Chapter 16

Catherine woke up in a state of shock when a glass of water was splashed on her face, in front of her Irish was now crossing her arms with an annoyed look. Irish was still not satisfied with bothering her because Sebastian continued to pay attention to Catherine, while she didn't. Irish throws Catherine's breakfast, medicine and everything else into the trash. She even took Catherine's clothes and exchanged them for maid clothes, not only that Irish even threw Catherine's face with a dirty rag and duster.

"Sebastian says you're here to be a maid because you owe him money, so hurry up and do your job."

Catherine didn't argue, because she did owe Sebastian quite a lot of money even though she didn't know if she had to repay the debt by becoming a maid. The maids who were assigned to take care of Catherine were quite worried because what Catherine was doing now was very contrary to Sebastian's orders, they did not dare to refuse Irish's wishes because Andreas also forced them to obey I
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