Chapter 6

“Who the hell are you to counter my orders? I am the manager of Prime Enterprise. Who are you?!”

Brian was raging already, he couldn't see who it was that countered his order because the person was seated in front of the big hall.

A man was walking towards the direction of where Brian was. Vivian quickly recognized the man and tried to warn Brian, but when she saw how Brian was so annoyed, she said nothing.

When the man got closer to Brian, he removed the black shade he wore and Brian was able to truly recognize him.

Brian was shivering as he broke out in a cold sweat, his sweat dripping, he said, “Chief.. Chief Prime, were you the one? I'm so sorry, Chief Prime, I honestly did not know.”

It was Williams Prime. Brian did not come that early to the venue to realize that Williams Prime was already in the hall before him, seated in front.

“Brian, were you actually questioning me?” Williams asked for clarity, even when he knew Brian wouldn't dare to.

“No sir, I wouldn't dare to do that.” Brian said quickly. “I'm so sorry sir.”

He looked at Vivian and Charles with a face of help while talking, but they looked in different directions, acting like they didn't know him or what was going on.

“How could three of you dare humiliate this man in this event?” Williams said while pointing at Sebastian. “Don't you know he is….”

Williams Prime was about telling them who Sebastian was, until he looked at Sebatian, and he gave him a facial signal not to reveal his identity yet.

“Never mind. Now, you guys will apologize immediately to him at this very moment!”

Just as Williams Prime made the order, every guest in the hall was stunned, including the Nike family. Brian, Vivian, and Charles' faces were looking shocked, as they were in great disbelief that they would apologize to Sebatian.

“Excuse me sir, but…” Brian hesitated a bit.

“If you don't do what I ordered, then I'll take it as an insult to my personality.” Williams Prime was quite firm as he did not want any explanation.

“Who is this Sebatian to deserve such respect?”

“I'd rather get swallowed by the ground than apologize to that beggar.”

The drama at first was eye-catching, but this very one was more eye-catching as the guests were in awe, and murmured still. Their attention was totally focused on what Brian, Vivian and Charles were going to do.

After a little while, just as every guest in the hall was still anxiously waiting to see their next step, Brian cleared his throat, and said humbly.

“Please, please Sebastian, forgive me…” He said with a pleading impression, as well as Vivian and Charles.

All the guests gazed wondrously, as Sebastian who was supposed to suffer absolute humiliation in the wedding event, was suddenly lifted high.

On the other hand, when Cindy saw that a mere Sebastian was given so much respect, her face darkened. She stared at him, and said to herself, ‘You surely will pay for this Sebatian, for humiliating Brian himself!’

Sebatian remained calm after the apologies, and showed no expression.

“Thank you so much sir.” Sebatian sighed. He then shook hands with Williams Prime. “I’m fine now.”

Soon, the wedding ceremony that was interrupted due to that moment of chaos, continued.


The clock was forward, and the wedding ceremony which produced so many actions and reactions was over. The invited guests who honored the occasion were filing out of the venue accordingly, as they sauntered to their respective cars.

There was only Brian, Vivian and Charles in the hall right now.

Every expression Brian made showed how frustrated and angry he was. He looked outside the window and said, “I don't know why Chief Prime will stand up for someone like Sebastian. That guy is nothing, absolutely nothing!”

“He was just fortunate Chief Prime came to his rescue, that tartard thing.” Vivian was ranting as she also could not forgo the embarrassment she went through.

“I hope I make him pay for this!”

What happened during the wedding ceremony was not only discussed inside.

Outside the Shaffon Hotel, all guests were also talking more about what transpired between Brian, Vivian, Charles and Sebastian during the ceremony.

Romy even murmured, “I never expected Williams Prime to stand up for Sebastian in that manner, like he knows Sebastian.

“How will he know a common Sebatian? I'm sure he just felt pity for him. Looking like a beggar.” Cindy snorted.

“That useless thing must be a very good actor. He made Williams Prime feel pity for him which saved him from the humiliation he deserved today…” Luis said bitterly.

The luxury cars that were parked inside the hotel were driven out by their respective owners, including the ones outside the venue too.

The members of the Nike family walked majestically towards the family car, only for them to see Sebastian standing by the car, waiting for them to come outside.

Luis was fuming immediately she saw Sebastian standing by the family car.

“You stupid pretender! You made Brian a laughingstock today because of your foolishness. Get away from that car at this moment!”

“You had better hope Brian is still willing to help our company out of the crisis, because if he is not anymore, I'll kill you myself!” Senior Nike said coldly as he pushed Sebastian away and entered the car.

“You're going to walk home today, because you won't join up in this car, not after what you did to Brian.”

Cindy, Juliana, Jade and Romy, entered the car as they all ignored Sebastian. Even when Juliana wasn't feeling okay with it, she had no other choice than to just act like she doesn't care.

Sebatian was left alone stranded as the Nike family drove off without him. He waited to find a taxi.

Just as he was waiting, suddenly, a loud car horn was heard. One of the costliest cars in the city, a Bugatti Centodieci came along and stopped beside him.

“Hey nephew, are you stranded? Come on hop in, let me give you a ride home.” Williams Prime rolled down the car window slowly, requesting for Sebatian to join him.

Without hesitation, Sebatian went in. He was fortunate to meet his Uncle on the way because he was already tired.

Even when he could get himself as many cars as he wanted, he still preferred not to.

“So nephew, what do you say you come to the company tomorrow? I mean, you assume your new office as the President of the company, and also check the investment plans we've compiled for the year.”

“Okay Uncle, that won't be a problem. First thing tomorrow morning, I'll be at the Company.”

The Prime Enterprise was gradually going out of the crisis they faced, so Williams Prime thought it'll be the right time his nephew assumed his new office.

“I'll send my driver to pick you up, right…?”

“No Uncle, don't bother, I think I'll be fine coming on my own.”

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