Kim Taeyang

Yuna Taeyang.

She was an A-list actress and was considered the most beautiful woman in all of Asia.

Moreover, her grandfather was Kim Taeyang, the Tycoon.

He was reputably the wealthiest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $95 trillion.

What was Kim Taeyang's granddaughter doing in a place like this?

Yuna glanced around, then her eyes landed on Logan.

Her heart raced with excitement as she walked up straight to him and stood before him.

"Hi," she waved at him, flashing him a lovely smile.

"Hi," Logan swallowed, waving back nervously. So this was Yuna Taeyang.

He remembered watching her on some popular series.

To think he would be staring face to face with the most sought after woman in all of Asia.

"You're Logan, right?" She asked in English.

Logan raised an eyebrow. "How did you know my name? We haven't met before have we?"

Her shiny lips curved into a smile.

"I'm so glad I found you," Yuna reached out and grabbed his hands. "You must come with me."

Before Logan could protest, she was already dragging him along.

Emily and the Iron family watched with hanging jaws as Logan entered the Bentley limousine along with Yuna Taeyang.

The convoy raced out of the court premises, leaving everyone behind, stunned.

Emily's eyes were popping. She couldn't believe what she just saw.

"What just happened?" She murmured, speechless.

* * * *

Logan was speechless as he settled on the fluffy seats of the Bentley.

"Do you want some wine?" Yuna offered, bringing out a chilled champagne with glasses.

She was too close to Logan, and she smelled very nice, like flowers.

Up close, Logan couldn't help noticing how beautiful she was in person.

There was a sparkle in her eyes that he'd never seen before in anyone.

"I guess I'll have some," Logan said.

"Great," Yuna opened the champagne and poured two glasses.

Logan watched her curiously. "I'm flattered by your hospitality but can you tell me what's going on?"

Yuna handed him a glass and linked her arm around his.

"You don't have to worry," she clicked glasses with him. "My granddad wants to see you."

Logan froze over.

The beautiful Yuna Taeyang was locking arms with him and not just that, he was on his way to meet Kim Taeyang.

Not everyone was granted the privilege to see Kim Taeyang, not even the president.

But Logan was about to meet him in person.

The convoy of Bentley arrived at the Golden Towers penthouse.

* * * *

Yuna led Logan into a luxurious dinning room set for two people.

On the low table was an expanse of silver ware plates and dishes.

A man in his late sixties sat on a low cushion at the head of the table, sipping a cup of tea.

Yuna walked up to him and knelt on her knees respectfully. "Grandfather, I have found him. His name is Logan."

Kim Taeyang glanced at Logan, his face brighting. "Indeed, you're him. The kind man who saved my life."

Logan recognise who the man was instantly. "Wait, you're that old man I found on the sidewalks."

Kim Taeyang stood up and embraced Logan like a lost son.

"You have no idea how I feared I wouldn't see you again. I'm so happy I found you."

* * * *

Logan couldn't believe his eyes. "I still can't grasp any of this. You really are Kim Taeyang?"

"In the flesh," Kim Taeyang laughed. "Come, my boy. Please dine with me."

Logan felt out of place being in such a luxurious room, dinning with the world's wealthiest man alive.

"I'm not worthy," Logan said, hanging his head in shame. "I look dirty and I smell very bad. I haven't had a bath in three days. My feet are dusty and my hands are full of sooth."

Kim Taeyang took off Logan hideous coat and led him to the chair beside him. "None of that matters to me. Tonight, you're my guest and you'll be treated as one."

Logan was surprised. "B-but—"

Kim Taeyang interrupted him by ringing the bell on the table.

Suddenly, the doors opened and twenty beautiful maids walked in a single line.

They surrounded Logan and washed his hands and feet.

After ensuring Logan was clean to eat, the maids left, taking away his hideous coat.

Kim Taeyang offered Logan the best pieces of food first. "Don't be shy, Logan. Dine with me."

Logan swallowed a saliva. He was starving. He hadn't been able to eat since he caught his wife's adulterous affair.

Hesitantly, he picked up the chop sticks and started eating.

The meals were incredible. Possibly the best food he had ever tasted. They were so richly prepared he couldn't help himself stuffing his belly.

Kim Taeyang regarded him. "So, you're the Hunchback son-in-law."

"That's the name I earned thanks to my hunchback," Logan said quietly.

"I ran some diggings on you after our first encounter," Kim Taeyang said, drinking soup with a wooden spoon. "I learnt a lot about your history."

Logan stopped eating. He was so ashamed of his past. "Really? What did your investigation says about me?"

Kim Taeyang eyes narrowed. "You were born into the Dawson family. The Dawson family were in the diamond business. They owned the Midnight Quarry which sources their diamonds."

Logan looked at him closely. "Is that all?"

"You lost your parents to a car accident when you were fourteen, and inherited the family business. Your hunchback was a birth defect. The older you grew, the hunchback grew as well."

Kim Taeyang paused to wipe his mouth with his napkin. "You fell in love with Emily Iron and married her. It was said you aided the Iron family with a $60 million loan when they were facing a financial crisis. Thereafter, your company folded."

Logan fidget with his hand. "I had bad luck. The mine ran empty. There were no more diamonds to be mined."

Kim Taeyang sighed. "And that's how you ended up becoming the hunchback son-in-law. Here's something that baffles me. How did you get your powers?"

Logan looked away. "It's a secret healing technique passed down from my family's lineage. We call it the Miracle. I'm sorry but I can't reveal much."

Kim Taeyang smiled. "Well, your healing technique really saved my life. When I got to the hospital, the doctor told me nothing was wrong with me. My body felt so brand new."

Kim Taeyang paused to stretch his arms. "Even more surprisingly, my arthritis and diabetes complications are all gone. I feel so much younger and stronger than I've ever felt in ages. It's a miracle."

Logan smiled. "I'm happy to hear that. How did you get into that situation?"

"I love taking evening drives without my bodyguards," Kim Taeyang said. "I got mugged by a bunch of street thugs and was abandoned to die in the street. No one came to my aid until you appeared and saved my life."

Logan smiled. "I couldn't just leave you to die."

"Which is why," Kim Taeyang stood up and walked over to where Logan was seated. He patted his shoulder. "I'm going to reward you for your kindness."

Logan looked at him. "Honestly, you don't have to, sir. I'm not expecting any rewards for saving your life."

"Your talent saved my life," Kim Taeyang shook his head. "I must do something for you. You deserve a fresh start."

Before Logan could respond, Kim Taeyang took another bell on the table and rang it.

The door opened and an English butler entered.

"You called, master Kim?" The butler asked.

"Contact Dr. Raul Fisher and tell him I've got a patient for him. He's renowned for his expertise in correcting deformities, particularly hunchbacks."

Henri nodded and left quietly.

Logan stood up sharply. "Hold on a second, there's a doctor who can fix my Hunchback?"

Kim nodded. "Dr. Raul Fisher is a skilled surgeon with an incredible successful records in such cases. You don't have to worry about the expense. I'll cover it."

Logan dropped on his knees and bowed. "I-I don't know how to express my gratitude. Even in my wildest dreams did I imagined I'd be given such an opportunity. Thank you, Mr Kim. Thank you so much."

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