Chapter 48
The demon lord chuckled, his voice carrying a sinister edge. "Outrageous? Perhaps. But power has a way of corrupting even the purest of beings. And you, Axel, should understand that better than anyone."

Axel's grip on his sword tightened, his eyes narrowing with determination. "I won't let you harm anyone else. Your reign ends here."

Evelyn, in her sword form, emanated an aura of dark energy, ready to aid Axel in the impending battle. "Axel, be careful. The demon lord possesses immense power and cunning. He won't be easily defeated."

Axel acknowledged Evelyn's warning, his focus honed on the demon lord before him. "I know. But I won't back down. I will protect this world and everyone in it, even if it means facing formidable adversaries like you."

With that, Axel lunged forward, his sword gleaming with determination. The clash of their blades resonated through the air, each strike carrying the weight of their conflicting destinies.

The demon lord displayed incredible speed and agi
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