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The Hated Millionaire Heir The Café
Black auto drip coffee makers were at the back, coffee brewers both the automatic brewing and single brewing aligned near the prep area, the cooling sound of the Combi oven and the smoking sensation of toasters filled the coffee bar, waiters were in dark colored slacks, button up white shirts, brown overalls with the café name on the middle, moving from waiting area to receive orders, and back to the prep area to collect the attended to orders. A queue blocked reached from the door to the reception desk, this hurdle of waiting impatient customers hindered and slowed the movement of waiters and waitresses as they struggled to move around or squeeze in between the packed congested hurdle. Meanwhile, those who came for the eat out to avoid the hustle of cooking dinner, reached and rested on the cushioned seats set at the far end from the entrance and halfway from the queue at the seating area. Whereas the waiters behind the reception desk hustled like dropouts to receive and submit orde
The Hated Millionaire Heir Conference meeting
Stylish, Black, Cares soft plus leather, ergonomic boss mid century executive conference chairs tucked the marble, steel furnished, rectangular, 15 seat capacity conference table coated brown. Organized in the boardroom seating arrangement, it gave all members involved a space in accordance with their hierarchy. The table was of Italian design portraying the prestige and it’s enthusiasm making many who had the chance to be on such esteemed company feel glad and honored. 110 to 119inch digitalized Sony projection screen, was dynamically screwed to the center of the far wall in the conference room where the esteemed partners turned to face. A well and fully functional air conditioner was at the far opposite side of the projection screen some few inches from the entrance door, set at suitable cool temperatures and modernized to adapt and change with the surrounding environment. A well established Wi-Fi network was set at various points and two in the conference room, ensuring consistent
The Hated Millionaire Heir It was an accident
It was packed, chaos writhed every corner, the clanging of spanners was heard again and again, the banging of bonnets and roaring of engines ringed in many ears, it was the weekend and Big Mac garage was full of disabled vehicles that needed fixing. Chop chop Ricky, there was a lot of work for him to do, from the engine to the tires, every car that came in was weakened, and it had to come out strengthened. He was greasy, sweaty and tired, but should he stop, if he did he was unemployed and his foster siblings were the last people he could ask for help, so press on, he psyched himself. They were five mechanics, each specialized in their own venture, but Ricky had a common and wide knowledge of those ventures combined. From the axles, to pistons, to the battery, to the tires and it’s rims, Ricky knew a car inside out, so it was inevitable that many clients considered him to tend to their car’s needs. SUVs came in, Mercedes drove out, BMWs screeched in, Toyota’s drifted out, it was a
The Hated Millionaire Heir Le Soleil Hotel
White and fashionable grey steps raised to the glass silver handled self sliding door opening to one of the two entrances, one for guests another much wider for the luggage’s, at the top white poster well written in black, accueiler (welcome), was stuck right above the doors, at the very entrance dressed in classical trousers and matching suits for the men whereas women in black skirts and matching tops, stood well groomed hair combed and with glowing faces they would say, “Welcome to Le Soleil (the sun) Hotel monsieur and Madame.” Filling all guests with the first impression punch that this was the best if not the very best. Further from the entrance some feet was the reception at the more so left of the entrance, computers well stationed at specific points of the reception desk, a ceramic cut mosaic plastered the more outer part while a more shady glass was on the inside portraying an eye catching appeal to guests. “How may I be of service?” receptionists would ask with smiley fac
The Hated Millionaire Heir Se conformer Park
Lush well leveled green pinky sized grass grazed the park, cherry and dogwood trees were in patches, clutched in groups standing out like black poke dots on the white jersey of a 3 year old toddler, diverse unique breed of birds nested these very exotic trees and filled early mornings with their melodious songs and sealed the setting sun accompanying the last of the orange rays engulfed by the horizon. Three face painted white, their eye lashes in black, down their lips and extended line drew in red, diamond like shapes cased the outside of their eye sockets more green they were, spongy like red balls they added to their noses that made a funny squeak when pressed, the other two were more regular but they weren’t less dirty or colorful. Whereas the clowns had their face painted, the other two who seemed to be part of the team, were stained heavily from their hands to their clothes, they preferred to face paint others rather than themselves. “I want to look like Barbie.”, a cute blond
The Hated Millionaire Heir The Kangs family
Drowning in the ever plunging darkness, the turmoil of cursing and regret building up day in and day out ,it all changed in a flash, death was responsible, solemnly the hooded black superstitious being who walked randomly taking life whoever it pleased inconsiderate of the lives shattered and broken, this time it took that of a mother a five year old son, sorry, a 25 year old man. But the moment he rubbed it all, just let it slide, he unlocked a beast fueled by ever burning potential that till date has never looked back. With considerable Amount of IT knowledge, he capably founded his own company, guess what the company’s name is… hint it’s the most renowned and successful in the region…mm-hmm! The Kangs enterprise! The man behind it Mr. Billy, be Mr. Billy Kang. Behind that success played an inevitable guide, A woman…Ever had a familiar saying well in this case that same applies perfectly…meet Mrs. Elizabeth, the Mrs. Elizabeth Kang. Of course with ever incoming troubles and hic
