Chapter Four

"I'm here to see Mr. Turner Wood," Ryan informed the receptionist at the Regal Hotel.

"Do you have an appointment, Mr...?" the receptionist inquired.

"Ryan Martin," Ryan provided. "Yes, I have an appointment."

The receptionist clicked on the computer in front of him to check.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ryan, but you don’t have an appointment with Mr. Wood, the General Manager,” the receptionist informed.

The mention of Turner’s position made Ryan experience satisfaction, knowing he was about to be in the same position as Turner.

He had hoped to see Emily, Rashy, Walter, and Jessica because they work there but he couldn’t even see their traces. 

“However, Mr. Ryan. The General Manager had previously informed me about your arrival and here is the list of available positions for intakes,” the receptionist said, pointing to the list.

Ryan collected the list with a cheerful demeanor, but his smile vanished as he scanned through the available positions, all of which were menial jobs.

His smile faded when he realized that the jobs there were menial. 

“The position of the General Manager is missing here,” he noted, disappointment clouding his expression.

“That’s because we’re not hiring for that position. It’s already filled,” the receptionist clarified.

“He was going to appoint me as the General Manager,” Ryan stated, a tinge of frustration in his voice.

The receptionist scanned through Ryan’s body with her eyes. He didn’t have money to purchase a befitting suit, so he wore a round neck and a pant. 

“Mr. Wood already made a selection for you from the list provided. I gave you the list to grant you the freedom to choose.”

“Which position did he choose?” Ryan asked in curiosity. 

“The cleaner.”

His eyes widened at the unexpected mention of “cleaner.”

“Didn’t he tell you who I am?” Ryan’s voice wasn’t low nor was it high. 

"He did. He mentioned that you work as a delivery guy for a delivery company," the receptionist confirmed.

"Wow! I need to speak to him," Ryan exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ryan. The General Manager is not available. I'd suggest you consider the cleaner position; the pay is higher than your current job at the delivery company. Take this advice from a sister. Thank you. You may leave now as I attend to other guests," the receptionist advised, shifting her focus away from Ryan.

He glanced at the receptionist one last time before walking out of the hotel.

“How would Jessica and her friends react to me being a cleanser? A mere cleaner? I had wanted to brag about being General Manager Emily’s father's equal.”

He pounded. 

“Why would Turner do this?” He mumbled to himself. 

Frustrated. He pulled out his phone and dialed Turner who thankfully picked up the call. 

“Why a cleaner?” Ryan’s voice came out harsh. 

“Take the job, Ryan.” Turner’s voice sounded from the other end. 

“How do you expect me to do that?” Ryan’s voice almost whispered. 

“It will get you inside, and this is the best way to do it without arousing suspicion. You have to be careful and discreet. Blend in, but keep your ears open for anything unusual.” Turner explained. 

Ryan nodded, accepting the gravity of the task ahead. The thought of Jessica seeing him as a mere cleaner still haunts him. 

“Now, remember, observe, gather information, but stay discreet.” Turner reminded him.

“Okay.” He nodded. 

He had envisioned himself as the General Manager, on par with Turner Wood, rubbing his newfound success in Jessica’s face. Now, that vision was shattered, and he had to wear the cloak of a cleaner.

“Welcome to the Regal Haven Hotel, Ryan. Your journey has just begun.” Turner said as he hung the call. 

His mind raced, processing the implications. On one hand, he felt a sting of humiliation, imagining how Jessica and her friends would react. On the other hand, he understood Turner’s reasoning.

“It’s going to be a win-win situation after all.” He mumbled to himself. 

The pain of being humiliated is nothing compared to the pain he would feel for his entire life if he didn’t attain his rightful position as the Director. 


In the evening, after quitting his delivery job, Ryan got a message from an unknown number suggesting a meet-up. 

He debated whether to go or not since he was trying to keep a low profile.

But since the message didn’t seem related to the Regal Haven Hotel, he decided to meet this stranger.

To him, this stranger had nothing to do with Regal, and he wasn’t the one who sent him the first anonymous message. 

Ryan got ready and headed to the meeting location. To his surprise, Smith was the one approaching.

“What do you want?” Ryan asked, his voice tensed. 

“You need to calm your nerves,” Smith replied. 

“I’m surprised you can say more than two words.” Ryan rolled his eyes, still feeling nervous. 

“Why are you trailing me? What do you want?” Ryan questioned. 

“I don’t want anything from you,” Smith answered. 

“Why did you call me here? How did you get my number? What am I doing here?” Ryan fired off questions, his voice edged with concerns and fear. 

“Relax, I’m here to talk about the Regal Haven Hotel,” Smith reassured in an attempt to calm Ryan. 

“Is Turner aware of this meeting? I need to call Turner.” Ryan said pulling out his phone. 

“Do you really trust him?” 

Ryan hesitated at the question. Slowly, he lowered his phone, meeting Smith’s gaze.

Smith nodded. “Do you?”

“Look, Turner is not the Angel you presume him to be,” Smith added. 

“Whatever! But he’s better than you who killed my father!” Ryan said, tightening his teeth. 

Smith chuckled, “Someone is feeding you with wrong information. And I won’t be surprised if it’s Turner again.”

“Again?” Ryan asked puzzled. 

“Yes again. Look, Turner is manipulative. He’s corny and I can sense that all he’s doing is just to wrap you in his fingers. Have you ever wondered why he lied to you?”

Smith chuckled, “Why did he deceive you, making you believe he would grant you authority by appointing you as the General Manager?”

Ryan nodded, digesting the unsettling truth. 

“That’s exactly how he deceived you regarding your father’s death. You can’t trust him. He’s a murderer himself. Don’t ask me whose names are in his lists because I won’t mention names.” 

Ryan was overwhelmed, struggling with confusion, anger, sadness, and a sense of being deeply manipulated. His head was spinning with the weight of the revelations.

“Why are you telling me all of this?” Ryan asked Smith. 

“So that you don’t fall prey like your father. Turner is not the angel he appeared to be.” 

Smith took out an envelope, containing a note of exchange, and slid it to Ryan across the table.

“Here is $50 Million, don’t accept the cleaning job at the hotel, go and start your life afresh. Regal is dangerous. Your father was a good man.” Smith advised. 

Ryan collected the note, looked at it, and looked back at Smith. 

“This place is not meant for someone like me either. I’m too straightforward for all the games at Regal,” Ryan admitted, deep in thought. “I wish I could just leave, but there’s something about getting started.” He paused

He paused, collecting his thoughts. “Once you get involved, there’s no turning back. That’s why you still see me at Regal. It’s a dirty game and I don’t want you being the pawn in this game of who’s more powerful.”

“Take the money, and embrace your new life.” Smith urged, looking earnestly into Ryan’s eyes. “Enjoy a new stress-free life, Ryan.” 

With that, Smith left Ryan at the table.

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