Chapter 15

Sebastian dived into the pool to save Catherine who was about to sink to the bottom, the maids and bodyguards who had only helped Irish now also tried to help Catherine but it was too late because Catherine was already unconscious. Sebastian pressed on Catherine's chest to pump the water out of her lungs, also giving her artificial breath repeatedly to the annoyance of Irish. Catherine's face was already pale, plus there was no breath coming out of her nose.

"Just take her to the hospital, why do you have to bother giving her help even to the point of giving her artificial breath." she grumbled while shivering from the cold.

Sebastian ignored her, he kept helping Catherine to breathe again until finally his efforts were not in vain. Catherine woke up while coughing and releasing the water lodged in her lungs, Sebastian could finally breathe a sigh of relief because he could finally see Catherine alive again. But instead of the gratitude Sebastian received, Catherine beat him like an
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