Chapter 4

“Oh, thanks to our creator. I was thinking you've changed your mind.”

“I will make sure the documents are set for tomorrow, we'll meet at the Prime family house so you can sign them.”

Sebastian couldn't utter another word on the phone, because of how angry he still was. So after his uncle told him where to meet, he hung up the phone.

The wedding day of Brian male cousin was near, and Brian gave an invitation to Senior Nike when he dropped off Juliana at company. He invited the Nike family, and some of the staff members too.

At the Prime Enterprise, he invited Williams Prime and some of his colleagues as well.

Looking at the invitation card given to him, Williams Prime smiled and said, “I will try to honor the invitation, you have my word.”

“Thank you so much sir.” Brian bowed and left Williams Prime office.

Later that day, the news of the wedding was already known in the city. Brian's status made it possible to go viral. The Nike family were preparing themselves to attend.


The next day, which was the wedding day, Juliana got up that morning, and couldn't find Sebastian.

“Jade, have you seen Sebatian?” Juliana asked her younger sister.

Jade acted irritated by the question. With a mockery look on her face, she said, “Your useless husband? I saw him going outside the gate. I thought he was sent on an errand.”

At that moment, Sebastian is sitting casually on a sofa at the balcony of the Prime family house. Beside him was his uncle, Williams Prime, the current chief of Primes. He sent his driver to pick Sebastian up at a spot Sebastian was ok with, and drove him to the Prime family house.

Seeing his nephew for the first time in a very long while, he said, “oh, how long we haven't met each other. You look all grown up already, energetic and handsome. Should I offer you some—.”

“Uncle, please I didn't think I came for all that. Let's just focus on what I came here for, and that's signing the documents. And how you want me to help Prime Enterprise.” Sebastian cut in without looking at his Uncle's face.

Williams scorned. “Alright, alright, straight to the point it is. The main subject of the day. So the thing is Sebatian,...”

Williams Prime, one of the most powerful and influential in the city of Lanchester, feeling the pressure of the company's crisis, felt helpless. He's such a man that echoes with powerful history. But at this moment of his life, he becomes so humble and has to succumb as he had no other choice, given that Prime Enterprise needed help.

“The company invested in the stock market a year ago, the returns were fine for a while until some months ago. The value of the company's investment went down due to the market condition, and it all went bad.”

“Alright, so what figures do the company need as it stands?”

“As it stands now dear nephew, your family's company needs two billion dollars…”

“Two billion what!” Sebastian's eyes were wide open like it was about to pop out. “Well, the Prime company must be really dreaming if it thinks I'm going to help out with that huge amount.”

“However, I have a wedding to attend with my wife, so I have to be on my way now.” Sebatian stood up like they were done with the discussion, and was about to leave.

“My dear nephew.” Williams was not willing to let Sebatian go at the moment. “Please, you are the only one I could turn to, don't bring the company to shame please.”

Sebastian, seeing how pathetic his Uncle was, said, “Uncle, I can't throw up such an amount of money. I'm sorry.”

“Sebatian, I know you can. You're a multi-trillionaire already. Do you want to see your family's company ruined when you can save it? You'll be the sole reason if the company is ruined!” Williams became a bit frustrated.

Sebastian became angry when he heard what his uncle said. “What! How the hell am I to be blamed if the company collapses? Have you forgotten that this family disowned me for a false accusation!? I did my best for the company, but I was tossed in the trash.”

“After what I've been through, I was on the street for years. I mingled with bad people, and barely fed! None of the Prime family members looked for me.”

“I've been a slave in my wife's family house, a whole me. Humiliation became my second name, did you check on me? I felt completely incapacitated.”

“Now, the most influential company in the city is in crisis, and suddenly you want me to save it. Would you have noticed I was still living if not for the company's crisis?

Sebatian felt so emotional that he was already in tears.

William's face changed, with his hands cleaning the tears on Sebatian's face. He said, “Sebatian, my nephew, we are so sorry. We were all moved by the accusation, thinking you were trying to cause the company harm. We didn't know it wasn't so.”

“Your parents had to travel out of the country, leaving the company in my hands, because they thought you really embezzled the company's funds. Please forgive us. Now, the company needs your help, these are the documents. Immediately you sign them, you'll be the President of the company which you were meant to be.”

Even when the company was handed to Williams Prime, he was willing to give up his position to Sebastian without hesitation, to motivate his nephew to help the company out of its crisis.

Prime Company had the potential of making it very big in the city of Lanchester, if the crisis was taken care of. Investments were always made by other companies in the city, including the Nike company, to Prime Enterprise every year.

“You're nothing in this family, and in this life!”

“You can't even afford a bicycle, and you want to buy someone a car. Have you been smoking lately? Were you not the one asking for a wheelbarrow during the anniversary ceremony.”

“Never disrespect Brian in your miserable life again or else, I'll send you back to the street Grandma Nike picked you from!”

Sebastian remembered every harsh word they told him yesterday, and how he was bullied. “It's a deal then. I accept, I will help the company.”

At first, he wasn't willing to help, but then, he saw that this was the only way he'll never be bullied by anybody anymore, not even the Nike family.

The documents were presented by his Uncle, and Sebastian signed them. Sebatian has indeed become the President of Prime Enterprise.

“So Uncle, I'll have to leave now. I have a wedding to attend with my wife.” Sebastian was about leaving.

He was about to hurry out for the wedding his wife told him about as he was almost running late.

“Wedding? I think it's the same wedding I was invited to attend. “Williams said with assurance. “Why don't you allow me to drop you off then.”

Williams Prime didn't want to see his nephew trekking and running home, because according to him, he was almost running late. So the best he could do was to offer him a ride home.

“Don't bother Uncle, I will be fine walking home. And besides, I don't want people seeing me with you. I want to hide my new identity and stay low for now.”

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