Chapter 132
With the doubts cast aside and newfound alliances formed, the group continued their expedition through the treacherous depths of the Demon Forest. Axel's presence and formidable skills inspired confidence and unity among the fort's defenders.

As they faced relentless challenges and encountered even more formidable adversaries, Axel's sword and magic became a beacon of hope. With each battle won, they grew closer to unraveling the mystery behind the catastrophe factor and uncovering the true nature of the forest's darkness.

Axel's bond with Captain Amelia, Captain Elara, and their fellow comrades deepened as they fought side by side, sharing victories, losses, and moments of camaraderie amidst the chaos. Their unity became a source of strength as they overcame the perils that lay in their path.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but Axel's determination remained unwavering. They pushed forward relentlessly, guided by their unwavering conviction to protect the fort
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