Chapter 116
With renewed energy and a sense of wonder, Axel and his companions set off on their continued journey, guided by the vibrant hues of the rainbow that stretched across the sky. The ethereal beauty of the scenery filled their hearts with anticipation, as if the world itself was beckoning them forward.

As they traveled through enchanted forests and crossed mystical landscapes, the air was filled with an otherworldly energy. They encountered creatures of myth and legend, each encounter deepening their understanding of the fantastical realms they were exploring.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as they delved deeper into the unknown, guided by a mixture of intuition and the clues left by the mysterious key they had discovered. The landscapes shifted and transformed around them, revealing hidden paths and secret passages that led them closer to their ultimate destination.

Along the way, they encountered wise sages who imparted ancient wisdom, unlocking new depths within themselves. They ho
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