Chapter 87

The food that Kelvin was having immediately tasted sour to him after listening to the scary words that Jason had just spoken. He carefully placed his cutlery on the glass table, his jaws clenched furiously.

“This is some sort of a joke right, you expect me to feed on human blood?”

“It is not like there is anything that you can do, the hunger for it is going to come and when it does, there is nothing that you are going to be able to do about it, you are going to need to feed”

“Shut up right now!”

“Easy there young man…..”

“Do not tell me what to do!!” Kelvin yelled so loud as he rose to his feet and smashed the fork he was holding a while ago on the mirror just over the side. He was panting heavily and staring at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes had turned blood red that he could barely recognize himself.

“What the hell is that, why do I look like a beast?” He asked, his heart pounding fast at the reality right in front of him.

“Which is why I keep asking you to calm down, rage c
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