8. At the Lounge

Nigel had finished cleaning himself and was fully dressed before he went downstairs and had breakfast with his parents. Last night, Bastian reminded Nigel to meet him at breakfast.

"They haven't woken up yet, or I am too early," muttered Nigel when he found the empty dining table. Finally, he took his cell phone in his pocket and read the latest news about Everspring, the city he had left for a long time.

"Nothing interesting," he muttered.


A clear cough from behind Nigel had startled him. He quickly stood up and looked back. Frankly, there was still fear in Nigel's eyes at this moment when he heard his father's voice.

"Are you surprised to see me?"

"No. This is your house, of course you can roam freely right?" asked Nigel sarcastically, trying to cover up his fear.

Bastian Parker laughed sarcastically and then clapped his hands. "Your fiery spirit reminds me of my youth. Nigel… Nigel I admit you are quite good at hiding things for example hiding your nervousness by being cynical when dealing with me."

Nigel folded his arms across his chest and said, "Then what attitude should I show?"

Then the young man glanced at his watch and said again, "I don't have much time. It took me eight hours to go to Longbay City. Now just say what you want to say!"

Bastian immediately pulled up a chair, spoke seriously in front of his son, and recounted his experiences when he was young. At first, Nigel was not interested and pretended to yawn. Still, he opened his eyes wide and became interested in his father's story after a while.

"Hmm, Dad, you has been calm with them so far?" asked Nigel.

"Yes. I don't want to brag about what I have. Because all these treasures actually mean nothing compared to the warmth from your mother. Therefore father wants you to use all the money and facilities I gave you wisely. Do you understand that?" Bastian asked.

"Dad don't worry, I won't spend your money, but I will multiply it."

Bastian furrowed his brows. "Wait what does that mean?"

"I've found something. Don't those who have underestimated us need to be taught a lesson, and I know what to do tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Do you have to postpone it brat?"

Nigel shook his head. "I'm not putting it off, but I have more important things to do. I have to attend lectures this afternoon and I can't leave it. I don't want to repeat the course the following year."

"Genius! After breakfast you can get ready and use my private jet. Don't refuse!" Bastian emphasized.


This time, Nigel walked while lifting his chin; he looked more confident. He stopped for a while to pay attention to the VIP area of Longbay City airport.

"Hmm, this is what it feels like to be in a special area. I do not need to jostle and queue with other passengers. It's very different if I take the train," muttered Nigel.

The special area at Longbay City airport does have better facilities. The sofas and stuff were noticeably softer, and in the vicinity were several boutiques and other high-end outlets.

Nigel glanced at his watch. He has plenty of time before meeting his former boss at the delivery service company. At this time, Nigel decided to relax on the dark purple couch near where he stood. He sat cross-legged and took out his cell phone.

Two men in uniform approached him after only a few seconds for Nigel to relax.

"Ahem!" One of the two officers cleared his throat, but wearing a headset, Nigel paid no heed. He even shook his feet to the rhythm of the song.

The officer cleared his throat again and was still being ignored by Nigel. This was done three times and made them finally annoyed.

The officers looked at each other and pulled Nigel's headset by force. "You were never taught manners, huh! To the point that someone who talks to you is ignored?"

Nigel furrowed his brows, then laughed sarcastically, "Hmm, you're talking to me and think I'm rude for ignoring you? Let me explain first. First, my position is with my back to you. Second you just pulled my headset off, meaning you know I'm wearing my headset and not paying attention to you. If there really is something urgent, you should be in front of me so I can take off my headset and watch you!"

The two officers were momentarily silent because Nigel's answer made sense. However, as officers in uniform, they certainly did not want to admit this because of their arrogance. The security issue in the lounge is authority for both of them.

"Humph! No need to patronize me! Your presence in this place is a big mistake!" one of the officers snapped.

Nigel furrowed his eyebrows again, then said, "Wait! You say my presence here was a big mistake? What do you mean?"

The two officers looked at each other and then at Nigel again. This time, they looked him up and down and laughed disdainfully. "Obviously, here is a big mistake! This is a VIP lounge, and not just anyone can be in this place!"

Nigel smiled, then with his head held straight, he replied to the words of the two officers. "Oh I see, not everyone has access to this place, that's what you mean, right?"

"Hmm, it turns out you're not as stupid as I thought. You already know that, so what are you waiting for? Quickly get out of here!"

Nigel shook his head. "Why should I go? I have access, I just landed here from Everspring."

Once again, the two officers laughed, "You just landed from Everspring? Only jet planes come here. For commercial planes from Everspring it will only arrive here within 2 hours after this."

"Hmm, maybe he thought he was a passenger on a jet plane?" asked another officer, making them laugh again.

"Ha... ha, it's very funny that someone in dirty clothes claims to be a passenger on a jet plane and has the right to get facilities in the VIP lounge," continued the first officer.

The other officers immediately pushed Nigel's body using his index finger and moved his shoulders back slightly. "Hey! We warned you well. You better get out of here now! You don't deserve to be in this place at all! Again, this is a VIP area, not a homeless shelter!"

"I told you, if I have access here!" said Nigel insistently.

Then, one of the officers immediately touched Nigel's shoulder and turned the young man's body to look around. "You've looked around you right? All passengers are well dressed and branded, no one is wearing ratty jeans and t-shirts that have been worn for years and should be in the trash by now!"

Hearing this, Nigel remembered his father's story about his past experience. When everything is seen from appearance, it doesn't matter how much your account balance is as long as your impression could be better; of course, it will be underestimated.

When he left, Bastian had told him to change into fancy clothes, but Nigel refused. He was more comfortable wearing his own clothes than when he was in Longbay City.

Nigel also thinks that people like this should be taught a lesson. In his heart, he said that for now, let them win first and consider him a poor person who doesn't deserve to be in the VIP lounge. When the time comes, Nigel will bring them to their knees.

"Access you say? Are you out of your mind already? I've shown you what kind of people who are here, and you are completely unworthy to be compared with them. Now you better get out of here!" exclaimed one of the bald-headed officers.

His black-haired colleague immediately tapped the bald officer on the shoulder, saying, "Never mind, we don't need to be nice to him! He is a stubborn young man! Let's take him to the office and teach him a lesson!"

His bald partner folded his arms across his chest, then nodded and said, "Sounds like a really good idea. It's been a long time since we beat someone up."

Nigel, who heard this, furrowed his brows and asked himself. Is it true they are a security guard? Why is their attitude unprofessional, and they consider beating someone up normal?

The two men immediately held Nigel's hands and tried to take him by force. "Wait! What are you doing?"

"Ha ha. Of course to teach you a lesson for making things difficult for us! If you can cooperate well and get out of here then we won't be rough with you!"

"You just look at my appearance and say that I'm not worthy?" protested Nigel.

"Ha ha really what else? Do you have the skills to prove that you deserve to be in the VIP lounge?"

"What if I could prove that I deserve to be here? You can see my travel documents!"

The black-haired officer looked away and said fiercely, "If you ever have travel documents showing you are a passenger on a private jet then I will kneel before you and resign from my position."

His bald colleague said the same thing, then challenged Nigel again, "But if you can't prove it, then don't blame us for carrying out the proper procedures!"

After saying this, the bald officer waved a bat and tried to scare Nigel.

"Good! No need to worry!"

After that, Nigel took his travel document, showed it to the officers and said. "You can see it by yourself!"

The officer took it roughly, looked at the note, and then looked at Nigel for a moment. "Is it?"

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