomas's punch with both arms, but he is still pushed back.

'How strong is he? His attacks grow stronger each time. Damn! If this keeps up, I won't be able to survive.'


'Shit shit shit! Even though I've parried his attack, it still hurts!'

"Huaaaaa! Don't think you can win!" Gary swings his leg to attack Thomas's head.

But Thomas lowers his body to dodge. After that, he moves low and agile like a cat.

'What? His movements change again?'

Gary continues to attack low. Feet kicking and stomping, then hands stabbing down. But none of the attacks hit Thomas. Thomas's movements are more agile than before.

"You let your guard down, Senior!"


Thomas does a hard uppercut.


 Gary is thrown up into the air. Blood spurts from his mouth.

Thomas jumps high so that his position is above Gary. "I will end this fight!"


Thomas throws a barrage of punches at Gary. Gary can only block with both hands. But it is in vain. Thomas's Punches still penetrated the weak defense.

"I win, Senior!"


Thomas kicks Gary's body so hard that he is sent flying out of the arena.

After landing on the floor, Thomas kneels because of exhaustion. His energy is drained a lot.

"Thomas win! Next fighter, enter the arena soon!"

Dixon promptly orders the next fighter to enter the arena. He doesn't give Thomas a break.


Sena uses the ability of his guardian spirit to blow all the banana peels in the battle arena.

"Sara, now it's your time!"


Sara jumps into the arena. He is the sixth fighter to fight Thomas.

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