Chapter 14

Catherine's loud scream echoed from the second floor balcony, she tried to escape from this place but unfortunately her foot slipped while trying to escape. Now she is hanging on the balcony railing in a quite dangerous position, her grip was no longer strong enough to hold on any longer and one by one her fingers began to ache. Sebastian ran to the balcony without seeing the broken glass scattered on the floor, he quickly grabbed Catherine's hand and pulled her back to the balcony.

Catherine fell right onto Sebastian's body, their eyes locked for a moment until Luigi shouted that Sebastian was bleeding from his feet. Sebastian only glanced at his feet, then got up and carried Catherine into the room.

"Isn't she the girl who insulted you at the hospital?" Andreas asked.

Instead of answering Andreas' questions, Sebastian takes Catherine to another room that is safer and doesn't have many windows so that Catherine doesn't try to escape again. After locking Catherine up in another
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