Chapter 2

It's a message from $BLOCK. Sebastian was caught unaware by the message.

$BLOCK is a cryptocurrency which he invested his funds long ago.

Just as he was trying to absorb the news from $BLOCK, his old phone rang yet again. And this time, it was a call, immediately he picked up.

“Sir, the Prime Enterprise is in a serious financial crisis. Please we need your help urgently, we beg you to return to the company.”

“It's a call from the Primes.” In a second, Sebastian's face was squeezed.

The most influential family in Lanchester as they were obliged to remain so, the Primes.

Sebastian, once upon a time, was an heir of the Prime family, but he was wrongly accused as the General manager of Prime Enterprises of embezzling the company's funds. For this reason, he was disowned and sent away by the Prime family.

The Prime Enterprise was never to consider and reconsider him as one of the Prime Enterprise anymore.

“What boldness for you to think I have such financial power to help the company. What makes you believe I have money?”

As the call was still on, Sebastian's uncle, Williams Prime, got hold of the phone.

“Sebastian, I know we have wronged you, but we ask that you please help us. Please help us out of this financial crisis! We know you invested in the cryptocurrency, $BLOCK, we just got a message from them on the system in the company you used to register and invest. We also know that $BLOCK made you a hundred percent return in the cryptocurrency market.”

Williams Prime was right, when Sebastian was with Prime Enterprise, he reluctantly used some million dollars he got then to invest in the currency. This was the reason Sebatian was wrongly accused of embezzling the company's funds. Which made the family disowned him.

Later, the cryptocurrency pumped, making Sebastian a multi-trillionaire. The company couldn't access the funds because the investment was registered under Sebastian's name.

Sebastian hung up the phone and went through the cryptocurrency market on his phone to know how much $BLOCK has made for him.

He calmly scrolled through and saw the amount in his wallet. He then burst into laughter. From the blink of despair, sudden elation! Some millions of dollars which he reluctantly invested have made him a lot of money. He is of course a multi-trillionaire now!

In a short while, his phone rang yet again. And without hesitation, he picked up the call.

“Sebastian, please I beg you, don't ignore us now, the company will fall if this crisis continues.”

“How could I help the Company? You all sent me away, the same company said I stole. And besides, I was disowned.”

Sebastian wasn't willing to help the company because of the past deeds he had with Prime Enterprise.

Williams Prime understood his nephew's pain, but the company really needed the money.

“I beg you forgive us Sebastian, and come back to the company. Because now, the company's funding has been cut off, and we really need your help.”

“Fine! But I will only help the company if I become the President of the company.”

The President of Prime Enterprise? That was a lot. The priority was to convince Sebastian to help the company from crisis, but now, this?

At first, there was a long pause from Williams Prime. Then, he said, “Alright, when you're ready, you can come sign the agreement and the presidential documents.”

It wasn't that difficult for both parties to strike an oral agreement immediately. For the Prime Enterprise, they found salvation. And for Sebastian, he found redemption.


Sebastian got home finally, but when he reached, Juliana was already home, she drove.

Juliana came back with Cindy, and one of her friends, Sarah Francis, from the anniversary ceremony. Sarah was also a staff member at the Nike company. They were looking so beautiful, and sexy with their charming dresses. But to Sebastian, Juliana was more beautiful.

They were having a discussion about the Nike Company, and when Sebastian walked into the living room, there was a little pause.

Cindy looked at Sebastian walking in and hissed. She then said to Sebastian, “Hey loser, since you're finally back, you had better start arranging the dining, because the rest of the family are coming down here for dinner!”

It was a normal routine for Sebatian, that he did everything he was asked to do at home, and this was not different.

Other times, Sebatian did chores in the house with a sad heart, but this time, he was doing them with cacophonies joy in his heart.

It was dinner time, and all the family were seated. But during dinner, there was a worrisome discussion.

Senior Nike, feeling unhappy, said, “Celebrating the company's anniversary didn't change the fact that the company needs two hundred million dollars to come out of its crisis.”

“Grandpa, something needs to be done fast, because things will soon be out of hand if we don't.”

“Yes that's true, have we spoken to anyone for help, or are there any plans to get a loan?”

“Yes we have, we have someone who is willing to help us.” Senior Nike replied.

At that moment, Sebastian was anxious, and said to his wife seriously, “Dear, if your company is in need of two hundred million dollars, I can help you resolve it. Why don't you let me?

A sort of mockery laughter came out of Cindy. Clapping her hands together, she said, “Are you out of your mind? Do you even realize what you're saying, or does your wife give you so much pocket money that you have saved up to two hundred million dollars? I thought you were only a loser, so you can make jokes too?”

“Juliana, what have you got as a husband, a clown? Does he even know what two hundred million dollars is?” Jade smiles faintly. In fact, everybody that was present could not help, but be amused.

Sebatian lips curve in a sneer, “And what if I really can help the company with two hundred million dollars?”

Jade derided Sebastian, “My dad is late, so if you can, I'll call you dad! You better keep quiet or you'll be beaten up.” She burst into laughter.

“Promises are meant to be fulfilled, you know?” Sebastian replied. “You just made a promise, don't break it later.”

Romy saw Sebatian as a nuisance, which made him warn Sebastian, “Shut your mouth, and keep your empty words to yourself Sebastian, or else you want me to shut it up for you.”

“Stop it Sebatian!” Juliana said in a very high tone. “Stop joking, that's more than enough.

Luis' eyes were filled with rage, she gave Sebastian a very mean look and said, “How dare you beggar? Listen now, Brian is willing to help us out of this crisis only if you will accept to divorce my daughter. You're so useless and a nonsense to us, sign the divorce papers and leave our life, so Juliana will marry Brian who is responsible and useful.”

On hearing this, Sebastian was stunned for a short while. He didn't expect Brian to make such an offer, and his Mother-in-law to accept it without his consent. At that moment, he could only shake his head and said, “Brian won't have my wife.”

Juliana was not having it too. Her facial expression became worse, and her unhappiness was proven when she said, “Nobody will force me to marry Brian!”

Senior Nike then rose from his seat, and like a principled mark man, he said coldly, “Then I'll disown you and never admit you're my granddaughter, if you're still a wife to this poor rat. The company is in dire need, and only Brian can help us!”

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