The Humiliated billionaire son-in-law
The Humiliated billionaire son-in-law
Author: Author Newbie
Chapter 1

On his old motorcycle, after work Andrew went looking for a gift for his in-laws who were celebrating their twenty-eighth wedding anniversary. After circling all the shops, Andrew finally got a gift that matched his wishes as well as his savings. Andrew hoped that with this gift he could make their hearts melt and be kind to him, he kept smiling imagining that after this everything would change and he could live happily with Catherine.

'Honey, wait for me. I bought some gifts for mom and dad's wedding anniversary,' he said in a message to Catherine, but Catherine only read it and didn't reply.

It didn't matter to Andrew if he was ignored by Catherine because he was used to her coldness, the important thing was that Catherine knew that he was coming home with a surprise for her parents. When Andrew arrived home, it was already so crowded plus the arrival of a special guest who was none other than William. As soon as Andrew arrived, those who had been laughing happily fell silent as if they were disturbed by his presence.

"Sorry mom, I came late, this is a gift for you guys. Please accept," he said as he handed over two gifts.

"Just put them there, sorry our hands are holding drinks." Emily looked lazily at the gift Andrew handed her.

"Yeah, we were talking to William anyway." Zack said, he didn't even seem to want to look at the cheap gift box.

William who was a nobody was treated so special by Emily and Zack, very inversely proportional to their treatment of him who was clearly their son-in-law. Some people looked at Andrew with pitying gazes, but there were also those who secretly laughed insultingly at him. Andrew didn't really care about their ridicule on this happy day, he left the main table and took a seat near Catherine but Catherine looked uncomfortable. Andrew noticed Catherine's pale face, he put the back of his hand on Catherine's forehead to make sure she was okay.

"What the hell are you doing, Andrew. Don't put your filthy hand on my face!" snapped Catherine as she pushed Andrew's hand away from her face.

"You're so pale Cathy, are you not feeling well? Let's go to the doctor then."

"No need to pretend you want to take me to the doctor, you don't even have the money to buy a proper gift for my parents." Catherine insulted, she left Andrew alone and joined with her parents and William.

Andrew felt like a stranger at this party, everyone seemed to be enjoying the party but he just sat alone like he was not considered. Their fancy dresses and tuxedos were a stark contrast to his own shabby tuxedo. Andrew had always tried to join with them and act like a member of the Foster family, but there was always a loophole that allowed them to avoid and ignore him.

From the beginning to the middle of the party, Catherine was busy on her cell phone and occasionally looked at William with a worried look. In the middle of chatting with a guest, Catherine suddenly left while covering her mouth with one hand, she went to the toilet to vomit the contents of her stomach that had been making her feel uncomfortable. Andrew followed her to the toilet out of concern, but all he heard was Catherine talking to another man in there. From the outside, Andrew yelled for Catherine to open the door because he was sure she was with someone else in there.

Catherine continued to remain silent and reluctant to open the door for Andrew, until finally Andrew lost his patience and broke the door until it was almost broken. What Andrew saw really made his heart hurt, inside there he saw Catherine hugging William's arm tightly she even hid behind William. Andrew tried to ask her nicely while controlling his anger so that Catherine would explain all this to him, but Catherine preferred to remain silent and continued to hide behind William.

Andrew stepped slowly towards her, but the closer Andrew got the more Catherine moved away to avoid him. An object fell from Catherine's clutch, the pregnancy test showed two clearly visible red lines and the result was positive. Andrew picked up the pregnancy test from the floor, he hadn't touched Catherine in over a year so how could she be pregnant.

"Honey, this isn't yours is it?" Andrew asked once again, he was still trying to contain his anger that was already going crazy inside his head.

"Catherine is pregnant with my child, Andrew." William said making Andrew look quickly at him.

Andrew tightly clenched the pregnancy test until it broke, he could no longer hold his anger after hearing William's words. Andrew pulled William out and threw him in the middle of the yard, everyone who was chatting immediately turned their attention to Andrew who was beating William mercilessly. Seeing William being beaten, Catherine tried to separate Andrew from William but unfortunately Andrew's punch missed Catherine's face. Catherine groaned in pain with fresh blood flowing from her nose, William even shamelessly hugged Catherine tightly in front of him.

Zack came and gave a hard slap to Andrew's face, "You're shameless! You already forced me to marry my daughter to you and now you are hurting her!"

"Catherine cheated on me and pregnant with William's child!" Andrew shouted crazily to everyone's surprise.

"So what! William and I love each other, you don't know how much I suffered as your wife and how disgusted I was when you tried to touch me! I even had to take emergency pills to avoid having your child Andrew!" Andrew was silent in shock, no wonder he couldn't get Catherine to conceive of his child because Catherine always took emergency pills after they had sex.

William raised one corner of his uninjured lip, "You're really pathetic Andrew, even your wife won't touch you. You should realize, a janitor who cleans dirt every day does not deserve to be Catherine's husband."

"I really regret marrying off my daughter to a loser like you! If I didn't owe you my life, I wouldn't give her to you! A poor man who can't even buy clothes for his wife, you don't deserve my daughter!" Zack insulted.

Emily kicked the trash can that was near Andrew so that it littered his tuxedo, "You useless man! You insisted on marrying my daughter just so you could get out of your slum house and live a decent life, didn't you? You bastard!"

After being completely humiliated in front of the crowd, Zack dragged Andrew out of the house and said that he would take care of his divorce with Catherine. Andrew had begged and even knelt at their feet but he didn't get a chance, Catherine came out of the house with some of Andrew's clothes and threw them into the yard. She also threw their photos and wedding rings into the trash, not only that, Catherine even threw away and burned the gifts that Andrew bought for her parents from his savings while working at William's company. Catherine smiled sarcastically at the flames in the trash can, she said her parents didn't deserve to use a cheap gift like this.

"Andrew, starting tomorrow you don't need to come to my company anymore. You're fired," William said, and after he had finished insulting him, they left Andrew in a miserable state in the yard by himself.

From a distance, a young girl watched with pitying eyes as everyone insulted her and trampled on her pride. She was the only one who humanized him in this house, when everyone was insulting him to the bone she was the only one who was always kind to him.

She approached Andrew when everyone had gone back inside, she hurriedly helped Andrew pack his clothes and put some money in Andrew's hand. "I know you don't have any more money because you've used your savings to buy gifts for my parents, so please accept this money."

"No, Isabelle. I can't accept it," Andrew tried to return the money but Isabelle didn't want to accept it back, she had to go back inside as soon as possible.

Andrew left the house after Isabelle went back inside, he walked through the streets that began to look quiet without purpose and hope, while resting on the sidewalk someone took his bag and unfortunately Andrew put the money Isabelle gave him in the bag. Andrew tried to take the bag back, but the thief stabbed Andrew with a knife right in the stomach. Andrew was lying on the ground with blood soaking his shirt, he had resigned himself to the fact that his life would end now.

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