Chapter 146
The adventurers finally heeded my words and started retreating, their injured comrades carried away to safety. I stood at the forefront, my sword gleaming with a crimson aura, ready to face the incoming horde of goblins.

Jeanne and Alwen fought by my side, their skills complementing my own. Together, we formed an impenetrable wall, striking down goblins with precision and efficiency. Jeanne's heavy swings cleaved through multiple enemies at once, while Alwen's swift and precise strikes incapacitated any goblin that dared to approach.

Ellie soared through the air, breathing streams of scorching flames that engulfed groups of goblins, reducing them to ash. Her ferocity and power were unmatched, a testament to her ancient lineage as a black dragon.

Evelyn, in her sword form, glowed with a radiant energy, parrying incoming attacks and unleashing devastating magical bursts. Luna, with her mastery over wind and her graceful maneuvers, provided support from above, shielding us with her pro

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