Logan's unmasked face

The Taeyang sisters stared at Logan as he faced them.

Ava turned to Kim Taeyang. "Wait a minute, grandfather. I thought you mentioned our suitor was a hunchback divorcee?"

Kim Taeyang waved at Logan. "That's him."

"You're kidding, right?" Mi-young laughed uneasily. "He's nothing like what you described. I don't see a hunchback anywhere."

"That is because he underwent surgery," Kim Taeyang explained. "This is what Logan looks like after the surgery."

The Taeyang sisters regarded Logan closely. His body was impressively well proportioned but his height ruined him.

"I don't date short men, grandfather," Grace commented. "Look at him. I'm at least a head taller than him."

"The surgery was a huge success," Kim Taeyang explained. "But it came at a cost. Logan's height was compromised."

True to Kim Taeyang's words, Logan stood at 5'2" due to the surgery.

The Taeyang sisters disapproved of Logan's height. It was a deal breaker for them.

Kim Taeyang approached Logan. "Logan, these are my granddaughters."

Logan nodded. "Your granddaughters are very beautiful, Mr Kim."

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Ava said sharply. "Take it off. Let us see your face."

"I will," Logan replied her calmly. "Soon enough."

"Before you take off your mask," Kim Taeyang went on. "I want you to know something. I like you, Logan and I want to reward you for saving my life. These are my granddaughters. You are allowed to choose whomever you'd like to marry."

The Taeyang sisters were startled.

"Grandfather, isn't that our decision to make?" Ava asked. "Why giving him an option?"

"Because I owe Logan my life," Kim Taeyang replied her then returned his attention back to Logan. "Who would it be, Logan? Tell me which one of my granddaughters catches your eyes."

Logan could only recognise Yuna. "I've met Yuna and know a thing or two about her. I barely know the rest of your granddaughters."

Kim Taeyang turned to his granddaughters and barked at them. "Introduce yourselves to Logan."

Ava stepped out first. "I am Ava," she said proudly. "Eldest daughter of the Taeyang family. I am CEO of a multinational Tech cooperation in partnership with Smith Industries."

"I'm the second daughter," Mi-young introduced herself. "Chairwoman of a world leading pharmaceutical company. I'm sure you've heard of Health Tech innovations. I run the company."

Yuna smiled at Logan. "I'm currently the world most paid actress but you already know that. I'm the third daughter of the Taeyang family."

"I'm Grace, fourth daughter of the Taeyang family. I own a luxurious female fashion brand," Grace boasted. "I'm a billionaire in my own right and a boss lady."

Isabel was the most quiet. "I'm an esteemed founder of my own architecture firm. I also own a popular Korean food franchise, spread across the globe."

Logan stared at these women in awe. He couldn't believe he was privileged to choose a wife out of all of them.

They were all successful and powerful in their respective fields.

They were definitely out of his League.

Kim Taeyang must've read his mind for he tapped Logan's shoulder and encouraged him.

"Don't be intimated by my granddaughters. I'm giving you my blessings. You may have the pick of anyone of them. This is your reward for saving my life."

Logan regarded each of the Taeyang sisters. He noticed they all disapproved of him except Yuna.

"In that case," Logan cleared his throat. "I choose Yuna."

Yuna's face brightened. "I feel so happy that you had to pick me, Logan. Thank you so much."

Kim Taeyang clapped his hands. "Excellent choice, Logan. You can now take off your mask."

Logan took a deep breath then gently took his golden mask off his face.

The Taeyang sisters were stricken with shock, their eyes widening in disbelief as they saw his striking features.

Logan's face was a masterpiece, bearing chiseled jawline, high cheekbones and full red lips.

It was as if his face was carefully sculpted by a divine artist.

But it was his eyes that captivated the Taeyang sisters the most.

Ava's mouth quivered, "Oh my...he's... he's..."

"Absolutely beautiful," Mi-young whispered, finishing Ava's sentences.

Grace's throat was as dry as a desert sand. She swallowed. "Look at his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful... and perfect blue."

Even Yuna was surprised. "I... never expected... him to look this good after the surgery. My heart is racing."

"We made a mistake," Isabel said at last, her jaws dropping to the ground. "How did we reject such a perfect man?"

A pang of regret suddenly washed over the Taeyang sisters.

They had judged Logan too quickly. There's no way they'd be able to recover from this shock.

Kim Taeyang laughed. "There you have it, ladies. I told you Logan is wonderful, didn't I?"

Logan smiled warmly at Kim Taeyang. "You flatter me, Mr Kim."

Ava approached Logan and bent a knee, her head bowed slightly. "Logan, would you reconsider, choosing me as a potential wife?"

The Taeyang sisters were startled.

"Ava, what are you doing?" Yuna demanded.

Ava looked at her over her shoulder. "Everyone deserves a second chance, Yuna. I know I fumbled him some minutes ago but now I want to be Logan's woman."

Silence. No one said a word.

Logan was about to say something when Mi-young joined Ava on her knees and bowed her head, her eyes pleading for a second chance.

"Logan," Mi-young said. "I know I said some awful words at you. Please forgive me and make me your woman instead. I'd do anything for you."

Grace followed suite and so did Isabel.

"We were foolish to judge you so quickly. Please forgive us, Logan. If you'd give me a chance, I promise to love and care for you."

Logan was speechless. This was unexpected. The Taeyang sisters were all clamouring for his love.

Logan took a deep breath. "I've already picked Yuna as the woman I want to spend my life with. There's no way I can chose more than one wife.".

The Taeyang sisters face paled. They cried out in anguish.

"Please, don't do this, Logan."

"If you reject me I'd kill myself."

"I want you. I promise to make you happy. Don't reject me!"

Logan was surprised at their desperation. They didn't want to lose him no matter what.

Kim Taeyang laughed as he watched the spectacle. "Logan, let me explain something to you. I don't mind if you marry all my granddaughters. The goal of this marriage is to continue the Taeyang bloodline. You are permitted to take more than one wife."

Logan was startled. "For real?"

Yuna pouted. "No fair, grandfather. I don't want to share Logan with anyone."

Kim Taeyang approached her. "I understand, Yuna but it's left for Logan to decide. You will always be Logan's first choice."

For the first time in his life, Logan felt an overpowering sense of confidence rushing over him.

The Taeyang sisters, the world most sought after women were all on their knees, begging to marry him.

No man would ever pass up such an opportunity.

"In that case," Logan said. "I'll marry the Taeyang sisters and continue the bloodline."

Kim Taeyang felt like the happiest man on earth. "Thank you so much, Logan. You have my gratitude and my blessin—"

"But under one condition!" Logan interrupted.

Kim Taeyang regarded him closely. "And what condition would that be?"

Logan waved at the Taeyang sisters. "These women rejected me because of my looks. They didn't give me a chance from the very beginning before I took my mask off. As such, they're not worthy to be my wives."

The Taeyang sisters were terrified. "But we said we are sorry. Don't we deserve a second chance from you?"

Logan raised his hands. "Sure. I'm willing to give you all a second chance if you prove yourselves worthy of me."

Ava asked, "And how do we show our worth to you, Logan? Tell me and I'll prove myself."

Logan dug his hand in his pocket. "Within 365 days, I shall date all of you. Yuna remains my first choice because she didn't reject me."

"I've decided to marry only three wives from the Taeyang sisters. Which means two out of the four of you ladies must prove yourselves worthy to become my second and third wife, within 364 days."

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