Chapter 131
Finally, after a grueling struggle, the monsters' forces began to wane. Their attacks grew desperate and disorganized, allowing the fort's defenders to seize the opportunity and strike back with renewed vigor.

In a final surge of strength and determination, Axel led the charge, delivering the decisive blow that crushed the remaining monsters and forced their retreat. The fort stood victorious, its defenders battered but unbowed.

As the dust settled and the fort's residents celebrated their hard-fought triumph, Axel couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. They had played a crucial role in the fort's defense, proving their worth as a formidable ally and hero.

But Axel knew that their journey was far from over. The threat of the Demon Forest and its inhabitants still loomed, and there were countless battles yet to be fought. With their newfound allies

With their newfound allies, Axel and the fort's defenders regrouped and began assessing the aftermath of the battle. Captain Ela

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