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Regina Kang, first born of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriella Kang, marital status married to a handsome every perfect dream man, good looks, good job, stable salary, and most importantly a man with the exquisite bed room skills a master of the weaponry between his legs. A product of these summed up attributes, an eventual rain of four kids, two girls two boys each inherited their father’s handsomeness and their mother’s skin color and beauty. Well educated and with even better IQ than their parents each managed to secure a good job in various prestigious company’s in and out of the country each indulged in different fields of work from machinery to farming. At 50, Regina graduated from a mother of four children to a grandmother of three handsome puffy bundles of joy courtesy of her second daughter which in turn recreated the joy and ecstasy of the family tree. Gabriella Kang from parents, to grand parents and now great grandparents. Even though Regina’s second daughter had conceived and was mar
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Defining herself in her more-bossy feminist attire, one that portrayed her as the superior and more so the woman who held the whip to keep the raging bulls in line, one who upheld her dignity next to her love for God and family. Tuesday 4th, her assigned meeting with Rabrics enterprise on their contract renewal was on going and timely as well, started on schedule that was 11.45a.m and each agenda allocated its own time gap to be adhered to. Purpose being, their company just like any other similar superior and inferior alike it needed maintenance and seemingly their work of line includes the 95% interaction of man and micro-processors cleanliness was key, actually its cleanliness was prime and very crucial. If by chance dust happens to be swept in unnoticed into the system unit surfaces from the motherboard to the hard drives and network cables the Kang Enterprise was crippled. In turn it was understandable that Mary valued the Rabrics Cleaning Enterprise more than her shareholders an
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His eyes glimpsed and his lashes flashed as he woke up that early morning, “Its 6:30”, he whispered brushing his eyes with his palms. He scanned the master bedroom and stared at the hanging chandelier, he sighed out heavily and rose slightly leaning on the bed’s edge. Sam was discharged early the previous day and his wife happily brought him home where he has slept for the past twelve hours. The white thick sheets were cozy on his feet while his vest warmed his chest, his wife however, was fully tucked for she had much lighter clothing and was still asleep. Calmly he brushed the covers over to his wife and placed his legs on the tiled floor, he walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. The orange yellow horizon was magnificent and the artistic brushes of the clouds was a beauty, Sam opened the windows and the immediate smooth cold breeze kissed his face and the melodies of the birds perked on his garden trees echoed in his drums. Amidst his state he was unaware of the ambush
“Meeting starts in one hour.” She reminded her boss, Tony switched to his wrist watch and noted the current time, 9:30 a.m, he murmured. Pushing his laptop to the side he pulled the day’s newspaper underneath the pile of arranged documents, he paused to wrap the sleeves of his shirt nearing his elbows and leaned on the desk to read the headlines. SUDDEN CHAOS, the bold capitalized heading screamed, below was a picture of a building surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks, the walls were charred and glimpses of press caught in the act casting the news, sipping his mid-morning coffee he flipped to the next page. Tony hadn’t been on the loop for the past three days, he didn’t watch the news or enter into any social platform to know just what was on everybody’s lips, however, Tony wasn’t desperate to get slapped by this bombshell. “I like staying afloat. The less I know the simpler life gets.” He ushered his wisest words, living by his rule Tony shifted his eyes from the second page to
She watched as she disappeared within the crowd before she called her cab. “Where to Miss?” the cab driver asked, “Kang’s enterprise.” She informed, the driver keyed in the coordinates in the GPS screen on the dashboard and he drove off. It took about an hour before she was at her company’s premises, after paying the cab driver his needed amount she began the walk inside the building. As her flats traversed the ground floor she greeted the receptionist with a fake smile as she headed for the elevator. Patiently she waited for the elevator doors to open, she had a lovely time with her girl pal Angel but now she was left to ponder her greatest fear. “Ding!”, the elevator doors opened, she walked in and the reflective side by side walls mirrored her reflection, she brushed her purse higher before clicking her floor number. A minute or so later the elevator doors closed and up it went with her inside. Ten minutes elapsed and she was settled in her office, placing her purse on the far edg
