Chapter 7

After almost a day of taking the interview test, Catherine finally passed with the highest score of all test participants. Catherine was immediately placed in the finance department which was indeed short of employees in the payroll staff section, besides that Catherine also got a fairly large salary from this job. Catherine was able to help Emily open a bigger florist, as well as rebuild her family's economy which was in a slump.

Catherine returned home feeling so happy, she couldn't wait to share this happy news but it seemed Catherine had to delay her return. Catherine really wanted to eat sorbet ice cream near her old office, Catherine was willing to travel a considerable distance alone just to fulfill her cravings.

"Do you like strawberry flavor, my little baby? Mom really likes strawberry but Dad prefers chocolate." said Catherine as if she was chatting with the baby in her womb.

Catherine looked around, some people looked intimate with their partners or their small families while she was alone here. Catherine missed William very much, Catherine had never been able to see William since he was detained. Catherine didn't realize that someone had been watching her from a distance, a look of hate, love and pity mixed in his eyes when looking at Catherine.

"Have you made a deal with Riel Rosewood?" he asked without taking his eyes off Catherine.

"I have young master, Mr. Riel is ready to cooperate with you and do as you ask."

Sebastian hung up the phone call, "The game for you will begin in a moment, Catherine."

Catherine went home after finishing all the ice cream sorbet, when she got home she immediately told the good news about her job to her mother and sister. They were so touched that Catherine could finally get through her difficult time, Emily no longer had to worry about how Catherine would live with her baby in the future.


"Why did you leave home without telling me first, Sebastian?" Andreas asked, who looked annoyed with him.

"I was in a hurry."

Andreas sighed irritably, "Forget about that girl, you should go back to France to take care of our family business and continue your engagement with Irish."

Yet again, Andreas is talking about his engagement to Irish. Sebastian had rejected that girl many times, did they still not understand? He should publicly humiliate the Wright family so that they would stop bothering him.

Sebastian had no more appetite for wine, so he went back into the room and left Andreas to continue rambling and lecturing him. But when he opened the door, a girl had greeted him on the bed with her flirtatious behavior. As usual, she always tried to tease him when she was in his presence, she immediately ran to Sebastian and hugged him tightly.

"Honey, I missed you." she murmured in Sebastian's arms.

Sebastian tried to break Irish's embrace and pulled Irish away from him, "Can you stop acting like a whore like this?"

Irish raised one eyebrow, then touched Sebastian's broad chest. "I can't, after all I'm only being naughty like this to you, my future husband."

Sebastian was reluctant to respond anymore to Irish's words, after all he was also exhausted after a flight of several hours and immediately went to find Catherine's whereabouts. Sebastian pulled Irish out of the room and threw Irish's sweater on the floor, then locked the room so that girl could no longer enter. There was no sound of her grumbling as Sebastian locked her at outside, only the sound of her heels moving away from Sebastian's room. Sebastian was just about to rest when suddenly he heard a gunshot from outside his room, followed by Irish's cries for help.

Sebastian came out of his room with his gun, but unfortunately he couldn't find who had fired the bullets into his house and all he found was Andreas who was lying with a bullet wound in his shoulder. Irish was crying while trying to cover the wound on Andreas' shoulder with her sweater, she looked shocked after seeing the shooting that happened so quickly in front of her eyes until her hands shook violently.

Sebastian felt very sorry, he should not have left his dad immediately and this kind of incident would never happen. Throughout the ambulance ride, Irish looks more silent with her blank gaze while looking at Andreas who is now being treated by the medical team. Luckily, the hospital still had blood bags available for him, so Andreas could be saved even though he was still very weak.

"Young master, I found this bullet." Luigi showed the bullet he found in the house, "It looks like this bullet didn't succeed in hitting Master Andreas."

Sebastian took the bullet from Luigi's hand, without needing to look at it longer Sebastian knew who the owner of this bullet was. Sebastian put the bullet in his shirt pocket, he really hoped that he could return this bullet to the owner as soon as possible, right in the head.

"How is Miss Irish conditions, young master?" Luigi asked because he hadn't seen Irish anywhere.

Sebastian had just remembered that he was with Irish in the ambulance, but he was more focused on Andreas' condition. "She's fine and is being treated by the doctor in the emergency room, maybe. After all she's an adult, she can take care of herself."

"Really? As far as I know, Miss Irish is very afraid of blood and she helped Master Andreas earlier, she even covered Master Andreas wound with her own hands."

Sebastian was silent for a moment, he really didn't know anything about Irish even when Irish was in a state of shock he preferred to ignore her. Sebastian thought Irish was just shocked because of the shooting, but maybe she was also shocked because she had to see blood and even had to hold that much blood. Sebastian went to the emergency room to see how she was doing, but Irish was now asleep after being sedated by the doctor.

Sebastian stood next to her, staring at the girl who always annoyed him but turned out to have a good heart. Irish's eyelids slowly opened when Sebastian was about to leave, she grasped Sebastian's hand in the hope that the man would not leave her here alone like before.

"Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of blood?" Sebastian chided in an annoyed tone.

"Your dad is in critical condition, how could I keep quiet."

Sebastian sighed softly, he called Luigi and asked Luigi to arrange Irish's return to France after her condition improved.

"I don't want to go home," Irish refused.

"You should go home, I don't have time to take care of anyone especially you."

Irish's eyes glazed over, a moment later tears began to roll down her cheeks but Sebastian didn't feel the slightest bit sorry for her and instead felt annoyed. Women always use their tears to make men pity and helpless, but Sebastian hates it when he sees women crying. The more Irish tears flowed, the more reluctant Sebastian was to linger here.

"Don't go, I'm scared." she sobbed while holding one of Sebastian's hands.

"No one will hurt you, so don't overreact."

Irish looked down and let go of Sebastian's hand slowly, she didn't say anything else and chose to hide under her blanket. Sebastian could see the vibration of the blanket, he knew that Irish was crying silently under the blanket.

Sebastian finally pulled out a chair and sat next to Irish, a few minutes with her Sebastian felt it was enough to repay Irish's kindness for helping his dad. Irish opened the blanket slowly, she turned to look at Sebastian intensely with her eyelids already looking puffy.

"Sebastian, I'm afraid of blood. I was so scared that I felt like fainting," she said but Sebastian did not respond to her words and was instead busy on his cell phone.

"I'm scared of blood because Anthony bled to death in an car accident, and his blood soaked my favorite party dress." she continued, her story catching Sebastian's attention, Anthony was Irish's eldest brother and they were very close but Anthony died when he was eleven years old.

"He shouldn't have helped me back then, so my dad wouldn't be mad at me now." she cried again.

"Your dad didn't hate you, he spoiled you a lot." Sebastian said, still with his indifference.

"I was spoiled, but only with money and luxuries. Actually, my dad hates me, he's only nice to me when he's in front of people."

Irish got up from his bed and took a seat opposite Sebastian. "You can go,"

Sebastian didn't hesitate to leave Irish alone, he didn't even thank Irish for helping his dad. Irish could only smile slightly, she already knew how Sebastian was so she wasn't too disappointed.

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