The Taeyang sisters

"Hey, have you seen patient 234?" A nurse asked.

"You mean the hunchback patient whom was transferred to our rehabilitation center two weeks ago?"

"Yes him. Dr. Raul Fisher did an excellent job with his surgery. I can't believe he actually fixed that guy's hunchback and transformed his looks."

"I heard the surgery cost millions of dollars. The chief nurse did mentioned, Kim Taeyang funded the surgery."

"No way. Is Logan anyway related to Kim Taeyang?"

"I doubt it, but you just have to admit it, Logan is a cutie. Have you seen him? Oh my gosh. He reminds me of a pop artiste. He's got the cutest faces I've ever seen."

"Really? I haven't seen him since his transfer. I want to see him too."

"This would probably be your last chance as he'll be discharged today—"

The nurses chatters were abruptly cut off by the sound of helicopter blades slicing in the air.

A Sikorsky S-92 helicopter landed gracefully on the rehabilitation center's helipad.

A group of men dressed in impeccable black suits, knotted ties, polished shoes and dark glasses emerged from the helicopter.

They ventured into the reception and talked with the nurses. "We're here to fetch Logan Dawson. Is he ready?"

"Sure, if you'll come with me," the nurse led the men up the elevator to Logan's ward.

Logan's ward was the most expensive ward, featuring it's own private balcony, a private bathroom and a king-sized bed.

They found Logan seated outside the balcony as he stared out into the city.

"Mr Logan, you have visitors," the nurse announced and left, closing the door as if it was made from egg shells.

One of the men approached Logan. "Logan Dawson, we've been tasked to fetch you to Master Kim. The helicopter is waiting."

Logan turned and faced him. "I'm ready. Let's go."

* * * *

"Master Kim, your granddaughters have started arriving," Henri announced.

Kim Taeyang poured himself a hot tea. His face lit up. "Let them in at once."

Henri bowed and left. Kim Taeyang sipped his tea contently and waited.

Suddenly, the door opened and his granddaughters trooped in noisily.

Kim Taeyang has five granddaughters.

"It's so glad to see you again, grandfather," Ava, the eldest granddaughter embraced him and kissed his cheeks. "I've missed you so much."

"Geez, grandpa, you look brighter than the last time I saw you," Mi-young complemented, kneeling before him.

Grace, the fourth grandchild joined to embrace her grandfather. "I really missed you so much, granddad. I saw your message and came as fast as I could."

The fifth girl was Isabel. "I'm so happy to see you're in good health, grandfather."

Yuna happens to be the third granddaughter, and Kim Taeyang's favourite. She was the most popular amongst her sisters.

"My granddaughters," Kim Taeyang welcomed them all with a big smile on his face. Seat down let us all eat."

The Taeyang sisters all sat down in their respective chairs and dined with their grandfather.

The Taeyang sisters were all beautiful and successful women in their respective fields.

But there was only one problem— they were all single.

This was a big concern for Kim Taeyang.

After a moment silence, Kim Taeyang announced. "Let me get straight to the point. I have found a husband for all of you."

The Taeyang sisters were startled. They all turned sharply to their grandfather and stared at him.

"Did you say, husband?" Ava asked.

Kim Taeyang nodded. "That's what I said."

"But grandfather, we don't need a husband," Isabel said. "We're successful and powerful women. We don't need a man."

Kim Taeyang explained. "Ever since you girls lost your parents I took it upon myself to give you the best education and opportunities that no one else can have access to. I'm proud of the women you all have become, but something is missing."

Grace dropped her fork and knife on the table. "Let me guess, you want a grandson, isn't that right?"

Kim Taeyang grinned slyly. "I do but more than anything, I don't want you girls to remain single forever. You have to get married, have children and continue the Taeyang bloodline."

Mi-young sighed. "We get it grandfather. There is just one problem. There are no good men out there. Trust me, I've tried dating a few men in the past but the all turned out to be a bunch of disappointments."

"I caught my ex-boyfriend with another woman last week," Grace revealed. "I don't think I'll be able to love again. I'm still hurt from the heartbreak."

"Grandfather," Ava spoke. "It's not like we haven't given it a thought to date or even start up a family. It just so happens we haven't found the right man yet. Some of us are just unlucky in relationships."

Kim Taeyang listened without interruption. "I have found the perfect man. He's the one who saved my life."

Kim Taeyang told them about his incident with the muggers who stabbed him in the chest and how he nearly lost his life.

He told them about Logan and how Logan saved his life.

Kim Taeyang didn't tell them about Logan's secret healing technique. Those details were confidential.

By the time he was through with his story, the Taeyang sisters were lost for words.

They stared at their grandfather in awe.

"For saving your life, Logan deserves to be rewarded," Ava said. "Where is he? We'll like to thank him personally for his good deeds."

Kim Taeyang laughed. "He's joining us right now as we speak. But I must warn you, he's not like all the many men you've met or dated."

The Taeyang sisters exchanged looks. They were curious.

"What's he like then?" Grace asked.

Kim Taeyang glanced at Yuna. "Yuna, you've met Logan. Tell your sisters what Logan looks like?"

Yuna whom hadn't spoken a word since she entered the room, stood up.

"Logan's a kind, gentle soul," Yuna said. "I can tell from his eyes. He's a very sincere and genuine person. When I first met him, I could tell at first glance that he was perfect."

Ava wrinkled her nose. "Is that all? What exactly makes him special?"

Yuna continued as if she didn't hear her. "He's recently divorced from his toxic ex wife."

"A divorcee?" Mi-young shook her head. "Nope. Red flag number one. I'm not picking a divorcee for a husband."

"Me neither," Grace added. "Divorcees are bad news. Sorry grandfather but he's also not the one for me."

Yuna went on. "Logan once ran a diamond company before his company went bankrupt. His wife took advantage of his bankruptcy and claimed the Midnight Quarry."

"He couldn't run his company well?" Isabel sighed. "I can't marry or date an incompetent man. I'm sorry, I'm also out."

Yuna carried on. "Finally, he was born with a birth defect. A Hunchback."

This did it for the Taeyang sisters.

Ava turned to Kim Taeyang, her face screwed up in anger. "Grandfather, is this your idea of a joke? Do you really expect us, your granddaughter's to marry a poor, divorced hunchback character?"

Kim Taeyang laughed. "If you had brought such a man to me yourself, I wouldn't give you my blessings, but things have changed. My mindset about life has turned around after my encounter with Logan. I expect you girls to see the good in him, just like Yuna has."

The Taeyang sisters couldn't see the good in dating a poor hunchback divorcee.

"I'm sorry, grandfather," Ava said with a resigned sigh. "Logan is off the table. I can't marry a man who's poor, incompetent and ugly."

Kim Taeyang turned to Yuna. "What about you, Yuna? Would you marry Logan, despite how hideous he looks?"

Yuna nodded. "I must definitely will. I love his eyes. I don't mind marrying him."

The Taeyang sisters were startled by her decision.

"Yuna, are you out of your mind?" Ava said. "You're a famous actress. What would everyone say when it's announced you're married to a Hunchback husband?"

"I don't mind at all," Yuna responded. "You should know I'm the type of person who never cares what people say about me."

Kim Taeyang stood up. "It's decided. I hope you girls don't regret your decision. Henri, bring Logan in."

Henri bowed and went to open the door.

The girls watched as Logan stepped in, wearing a golden mask which concealed his face.

The girls were expecting a limping hunchback man but instead they saw he was walking upright.

There was no sign of a hunchback anywhere.

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