Alarms echoed inside the server room, nose tearing rings blasted the walls forcing those inside to exit the building, “Call Sam ASAP!” Rocky ordered. Smoke brewed on the far west of the building, people were still running out coughing, their eyes red and tears flowing. “The fire is from the server room.” Rocky stated, his wrists clipped his waist his elbows poked out, he walked left and right two step and a turn, his worries were evident and reasonable. The fire had managed to spread across the whole basement and somehow to the ground floor, smoke rose from the elevator and filled the reception area. The beautiful inviting arena was now a scene of soot and toxins, “Mr. Sam we have a situation.” The secretary informed. On the other side of the phone Sam placed his newspaper on the table, he wore his glasses and worriedly he asked, “What happened?”, “Sir its best you see for yourself.” The voice imposed. “I’m on my way.” Sam remarked ending the call, “Honey we have to go.” He ushered
Don’t lie
Her fingers thoroughly canvased her purse, she dipped in each pocket but still she couldn’t find them, “Where are those damn keys!” she cursed. After her meetup with Tony Abigail walked straight home thinking on whether she made the right call or not, however it was at the door did she realize she couldn’t find her keys. Normally the kyes were at the bottom of her purse after the tissues, napkins and other necessities, but today they weren’t there, desperate and stressed Abigail poured down the purse contents. She squatted with her legs closed and brushed over all her quantities, once, twice, she repeatedly brushed till she confronted the truth that she lost her keys. Affirmed of her suspicions she packed all that she poured back in and pulled out her phone, she went straight to her contacts and on the search bar she keyed the contact “Sis”, the named contact appeared which she clicked, she then placed the phone’s microphone piece on her ear as the call rang, rang, and rang.On the
I’m sorry I can’t
Time had passed since the sisters were reunited, to catch up for the years of absentia for the other Angel pitched the idea Abigail joins her apartment, incapable of saying no simply because she too wanted the same Abigail moved in with her sister. “You still have your space and the top bunk is mine.” Becky teased, “Well I still have the keys and can take back my bunk when I return.” Abigail remarked, the two friends hugged as the taxi driver carried her bag and tucked in his boot, “Bye.” She bid, “Bye.” She responded waving as the cab drove away. “Morning.” She greeted, “Morning.” She answered, her cream mug was filled with black coffee she prepared, her fresh doughnuts were slowly hardening as they cooled, “Seven.” She whispered taking a sip of her coffee. Abigail had woken up late that morning while her sister was timely and eyes open at five, “You will be late.” Angel reminded her dazed twin. “Had a rough night I’m not sure I’ll make it.” Abigail complained, rubbing her hair Ab
What should I do?
It’s been a week since her sin was brought to the light, “Line busy, Ding!” again and again every time she called, she had come to her senses figured how disastrous her deeds were. That fateful day her hubby walked in on her ripping what they built in shreds, he kicked her out and left her stranded with no place to go, she hadn’t earned enough to sustain her accommodation in a lodge nor enough to sustain her feeding. “Can I come with you?” she begged, the young lad shook to the core was in relief he escaped with his life for most men went to the extreme of ending the lives of his kind, “I don’t think so! Your man kicked you out if you come with me he will kill me! No, I can’t I’m sorry.” He apologized. Was it the lad’s fault he was forced to save his skin and leave her out in the cold, “Hey open up! I helped you and now you leave me! I said open up!” she screamed, constantly she banged his car window begging him to take her along. “Don’t you leave! You b***h don’t you leave me!” she s
First text
His profile picture a large M in Roman font, blue in color, she clicks the back arrow and down below his about, MASONS ENTERPRISE, again she scrolls down and views the block option, her finger louvers over for a second but scrolls back up eventually. In blue silk shirt, baggy light sweatpants, she cuddles her blanket close as she settles in for sleep. Her bed a six-by-six size, she was often a roller meaning where she slept wasn’t where she woke up, fortunately the bed was large enough and tonight she bodied herself at the center. Grabbing her pillow pulling it closer to her neck she rests her head as it sank, her white sheets were fresh from the laundry, her favorite brown blanket a big white teddy bear with black dots as eyes covered the center, she shivered her legs creating some slight heat before staring at her phone again. She turned to her left in a vertical figure her right shoulder facing the ceiling, her left hand shoved itself under her weight and clamped the motionless pho
Georgez Bar
Wooden barrels filled with booze stationed one above the other each walled on the sides within the rectangle timber structure, open on the circular ends one faced the wall the other a cork plugged its hole on the free side. “Give me two Greshis.” The sheriff ordered, Braul also known within these parts as the sheriff, born elsewhere where they wore tight leggings with tall leather boots a metal extension on the heels, a hat with a nice stick like shape poking from the center, Braul settled on these parts of the country on a different continent from his. “We use these to round up those hot-headed bulls.” He praised, in his hand a rope, a thinner bleached like kind of rope, it was much lighter yet the strongest they could measure with, it had few crisps and a rough surface so its grip was assured while reducing needle like stabs. “In our parts every man who managed to cage those beasts of muscle had this scar as their medals to journey with their entire lives.” He claimed, pulling his s