
The closer Logan drew near Emily's bedroom, the louder the slurping noises accompanied by throat choking sounds.

Logan stood by the side of the wall and peeked into her bedroom.

Now Logan had experienced plenty of shocks but nothing prepared him for this.

Emily was wearing a sluttish kinky outfit, her make-up done, the room dimmed in blue lights.

She was on her knees but she wasn't praying.

Her mouth was moving back and forth on the crotch of a thickset man standing before her.

Logan felt something die inside him. He couldn't blink, he couldn't breath, he couldn't move.

He stood there like a petrified stone, watching his woman sucking on another man's privates.

The man in question was older, in his late late forties, but he had an agile body and a strong frame.

He grinned hard at Emily's skills, slapping her face as he filled her mouth and cheeks with his cock.

Emily seemed to be enjoying herself. She sucked harder, begging him to give her his seed.

She had never done that to Logan before.

But seeing how she could act like a slut before this man made Logan sick with rage.

Tears clouded Logan's eyes as he opened the door wider.

The creaking sound of the door caught Emily's attention for she stopped what she was doing and stood up, reaching out for the duvet to cover her nakedness.

But it was too late for that. Logan had seen too much.

The thickset man, perplexed about the interruption turned sharply only to meet the eyes of a tearful angry young man.

"What's going on here? Who are you?" He barked.

Somehow, Logan legs managed to move as he took a limp into the bedroom.

Emily's face went pale the moment she saw Logan.

She rasped, "Logan, what are you doing here?"

Logan wasn't in his right frame of mind. His senses were dull. It was almost as if he was a zombie.

"You tell me, who is that man and why were you giving him a blow job?" He demanded, his voice croaking like a frog.

The thickset man turned to Emily, his eyes narrowing. "Who is this man and what's he doing here?!"

Emily poked him in the chest playfully. "That's my husband, baby. The one I told you about."

Logan thought he didn't hear correctly. "Did you just call him, baby?"

"Respect yourself, you idiot ," Emily warned. "This is Thomas Miller. You should've recognised him at first glance."

Of course Logan knew what Thomas Miller looked like but that wasn't what's important right now.

Why was Thomas Miller sleeping with his wife?

Thomas Miller chuckled delightfully. "Oh Logan, right? So you're the hunchbacked husband Emily's been telling me about."

Logan turned to Emily.

He was heartbroken. "You didn't say that. Tell me you didn't say that to him."

Emily rolled her eyes. There was no atom of remorse nor guilt in there.

"Oh, you don't believe me," Thomas Miller walked over to Emily and wrapped his arm around her neck. "Maybe a demonstration would convince you."

Before Logan's eyes, Thomas Miller grabbed her chin and tongue kissed her.

Logan watched, his heart tearing apart as he watched their tongues moved.

There was no resistance from Emily.

Tears clouded his eyes as he watched his beloved allow another man savage her lips infront of him.

"Now, Emily," Thomas Miller broke their kiss, grinning down at her. "Tell your husband what you told me."

Her voice was low, "I said he's useless."

"Louder," he barked at her.

She turned to Logan and raised her voice. "I told him you're very useless, Logan."

* * * *

Logan's jaws dropped.

"Emily how could you?" He lamented, his hands balling into fists. "After everything I've done for you. I've made sacrifices for you."

Emily's expression hardened. "Don't talk nonsense, Logan. Tell me. What have you really done for me?"

Logan's eyes widened. "You're joking right? Have you forgotten my generosity to your family?"

"Are you serious?" Emily laughed. "Don't make me laugh. That was in the past. I'll admit you had money before but not anymore. You're literally a slave in this house. I deserve better, Logan. I just never said it."

Logan felt faint. "If you knew you deserved better, then why did you go ahead and marry me?"

"Because I've been using you, dummy," Emily snapped. "Look Logan, let's let the cat out of the bag. I've been meaning to break this to you last week but the timing just wasn't right. I want a divorce."

Thomas Miller seemed bored. He walked over to the bed and laid down, reaching for his cigarette gold case.

Neither Logan nor Emily noticed him. It was as if they were the only ones in the room.

Logan clenched and unclenched his hands. "That's it? Are milking me dry, you suddenly want a divorce?"

Emily pointed at Mr MaGowan. "Thomas Miller wants me to be his wife. We're going to become partners in the diamond business. I've got mad ideas and so does he."

Logan thought Emily had lost her mind. "For heaven's sake, Emily. Don't do This."

"You don't get to tell me what to do. I'd rather be married to a wealthy man than wallow in poverty with you, Logan."

"Hey, Emily," Thomas Miller patted the bed. "You're wasting time with that loser. Come over here and carry on from where you stopped."

Emily gave him a bright smile. "In a little while, sweetie. Give me a second."

Then she turned to Logan and said, "There you have it, Logan. I'm divorcing you. Right now Thomas Miller needs me."

Emily walked up to Logan and slapped him across the cheeks.

That slap meant one thing, their marriage was completely over.

Logan didn't say anything. He couldn't.

Emily pushed him out of the bedroom and locked him out.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, darling," he heard her say.

"Shut up and get down on your hands and knees. I'm doing you from behind," Thomas Miller commanded.

"Yes, baby."

Logan didn't know how long he stood outside Emily's bedroom door but long enough to hear his woman being banged by another man.

Still Logan didn't move.

He stood there before the bedroom door, hearing Emily's moans filling the air.

* * * *

The divorce court was cold and silent as Logan and Emily sat across from each other.

The gravel echoed through the room as the judge declared, "This court recognizes the petition for divorce filed by Emily Iron against Logan Dawson."

The divorce papers lay on the table between them.

Without hesitation, Emily signed the papers.

She owned all rights to Logan's Diamond consortium and landed properties.

The only property Logan had left was the Midnight Quarry, and now Emily owns it.

There was nothing Logan could do about it because he never signed a prenup to their marriage.

"The rights to the diamond mine is now relinquished to Emily Iron. The marital union between these two parties has now been dissolved."

Logan struggled to hold back tears as the judge turned to him and spoke, "This concludes the divorce proceedings. Mr Logan, you're free to go."

With a heavy heart, Logan exited the courtroom.

Stepping outside, he regarded himself in the windows of the cars.

He looked like he had just woken up from a daylight nightmare.

"I've lost everything," he murmured to himself, fighting back a tear from falling off. "Maybe I should buy a rope and hang myself. This world just ain't for me."

Just then, Emily stepped outside with her friends and family members, congratulating her on her divorce.

"Finally, you're free from the shackles of your marriage to that ugly horror," one of her friends said.

"I'm so proud of you," Morrison embraced her. "You now own a Diamond consortium."

"Atta girl," Sophia kissed Emily's cheeks. "I always knew you had it in you."

Emily turned to face Logan. "You're still here? I thought you might want to commit suicide. Here, go buy yourself some new strong ropes. The world would do without creatures like you."

Emily tossed Logan a $100 bill and laughed. Everyone joined her.

Suddenly, a long convoy of Bentley continental GT pulled up outside the court.

In the middle of the convoy was a deep blue Bentley limousine.

Everyone feasted their eyes on the luxurious cars.

The doors opened and twenty men dressed immaculately in dark suits and dark glasses came out.

The deep blue Bentley limousine door was opened and a woman stepped out.

Everyone went wild.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

"Hey," passersby pointed at her, "That's Yuna Taeyang."

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