Chapter 5

"Babe" the lady said and rushed into the house, holding his cheeks as her frantic eyes searched all over his body. "I thought I'd lost you" she said and walked into the room, dragging his hands along.

"Let's never have a nasty fight like that again okay? I love you babe" she said and stood on her tippy toes to kiss him. When she saw he wasn't responding, she pulled away, as hurt flashed through her eyes.

She was a very attractive woman. She had brown hair which stopped on the swell of her breasts and they had golden tips which she probably bleached. She was very beautiful and her blue eyes looked like they were holding back tears.

"Did you really block me? I tried calling you several times but it wasn't reachable. I had to drive all the way here to make sure you were okay" she said looking up at him through her long lashes and her lips quivered when she finished and a single tear dropped from her eyes.

Chase lifted up his hands instinctively and wiped off the tears from her cheek and she hugged him tightly, sobbing into his chest and muttering apologies.

He stood there awkwardly and reached out his hand to pat her back.

"What am I supposed to say now? Oh hi, your boyfriend is dead and somehow, my soul got trapped inside his body?" He thought.

Even thinking it aloud sounded like a nut case to him.

Again, he had to play along.

"It's okay" he said. Although it wasn't okay. He actually wanted to know the issue they had that made him overdose.

"Do you forgive me?" She pulled away, looking at him like someone kicked her puppy.

He was already tired of the whole drama for the day so he said the sane thing that anyone else in his position would say. "Yes"

Immediately, her eyes lit up like a 5-year old that was promised a trip to Disneyland.

"Tell me you love me" she said and when he didn't respond, her lips began to quiver again.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt the headache beginning to form.

He groaned internally as she looked like she was going to cry again. "I love you" he finally said and she hugged him.

"I thought you'd never forgive me" she said into his chest. "I love you too".

When they were seated, she was wrapped up around him. He was uncomfortable and tensed at first but soon, he gave into her warm touch.

"Why did you think I would never forgive you?" He pried, trying to know what the problem was.

"Babe, it's in the past now. Let's not talk about it okay" she sniffed and kissed his jaw.

He hummed and they stayed that way for a few more minutes till she stood up.

"I have to go now. I have classes tomorrow." She said and bade him goodbye and left.

He finally settled on the bed and  immediately closed his eyes to sleep.

"I've had enough drama for a whole year". He sighed.

Soon, he's  enveloped by the familiar darkness of sleep.

Morning rolled in quickly and he was eager to stand up.

Don't get it wrong, he wasn't enthusiastic to start the day, he was just happy to leave the tiny bed that creaked at the slightest movement he made. 

He got up and yawned loudly while stretching his arms. 

He went into the bathroom to take his bath and when he was done, he stopped in front of the mirror to fully analyze this person.

Theo wasn't the most handsome in the room but he wasn't ugly either. It was a relief for him, knowing that he didn't fall into the body of a round, short, bald man. He cringed at the thought.

Theo wasn't as built as him. Infact, he was almost scrawny. He analyzed as he looked as his thin arms. "With the right food and exercise, we would be on the right track". He said and patted his chest.

It was just then that he noticed the pendant that hung around his neck. It was a silver pendant that had the carving of a lion's open mouth. He held it around his fingers as he looked at it.

He wanted to remove it but then, he always loved accessories and since he had no wristwatches, he had to make do with it.

He dried his hair with a dirty towel that hung on the rack, making a mental note to wash it later.

He stepped out of the bathroom and rummaged through the wardrobe, which had very limited options.

He settled on the only pair of black slacks and a worn out white shirt and a brown shoe. It was a good thing that they had almost the same size. If he was going to get a job, he had to look presentable and that was the most presentable he could look. 

He went through the stack of books and sure enough, he saw Theo's degree. He majored in business. "Not bad". He hummed and quickly put it in a file.

He looked around the room, making a mental note to do a little grocery shopping when he gets a job because he couldn't live off burgers forever, but right then, it had to suffice. He thought, as he took  the change from the previous day and put it inside the wallet and was out of the house.

Again, the sun shone brightly and he prayed silently, wishing to get good news on the job so that he wouldn't add homelessness to the list of his problems.

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