Chapter 3

That night after dinner, Sebastian was lying in the store room, but could not sleep. He was not pleased that the Nike family was willing and ready to give Juliana to Brian. Totally ignoring him as the husband.

Then again, the thoughts of him suddenly becoming a multi-trillionaire came. This made him so excited.

“Wow, so it's not a dream after all?” He asked himself while patting his face slightly. “I wish Grandma Nike was still alive to rejoice with me.”

He managed to get some sleep that night. The next day, Sebastian was cleaning the house that early morning.

“Sebastian, why the hell have you not cleaned mom's shoes and my shoes yet?” Sebastian was downstairs when he heard a voice from the top floor. It Sounded like his wife's voice. He paused what he was doing at that moment, and looked up to see who it was. It was Jade.

“Hey sister, good morning. Did you sleep well?” Sebastian shared his morning pleasantries.

“Did you just call me your sister? You this poor thing, I don't even blame you. I blame my sister who agreed to get married to you. I would have killed you if I were to be my sister!”

It was not the reply he expected. He wished her a good morning, but she acted cold to him that morning. She then threw a spray polish to Sebatian. “Use that to clean the shoes, you had better hurry if you know what is good for you, you loser.”

Jade was exactly like her mother, so slim and beautiful, but rude. She was the accountant in the Nike company, and that morning, there were records she was meant to submit on time at the office.

“Loser! Are you still just standing, who the hell is this guy?”

Sebastian was still thinking of what to do next, so he picked up the stray polish, and did as he was told. While cleaning the shoes, he heard the sound of a car driving into the compound.

After that, he heard the doorbell ring. Juliana, who was all beautifully dressed to go to the company, hurried to check who was at the door.

“Hello gorgeous angel, a beautiful morning to you.”

It was Brian. “Here I brought you some of the most expensive gifts for you to start your day with.”

Brian at the door, presented gifts to Juliana. He gave her flowers, not just any flower but the Juliet rose flower. It was the most expensive rose in the world, worth one million dollars.

He also bought her perfume worth seven hundred thousand dollars.

Juliana frowned slightly, she didn't forget what Brian did at the anniversary ceremony, and that he was the same reason her grandpa threatened to disown her. Now, he has brought her gifts this early morning.

She really didn't want Brian to pursue her anymore, but she had no other option because Brian was willing to help the Nike company from the crisis.

“Brian, this is a lot and expensive too.” Juliana could not imagine why Brian spent so much for a gift. “Thank you so much, but—”

“Wow! Juliet rose flower?” Jade came outside, interrupting, and could not believe what she saw. “Your useless husband won't even buy you this, so poor.”

Sebastian was hearing noises, so he left the cleaning and went to check what was going on.

To his surprise, he saw Brian. Sebastian was stunned for a short while. Then his face was filled with bitterness as he asked, “What are you doing here Brian!?”

“He's doing what you can never do, showering his wife to be with gifts.” Jade was definitely a pain in Sebatian's neck.

Brian looked at Sebatian with a mockery smile on his face, he replied, “Who are you to ask me such? You are nothing in this family and in this life. I am the manager of the most influential company in the city and you have no right to ask me such a question!”

The noises became louder, and it made Luis come out to see what really was going on.

Immediately, Sebastian snatched the flowers from Juliana, and smashed it on the floor.

“Don't accept these from him Juliana, I can buy you thousands of them if you want!”

Brian was so annoyed, such expensive gifts, does this live-in son-in-law have a clue of the amount he just threw on the floor?

“Buy? Do you just say you'll buy thousands of them? You can't even afford yourself a nice shirt. You're such a disgrace to this family.”

Luis was behind, standing in shock, seeing how bold Sebastian was. What's giving Sebastian such boldness lately was what she did not know. Her temper rose suddenly.

“You beggar, how mannerless are you that you can't recognize the manager of the most influential company in the city! You smashed a gift you can never even afford.”

Sebatian shook his head. The manager of Prime Enterprise, and he's being worshiped like a god, when he can just become the President of the same company in a snap of his fingers.

“Now that's enough, now you get lost at this very moment. And never disrespect Brian in your miserable life again or else, I'll send you back to the street Grandma Nike picked you from!” Luis said.

Brian narrowed his eyes, he picked his lips unconsciously, picking up the flowers from the floor and handed it back to Juliana. He smiled, “Here you go, lollipop, you deserve every good and expensive gift in this life. And if you don't mind, let me drop you off at the Nike company.”

However, Sebatian who was still furiously standing, made another move. He grabbed Juliana's hand gently, and dragged her away from Brian.

“Don't join him in his car. If you want a car, I will buy you a better one.”

“Stop this Sebatian, why are you saying things you can't do? Stop and let go of me.” Juliana rebuked Sebatian.

Jade laughed loudly, and even fell to the floor. She mocked Sebastian saying, “You can't even afford a bicycle, and you want to buy someone a car. Have you been smoking lately? Were you not the one asking for a wheelbarrow during the anniversary ceremony?”

“Let go of my daughter's hands this minute you fool.”

Juliana freed herself from Sebatian and moved towards Brian to respond to his offer of a ride.

“Do not bother yourself Brian, I'll use my car to the office. Thank you”.

Brian said calmly, “Juliana, aren't your family company in need of two hundred million dollars? I could help out, you know.

“Yes Brian, we really need your help.” Luis said.

“Juliana, I know your company really needs the money. So, why don't you just join me in the car, and we talk about it on the way?” Brian continued.

“Alright, I will join you.” Juliana took her bag and joined Brian in the car.

“Honey, you can't go with him!” Sebastian stared at Brian angrily. His facial expression worsened. “Honey, I can help you with two hundred million dollars.”

Brian smiled mockingly at Sebatian. As he opened the door of his Rolls Royce and got into the car immediately.

“Get out of the way you beggar.” Luis shoved him away.

At the same moment, his Mother-in-law and sister-in-law left with the BMW for the company.

After they all left, Sebatian stood at the entrance of the house, with his temper rising. He felt ruined.

“How can a mere manager of Prime Enterprise make my wife get into his car, all because of two hundred million dollars? If he can do that, then I'm sure he can make my wife divorce me. Shit!”

Sebastian bought out his old phone from the pocket of his torn trouser, as he made a move to rise from his ruins.

He dialed his Uncle's number.

“Hope the documents are ready, because I'm coming to sign them in the morning, tomorrow.”

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