Chapter 18

"You... you fucking bitch who made me lose who I was. I hate you Catherine, I hate you so much."

Sebastian left Catherine on the bed and left the room while slamming the door quite hard, Catherine didn't understand why Sebastian insulted her when he had just kissed her lips. Catherine went to the bathroom and washed her lips with soap many times, she even changed her clothes again because the smell of Sebastian's perfume stuck to her clothes. She didn't want the slightest trace of Sebastian on her body.

In his room, Sebastian is now sipping his favorite wine alone under the dim lights. Sebastian wonders to himself, why he feels guilty for Catherine after he slept with Michelle. They have nothing to do with each other, Sebastian also hates her, but his heart and actions always contradict his mind.

Sebastian called the senior maid to come to his room through the intercom, within minutes she came to Sebastian's room and was ready to take any orders from him. Sebastian stood in front
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