Chapter 115
As the performance reached its crescendo, fireworks erupted in the night sky, painting colorful trails against the backdrop of stars. The spectacle brought awe-filled gasps and delighted cheers from the audience. Axel couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude for being a part of this moment, surrounded by friends and enveloped in the magic of the city.

After the performance, they continued their exploration of the city, wandering through its narrow streets and discovering hidden gems along the way. They stumbled upon quaint shops filled with unique trinkets and indulged in delicious street food that tantalized their taste buds.

The night wore on, and the city's vibrant energy showed no signs of waning. Axel and his friends found themselves in a lively tavern, where laughter and music flowed freely. They joined in the merriment, sharing stories, clinking glasses, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the night drew to a close, Axel couldn't help but reflec
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