Chapter 7

From the banks of the Lanchester river to the Lanchester city main gate, the atmosphere that morning was so cold.

Sebastian was awake early enough to carry out his normal morning chores.

Every member of the Nike family was preparing to go to the company, although Senior Nike had already left.

Sebatian, who was in the store room, was also getting ready to go to the Prime Company, which was located at the east road in Lanchester city.

Williams Prime called him last night, and said he won't be coming that early in the morning to company due to some engagements. But will make sure the general secretary, Abigail Nelson, will be available early enough to show him anything he wants to see about the Company.

Soon, all members of the Nike family left for the Nike company. After some time, Sebatian left also for Prime company.


On getting to the Prime Enterprise, Sebatian stood in awe as he stared at the skyscraper in front of him. The last time he was here, the building was incomplete. Now, it's a mighty one standing in front of him.

He took some steps further and finally got to the entrance gate, where he met an eftie security guard at the gate. As he was about to enter through the gate, the security guard stopped him.

Then the security guard looked at him with high disregard, and said, “What do you want here? If you want to beg, you go elsewhere.”

Sebastian wasn't actually looking nice, because he wore a very old cloth. And his shoes were like what those on the street wore.

Well, Sebatian who was not a newbie to harassment, calmly said, “erm.. Mister, I'm here to assume my new office in the company.”

“You? Assume your new office here?” The security guard felt Sebatian was shady. “Or are you the new cleaner of the company?”

“No, I'm not the cleaner of the company.” Said Sebastian

The security guard was already running out of patience, as his facial expression became more unfriendly. He said, “Now listen here man, I'm sure you've lost your way. This is Prime Enterprise, and offices for beggars are not available here!”

Sebastian shook his head, knowing how ignorant the security guard was.

“Now get the hell out of here, before I'll lift you out myself.” said the security guard.

“Mister, can you please step aside?” Sebastian moves forward in determination. “I need to assume my new office today in this company.”

“Wait, are you also insane?” He pushed Sebastian away as he was ready to unleash what he had on Sebatian. “Don't you dare me at this moment, do you understand me?!”

While there was about to be heat between the security guard and Sebastian, they heard a loud sound of a car engine from behind them suddenly. Soon, a Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero was seen. The car was about to go in, but stopped. Then, they saw Vivian coming out of the car, looking so charming and beautiful. She walked towards the direction of Sebastian and the security guard.

The car she drove was bought with a loan she took from the company, which has not yet been fully paid. She actually saw the security guard harassing Sebatian, which made her come out of her car to meet the security guard.

“Good day Miss. Kings, good to see you.” The arrogant security guard appeared comported and organized, immediately he saw Vivian.

“You beggar! What are you doing here?” Vivian said, looking at Sebatian before she turned to the security guard.

“Now listen up, I'll make sure you lose your job as quickly as possible if you allow this beggar into the premises of this company. Do you understand me?!”

“Yes Miss. Kings, you have my word. I'll bundle him out at this moment.”

Vivian came out of her car just to warn the security guard from allowing Sebastian into the company. She was filled with hatred as the pain of the embarrassment she faced during the wedding ceremony was still very fresh in her memory.

Immediately she went back to drive her car into the company, the security guard who has been invested and confirmed with the power to send Sebastian away, unleashed it.

He lifted Sebastian and shouted, “Who are you? I've told you this place is not meant for beggars!”

“Hey! Bring me down right now.”

At that very moment, a loud horn sounded. It was another car, and this time, it was a Bentley, it stopped immediately.

Then a very beautiful lady just like Vivian, in her early twenties, wearing a black suit and black trouser, on high heel shoes, ran out of the car to meet the security guard.

On getting close to the security guard, she gave him a hard slap, and shouted, “Come on, will you drop him right now!”

The security guard immediately brought Sebastian down, then facing Sebatian, she bowed and said, “I'm deeply sorry for the harassment my President. I'll make sure he is punished severely.”

‘The President?’ the Security guard said to himself as his eyes were wide opened in great shock.

Sebastian glanced at the beautiful lady bowing in front of him, and remembered she was the General secretary, Abigail Nelson, whom his Uncle told him about.

“You're late Abigail.” Sebatian said.

“I'm sorry my President, I was waiting for your call to come pick you up. I didn't know you'll be here this time.”

“It's fine. So can you take me inside now?”

“Of course I can my President.” Abigail left her car parked outside, as she led Sebastian inside the company's premises.

The security guard was already on his knees begging and asking for pardon for his ignorance, but was ignored by both Sebastian and Abigail.

On entering the company, every employee's head was down as they greeted the general secretary along the way, no one dared to raise their head until Abigail walked to the office with Sebastian behind her.

Brian and Vivian bowed their heads too in the crowd. Brian didn't notice Sebastian, because he only saw the person in front, which was Abigail.

Vivian raised her head and recognized from behind that it was Sebatian, but on another thought, she doubted herself thinking Sebatian wouldn't even dare walk along with the general secretary of Prime Enterprise.


The office of the President was well-organized with comfortable furniture, and pleasant decoration. It was located at the top floor of the company.

He remembered the last time he worked for the company, his office was downstairs. Now, his office is at the top where he truly belongs.

Sebastian entered his office, and strolled around to see how beautiful it was. Then he sat on the President chair casually, and went straight to business.

“Can I have the investment plans?” He asked, facing Abigail.

“Yes my President, but it was left with the general manager by Chief Prime.”

“Okay, tell the general manager that I want her in this office immediately.”

Abigail went and dialed the telephone in the office to call the general manager.

“Vivian, the President asked you come with the investment plans for the year to his office now.”

After waiting for some while, Vivian knocked and opened the office of the President. She walked in as she saw Abigail, but couldn't clearly see who was seated on the President's seat, because Abigail was obstructing her view.

As soon as Abigail moved aside, Vivian's steps became sluggish. The investment plans on her hands unconsciously fell on the floor as she was stunned by who she just saw seated on the high table.

The one whom she harassed and called a beggar, is the one who has been given control, who has been given impetus, and who has been given immense power over Prime Enterprise.

She saw Sebastian, and helplessly pronounced, “Dear God!”

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