Chapter 19

"Bon appétit, Sebastian Bellucci!"

Michelle came in her sexy dress that made Sebastian's appetite disappear instantly, she walked like a bitch while swaying her body in the hope that Sebastian would want to play around with her again, of course without stimulants. She hugged Sebastian tightly and kissed his cheeks enthusiastically, she even sat on Sebastian's lap and ate the roast that Sebastian had just cut and wanted to eat.

"Very delicious meat, just like you." Michelle said right in Sebastian's ear.

"Nice mansion, it's worth coming all the way from Italy." Mateo continued, sitting on the chair opposite Sebastian and eating the apple on the table.

Sebastian was so fed up with their annoying behavior, he got up from his chair that Michelle fell to the floor. Sebastian didn't care about Michelle's whining or Mateo's calls inviting him to play cards, he didn't expect that besides being crazy, Mateo and Michelle were also annoying. Michelle followed him wherever he went, until finally
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