Chapter 150
As the dust settled and the cheers of the crowd echoed through the city streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the incredible display of power and teamwork exhibited by Jeanne, Alwen, and Jack. Their coordinated attacks and mastery of magic had brought down the formidable Goblin King, ensuring the safety of the city and its people.

I approached Jeanne, Alwen, and Jack, a smile of gratitude on my face. "That was amazing, truly incredible. Your skills and magic were beyond impressive. Thank you for your unwavering bravery and for standing by my side."

Jeanne nodded, her expression filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. "It was a tough battle, but we did it together. Your leadership and our combined strength made all the difference. We couldn't have done it without you either."

Alwen grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. "Indeed, it was a team effort. We complement each other's abilities, and that's what makes our party so formidable. We've proven once

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