Chapter Five

“Yes baby, quicker.”

“Just that spot. Hit it.”

“Fuck!! Damn! I love that.”

“Uhn huhn.”

and that particular moan sent shivers down Ryan’s spine. It was a sound he recognized but didn’t want to accept.

He cautiously stepped closer, pressing his ears against the door, listening intently to confirm what he dreaded might be true.

“Oh fuck,” 

The sounds of heavy breathing and panting filled the air, causing Ryan’s heart to race. He strained his ears, trying to identify the owner of that voice, desperately hoping he was mistaken.

A tense pause hung in the air, making his anxiety intensify. 

“I want you to stroke yourself like you were doing the day I was watching you, except this time, I want it to be while you’re looking at me.” The macular voice echoed from the restroom. 

A few seconds later, the suspense hung in the air. Ryan waited, his nerves on edge, ready for whatever sound would come next.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you, say it, Jessica.” 

Right! It was Jessica. His ears hadn’t deceived him. The truth was right there. It was his ex-girlfriend, Jessica. 

The shock and disbelief welled up within him, he struggled to come to terms with what he had just heard.

He heard her panting, “Yes, fuck! I want you to fuck me.”

“How bad?” The male’s voice which Ryan presumed to be Walter asked. 

“So, so fucking bad! Walter.” Right. It was Walter. 

He heard her moaning, those beautiful moans she only gave him are now shared with another man. 

Walter’s deep voice moaned quietly. 

Her voice was increasing, her moans grew louder, and Ryan knew her too well to know she was close to her climax and about to cum. The knowledge hit him like a dagger in his heart, a painful reminder of their shared past. 

The moans gassed into heavy breaths, a moment he wished he could forget. 

“Damn! That was so hot.” Jessica said. 

“We’d get it some other time baby.” 

“Damn! My legs are still vibrating. This is what that poor guy Ryan can not do. He could never make me feel like this.”

At the mention of his name, Ryan jolted in surprise as the door swung open.

“W-H-A-T!!!! What the actual fuck!” Jessica exclaimed. 

“What does he want?” Walter asked, looking down at Ryan who was robbed with a cleaner’s uniform. 

After carefully considering Smith's advice of rejecting the job offer, he chose to accept it. 

He felt a sharp pang of hurt, like his heart was ripping off his chest. It wasn’t just the insult; it was the brutal reality that the woman he once loved was intimately involved with another man. 

He tried not to let her see how much she affected him. 

“No shame uhn? In the restroom?” Ryan said, trying to maintain posture. 

"And a cleaner should know better than to invade his boss's privacy," Jessica remarked as she walked away with Walter.

She paused, looking back, her words cutting like a blade. "Don't mess with me in this place. I'll make sure you regret it, cleaner," Jessica spat, delivering her final warning before turning away.

He slowly slipped down and sat on the floor. 

His hands rubbed on his face, his fingers tracing his hair. 

Two rounds! 

He seemed not to be over the sex that had just happened. He was heartbroken. 

He stood up reminding himself that he would be the director of the hotel someday. 

He walked out of the restroom and sighted Turner heading towards his office. 

He ran after him. 

“Stay back!” Turner said he didn’t stop walking. 

“Smith met with me yesterday,” Ryan announced. 

Turner paused walking to look at him, “I thought you were smarter.” He continued walking. 

Ryan ran a bit to try to catch up with Turner. “Of course I am.”

They got to Turner’s office.

“Why didn’t you inform me you were meeting up with him?

“It was an anonymous message. I didn’t know it was him.” Ryan said. 

“He told me not to accept the cleaning job.” He added. 

“So, why did you?” Turner asked confused as to why Smith didn’t inform him, after all, he introduced Ryan to Smith.  

“Because I trusted your plans,” Ryan said. “Unless there’s a reason not to.” He added. 

“I know where you’re going.” Turner chuckled. “Smith must have manipulated you. I don’t blame you.”

“No!” Ryan raised his voice, frustration was evident in his voice. “What are you both up to? Are you guys tossing me around?”

“Your father was smarter!” Turner said as she sat on his chair. 

“But he was murdered, wasn’t he? Who murdered him, I can’t tell. How do I attain my rightful place of being the Director, no visible means? What’s the plan?” Ryan said in a serious tone. 

“You have to trust me,” Turner said firmly. 

“Well, I don’t. I mean, you literally deceived me. You lied you were going to appoint me the General Manager but instead, you appointed me as a mere cleaner. How sure am I that you are not also manipulating me?” He paused, staring directly into Turner’s eyes. “And that includes Smith as well.”

“If you want to get what you need, wherever you can build the trust from, you better gather it because you’d be needing it in trusting me. I’m the only one that can help you.” Turner said to Ryan. 

He moved his hands in his hair. 

“Ha-ha. You guys don’t fuck with me because I’m poor and I have no influence.” Ryan said. 

“See, I understand how hard it is for you to trust again after seeing your father being killed right in front of you, but you need to trust me.” 

Ryan felt a surge of frustration and confusion. He had been tossed around and deceived. 

“You say I should trust you,” Ryan uttered, his frustration evident. “But I need more than words. I need action. I need the truth about my father, about the Regal Haven Hotel, and the people involved.”

Turner sighed. “Ryan, the truth is a dangerous game, and sometimes, it’s better to tread carefully. But if you’re adamant, there’s a way for you to discover more. Meet me tomorrow, same time, at the abandoned warehouse near the outskirts. Come alone.”

The abruptness of Turner’s request startled Ryan. He wanted answers, but the caution in his gut warred with his desperation for the truth.

“Why there?” Ryan questioned, apprehension lacing his words.

“It’s a place where secrets are revealed,” Turner replied. “The choice is yours, Ryan. The path you take will shape your destiny.”

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